Hulk + Wester Mix Ups
With Hulk on point + Wesker (or any low assist):
:l:+:m:+:a1:, jump cancel, j. :l:, j. :s:
One of Hulk’s “hard-to-blockables.” With X-23’s Ankle Slicer assist, this sequence is a fairly quick high-low-high mix up. Since Wesker’s Samurai Edge comes out so quickly, this will probably be nigh unblockable. Really good for starting pressure.
Hulk + Doom Reset
Then you have the Hulk + Doom (rocks) reset into Gamma Tornado off a launcher, which I’ll repost here with a minor tweak:
, :s:+:a1:, j.
, j.:s:, land, :l:-Gamma Tornado
I originally had j.:l: as the first move in the air combo, but it whiffs on smaller characters, j.
works on everyone. Hulk spikes the opponent into Doom’s Rocks, which only hits them once or twice because you’re doing it so late. This forces them to tech, allowing you to grab them. You can also go for cr. :l: here, if you think they’ll stand block or try to jump out. Off cr. :l: you can do a 790 000 damage combo midscreen (1 bar/1 assist); the same combo does 900 000 in the corner. You’ll be using Doom’s Rocks here as well, he should recover in time, though to be honest I haven’t tried it.
xx :f::d::df:+:h: (all hits) > :h:, land, :l: + :a2: xx :f::d::df:+:l: (least hits) > :h:, :s:, j.
, j. :h:, j. :s:, Gamma Tsunami.
In the corner, after j.:s:, call out Wesker’s assist and do Gamma Crush. If Wesker is dead, use :l:-Gamma Wave xx Gamma Crush.
Covering Hulk’s Approach with Doom
You also have different ways Doom Rock’s can cover your approach, which I touched on in the general thread, but I might as well post it all here. Doom Rocks will be represented by :a2: in these examples.
:a2:, :l:+:m: xx :d::df::f::uf:+:l: = Early Rocks. The longer you delay your jump canceled Gamma Charge, the further in front of you the Rocks will be. This basically makes Hulk’s Gamma Charge like Captain America’s Charging Star, since you’ll blow through all projectiles.
:l:+:m:, :a2: xx :d::df::f::uf:+:l: = Late Rocks. You’ll be charging and the Rocks will follow you. This is better against characters with a poor projectile game; they’ll block your Charge first, then the Rocks, making it completely safe. Both of these methods will make Gamma Charging really safe, even though there’s a bit of finger gymnastics involved.
I’m going to be recording a lot of the stuff I’m talking about tonight, and posting videos in the video thread. Stay tuned for those :). Hope my post will help your game!