Defeating Gill's Thong Sporting Ass

Uh, I suck and I have huge trouble defeating Gill. I know it’s weird that I get frustrated by a stupid AI, but I need some tips on beating the computer. I’d appreciate any general tips.

I’ve got no problems beating him with Oro or Makoto, but if anyone’s got tips on beating him with characters like Ryu, Necro, or Twelve help me out.


IMO, the easiest way with 12 is to turtle gaining meter and X-COPY. Then its kinda easy.

It’s funny because the only way I can ever beat Gill with Twelve is using XNDL, but I pretty much always use XCOPY. Now if only I knew how to play as Gill I might be able to take him.

Now that I think about it I used to beat Gill all the time in 2ND Impact using Slamdance.

Cool. Thanks.

Easiest way overall is the Yun cheap. I mean, come on. Who CAN’T throw a fireball?

Oh yeah, in case anyone doesn’t already know the cheap, it is- back off to almost the other side of the screen, then do a fierce lunge punch. Dash back to the same position. Repeat until satisfied.

Silly Gill AI. Trix are for kids.

i’ve seen remy got 3 straight wins fighting against gill :eek:
he use sa1

string pokes stresses gill … that’s what he do and some time he successfully attempting …

EX-LOV wake-ups and cancel into super … on any A.I , the EX-LOV hit’s low part … which often successfully attempted …

Get Chun-Li and corner his ass, use that Hoyoukusen and rush down em in the corner!

pick Q, taunt 3 times, then laugh at gill and say “hahahah! i take damage as little as you now…but damn, im still 37832848246x slower :mad:”

:wtf: I’m tellin’ ya just rushdown Sisqo’s groupie in the corner. It’s even possible to get a perfect on him. Plus try to see that Gill gets no gauge. Always go in for the kill when he uses Resurection.

HI PEOPLE, IM NEWBIE :slight_smile:

Well, first read my signature please :o

How can I defeat him with Elena or another char' but Ryu, Ken, Chun Li and Akuma?

Tnx beforehand :D

chun li pisses gill off !

Double Perfected Gill with chunli with the third super. Just fierce punch all day long than when he jumps at you super his ass.

And to play as gill he has urien style combos but now charge moves they are all dragon punch backwards and forwards and such. And you can hit him out of his resurection with a well timed super or even a fireball. Just watch out cause initiallly he pushes you away from him but with chunli and the third super I just start it when the the resurrection starts and it hits him out of it before he can get any meter.

With Ryu I ignore wether he gets meter or not, on ressurection tatsu, denjin, finishing combo:)

Though how to beat him with Ken? Everything Ken can do gets cancelled out by Gill, so that already seems to leave out his super lots of times:/

I find it easiest to beat him with Chun, just keep doing cr.RH, RH SBK, cr.RH, RH SBK, cr.RH etc etc. He will die almost every time.

With Urien Ive found it surprisingly easy to kill him with simple RH tackles over and over again. He blocks some of them but eats tons of them. Ive beaten him on 8 stars like a couple hundred times using these strategies:lol:, especially the Chun one. He falls for it every time.


if u get knocked… wake up srk… knock him down… go close… he blocks… then srk… repeat…

Gill’s a sucker for Alex’s Shoulder Tackle xx Stun Gun Headbutt…gets him EVERY time.

joking right? just Dragon punch his ass all day. Everyone knows Gill loves to poke rushers. just DP his ass on wakeup and repeat for the cheese win. it prevents meter build, a hard match, and how completely silly Gill and Urien’s wakeup AI is (seeing they’re pokers on wakeup ALL THE TIME.)

with Q, qcb+p his ass on wakeup again. the sad poking skills whiff as Q grabs right through that shit.

Exactly, Gill loves to use his high ass priority jabs on his wakeup, just super his ass as he gets up, he’ll always jab/short on wakeup and thus eat the super (well ones with invulnerability frames anyways).

I’ve beaten Gill using X-Copy, but in all actuality, I don’t consider it beating him with “Twelve”, just with a ghetto version of Gill.

The easist way with Chun is to do spinning bird kick and then duck and HK and do it all over again

I figured out a few AI holes that you can abuse against Gill.

Urien and Oro - Just send out a aegis or a normal yagyou whenever you have meter. Gill has the tendency to just walk right into them like he didn’t even know they were there.
Ken - Everyone knows this one, FP dragon punch on wake up over and over. Remember to wait till he’s entirely up before doing the move. Works for Akuma though not as good.
Chun - same deal with above, just Spinning Bird Kick
Necro - Like every AI character, 99% of the time they don’t down block if they block a combo -> Electric Snake. Let him block some hook punches, and if he’s standing when he blocks them, send out an Electric Snake, most of the time he’ll eat it.

I’m sure there’s more but I’m running a blank. Like what was said by others, any special with a quick start up with invulnerability frames will work on wakeup. So Chun’s SAII will get stuffed, but not SAI.