DeeJay General Discussion

I like Downback > React

Last night a deejay saved my life wouldn’t fit.

Bacon sounds like Beer can

I like puns tho. I was going to put shin deejay but then I would be a hypocrite. I was talking mad shit to this guy whos e name was shin balrog

Can’t wait for the translations tomorrow. Hope akuma gets some nerfs. Demon palm OS’s are ridiculous

I used to go by DJ Hero at some tourneys lol.

I can’t remember where this was written but someone was talking about a Japanese DJ player called Uhryoo or something like that. Anyways, I was trying out his little mixup where you do a very early knee shot into for the knockdown and I gotta say I really like it. It adds another layer to his wakeup pressure game. Sometimes I don’t even know what side I’m going to be on because you kinda do a knee shot into their hitbox as they wake up and the game just teleports you to one side of the other.

I’ll try and get some videos of me doing it and explain it some more because I think it has some good potential. I’ve had some success with it anyway, the people who I play regulary have caught on to a lot of my wakeup timings and spacing ect so I had to try new stuff to mix them up so my jumpins actualy hit them.

its Uhyoo and we talked bout him earlier this page or was it page 21. i don’t like his playstyle but i do like the knee shot mixup.

I know, I know. I thought long and hard about how to fit at least the flavour of that into a username and I couldn’t do it. :frowning:

I agree about his playstyle. It’s not my sort of thing, but yeah. I think the knee shot mixup he has kinda exposed is very cool. You don’t have to do c.lp hit confirms into EX MGU work too. The thing is you can’t really get charge for any horizontal special moves because most of the time you’re not sure which side you’ll be on but it is a neat way of setting up MGU combos leading to U2.

The technique doesn’t really work against charge characters like Guile who have down-up flashkick type moves because they just do that, FADC and are out of it and most of the time you’ll get hit because you don’t know which way to block. It is great against motion characters because it tends to mess up their imputs a lot.

I gotta sleep now but I’ll be working on it tomorrow and try and figure something out to put up on video. I dunno, I might not because it’s a useful little technique to keep in the pocket and if it becomes widely used I’m sure we’ll see better counters for it.

It seems like it’s similar to a perfectly ambiguous crossup. It works because it’s very unclear which way to block. Seems like you could do it a tad early to bait flash kick happy guiles and such. It would be interesting to see if you could set it up on a non-instant knee shot so you can either knee shot early into the low mixup or wait and do a jumpin. I’ll have to play around with that in training mode a bit tomorrow myself.

And I don’t see why you couldn’t option select it so that if the knee shot whiffs you get or and if it hits you get the beginning of a blockstring. Seems like a waste to me to use Should go for and then you can hit confirm a combo. You can still go to sweep if you want but you’ll get more damage.

Yep. Not saying option selects won’t work. I’ll have to figure them out in training mode, still very early with this at the moment.

The thing is you want the knee shot to whiff because you’re doing it before they’re even in a hitable state. The idea is you do a knee shot on them very early as they’re getting up from a knockdown and then do a meaty to ruin their tech. They won’t know what side to block the meaty (or at least it’s quite harder then the regular ambiguous jump ins). Today when I was trying this I’d do a knee shot strait into a meaty to beat their tech on wakeup, do that a couple times and then do a whiffed knee shot into throw and get them. Then when they were scared to tech I’d start replacing the with a c.lp/ into c.lp xx (EX)MGU. It was a pretty good mixup. Then when they’ve got that mixup in their mind I found my regular jump MK crossovers and knee shot fake cross overs were hitting them again which led to nice dreadkick combos and the like.

Yeah, I get the idea that you want it to whiff. But what about techable knockdowns? If they tech early you get blocked knee shot into block string. If they tech late you get the knee shot whiff into your meaty setup. If they don’t tech then I dunno…
Also, I see why you do instead of combo into if you want to get a tick throw later. I just feel like you’re missing some damage. Instead of you could get, cr.lp, for 50% more damage. You still get two opportunities for a tick throw in that setup, and you can delay between the hits for frame trapping crouch techs. You can even hit confirm into mgu from that.

Good ideas. Will take it on board :slight_smile:

does dasmesee post here?

that’s his JTV tag

so since Jcool told me to post in this thread, i may as well… For those of you who tuned into last nights team spooky stream in Toronto, I was the scummy deejay playing. Dropped lots of links, but met a lot of interesting people.

So is ae DJ gdlk or wut? Or was the stream just normal ssf4??

Lol I like his slide a lot better in AE, but I wasn’t seeing anything else done by DJ in the AE footage that couldn’t have been done by the DJ in SSFIV. I’m looking forward to seeing some new custom combos, or upkicks beating something they previously lost to or traded with.

before i forget:

it turns out Shin Deejay is an unlockable char in AE. Here’s the first leaked screen:

Shin Deej smiling?


I wanna see an alternate costume for DJ that him when he was younger, kinda like Sagat with hair but it would just be a 14 year old DJ with a massive head brace retainer with a beatbox attached to his back.

He’s not smiling. It’s an evil grin.

Shoutouts to Ryodragoon beastin with AE Deejay on the arcadeufo stream. :smiley: