Scrub test #1
Although all sobats blocked at any range are unsafe against guile, max range slide at tip is safe against Guile because its zero.
You gotta also remember that these guys probably have almost zero experience playing Deejays in tournament. Why spend valuable time learning the matchup of a character nobody plays? That’s why the top Deejays (Hatrify, Jcool, Cole, Takehiko, etc.) need to keep hitting these majors. Get him some respeck
Nahh. Stay in the shadows and try and get everyone to forget DJ’s even in the game and when EVO rolls around then you go there and get that fight money.
Save that shit for nationals but only if you can actually win nationals, ya dig?
I think the worse part about AE is that it isn’t out yet. I hopped on the game today, ran a few rounds of endless and was trying shit Deejay can’t even do yet and getting pissed.
why is cr. mk the same as cr lk? just different recovery? i demand a buff.
i want a 4 frame cr. lk
i don’t usually post, but i stumbled on these and i think some people might like them.
that was a good interview. Cole seems like a down to earth and genuine guy.
He is, dude let me crash at his place when I need to wait a few hours to get on the bus back home.
Yeah J Cole is getting involved a lot with the scene right now and it’s really cool. Saw him put on a good show at NCR, then he showed up in a cool interview where he’s trying to set up some sort of GodsGarden USA and then I see him pop up on a Spooky restream. He gets some good attention for DJ which is awesome.
somebody on the srk stream told me about uhyooo. he’s a deejay player, but i don’t really like his deejay. he has some good things going for him. 14k and has some video’s on youtube. too lazy to link
yeah i’ve seen his vids through sf4tube.
he plays pretty unorthodox, especially on the opponent’s wakeup. He loves the knee shot whiff > low forward trick. Dunno if he makes it an option select or not but it hits his opponents in the videos a LOT.
doesn’t look like an option select.
It seems like NIKE. Just do it.
If it were an OS wouldn’t you see his cr. jab come out then sweep.
Was thinking of XBL names and was thinking
DeeJay Hero or Dweeb813 or Jcool813
any other creative deejay names?
If your name is Benjamin and you play Dee Jay your gamertag needs to be BenJAMMING.
I have other suggestions if your name is not Benjamin. Which is likely…
My name is not benjamin lol
It has to sound cool and not easily made fun off. i play other games besides street fighter lol
Aye, everyone else was just posting names that sounded Dee Jay like or at least Carribean.
A few suggestions to you are:
Assault On Vinegar
The Voice Of Treason
Dwarf Shortage
Clean Shirt
I have more if this is not to your liking. it kinda depends what you want. The above are kind of punny and some are references. If you want something serious then say so. If you want something funny it helps to get your sense of humour a bit.
I’d make a funny one given the chance, especially i I have it mostly for SF.
Like Downback > React, or ScrubBisonMeet&Greet, but I made my last vanilla alt as GonnapickSagat.