Watching it now. Great DJ blowing it up.
I really want to play Arcade!!!
Watching it now. Great DJ blowing it up.
I really want to play Arcade!!!
haha thanks.
loving the changes. I can tell that dash ultra is a ton easier. but I suck at dashing after the MGU so I still have trouble.
I think Yun/yang can be walked u2.
Someone link me to the old stream please?
Happy Holidays Everyone.
Merry Christmas! I’ve eaten a great dinner already.
Yeah I saw you did a couple of focus dash cancels to Ultra and Super there just to test them out and you got them easily. Good testing. Keep up the new science, please!
Merry Everything, guys. Imagine DJ with reindeer horns and a red nose while you’re eating your christmas meals.
^ lol
updating now. trying to get a good xbl name
its either
Muffomanic (Dexter’s Lab reference)
Riddim Schmiddim (stolen from MuayGio)
if all else fails Jcool813/Dweeb813
I went with FREEJ4Y
Hopefully I can get some casuals in. My home internet is shit but when I’m back on campus fights should be better.
What punish combos do you guys use?
Besides raw U2, I like cr. Mp > ex max out > cr. Lp > ex mgu > whatever, in the corner and cr. Hp xx anything everywhere else
I’m starting to use my j rh, cr. Fp x ex upkicks more.
I usually go cr. Mp x special midscreen b/c I don’t want to fuck up a punish because of bad spacing.
I rarely get corner punishes but I forgot ex air slasher combos.
J. Rh cr. Fp has like really odd timing. I feel I have to be charged before my roundhouse hits in order to get any special.
I also like j. Mk (crossup or not), cl. Mp, max out/lk dread
St style haha
When I get a c.lp dread combo I smile inside. That combo is awesome. Wish the close medium punch had more range.
Yeah it’s so easy to link but I never try it in matches, because I’m always afraid I’m too far away. It’s also awesome after xx ex slasher in the corner.
I’ve really been messing around with xx ex as in the corner lately, you can get a good 400 damage after a jumpin with 2 meters of it, one tough link included.
I like to use the c.lp, close mp dread link when I want to land a super. I can’t land a super after a 1 frame link. I’ll get the link all day but if I’ve got a full super bar on the line I’ll miss the link hahaha. I blame the gods., jf.hit a button, land, cr.jab(or any other normal he has that is 4 frames startup and 2 active) is a frame perfect meaty setup except against Sagat/Cammy/Blanka/Adon as far as I can tell
Whats sort of interesting is that since you are landing from a jumping attack you can buffer the jab in from the jump, so you have something like 5 frames to hit the jab to have it timed perfectly.
Meaty jab puts you at +7 so you might be able to find some things to do with it. cr.lp, cr.hp xx sobats is cool
Blanka gets up 2 frames slower and Sagat/Cammy get up 1 frame slower so the button you should use for meaties changes. works best for Sagat/Cammy(+7), Blanka’s best would be, but his hitbox is dumb. puts you at +4, which isn’t great, but lets you do some interesting stuff like, cr.lp, xx sobats
Just thought I’d share.
Have you gotten that meaty setup > cr. LP > cr. HP xx sobat yet?
I tried it a little while. The setup itself is really good. I couldn’t get the cr. LP > cr. HP link on crouching Ryu, maybe it works for bigger chars. I got the link on Ryu standing though, but I didn’t have enough charge or something.
I’ve hit the sobat in training yeah, but I haven’t actually tried this in a match. I’m not much of a deejay player, but I came up with a similar meaty setup for Blanka, and I figured it’d probably work for deejay.
cr.hp has a weird hitbox, and sometimes if a character is standing vs. crouching or you are at the wrong range the first active frame won’t hit them and since this is a 1 frame link it won’t combo. I’d have to test every character and see what works, and I’m not dedicated to this character at all right now.
I doubt it’s practical. The setup is hella good though, thanks for that. Perfect meaty setup.
I can see it being good for mind games, when ppl see DJ jump they’re like o shit what’s gonna happen.
whats good is that off of blocked meaty jab you are +4, which is perfect for frame trapping into all sorts of stuff. So even if they block the jab you are in a very good position.
Also since Deejay’s jab recovers so fast and has a good hitbox it beats all sorts of stuff. Try to meaty Honda.
normal headbutts get stuffed, EX headbutt is blockable, splashes whiff(lk can be troublesome if you don’t anticipate it), super is blockable, u1 is blockable, U2 whiffs. It’s pretty sick all around.
When I get bored of working on Blanka stuff I’ll probably do some more deejay stuff. f.throw/b.throw meaties and safejumps. Anything I do come up with and post will more than likely be frame perfect, I don’t like trying to wait X frames because it leads to player error.
I was messing around with neutral jump MK in training mode, is there any use for it, aside from air-to-air? I’ve been trying to hit it meaty on wakeup after c. mk, but I can’t get the timing right as of now. It just seems like a waste of a good hitbox to not find a proper use for it.