that shit owns blanka…
Would you please stop making posts to multiple threads that provide no value? You’re wasting everyones time making it look like the threads have activity.
ok buddy. because you didn’t do the same? There is a PM function on this site if you had something to say.
You posted to the Guile thread to tell us that you were “subscribing”. You posted to the Sim thread telling us that you were “subscribing because Sim is my second character”. You posted a valueless reply in this thread. You also have a new thread out there which just says “delete thread plz”.
All this noise makes it look like threads have new content, when in fact there isn’t.
I’m just asking you to be courteous and not to make unnecessary noise. I figured posting this rather than PMing might have some value for others to see.
You’re obviously new to the forums as you dont’ realize yet that many people do that. I wasn’t “telling” people that I’m subscribing. When you post, you auto subscribe. I also have contributed to the Guile thread and raised an inquiry in the Dhalsim thread. I’ve contributed in the Blanka thread. The thread that says “delete” is because I didn’t realize that I made a duplicate thread, so I edited it for a moderator to take appropriate action. I was emphasizing here what Mr. Simpson said. You know… “Afro>all” wasn’t a value-less post?
stop being such a whiney bitch. Thanks.
Pretty much what I expected from you, given your posts.
People like you are the reason it’s very difficult not to judge people by their join date. You’re an idiot, an attention whore, and a troll. Go back to Gaia where you belong, boy.
Well, I’d be remiss if I didn’t say: go fuck yourself.
Get the fuck out of here new bitch. Learn to respect your elders young lady. What the fuck are you trying to do ? Look good ? You look stupid. Were you expecting that ?
I’ve heard better comebacks from my pet cat.
The “Young Lady” made me giggle… BEANS! YOUR GIEF IS NUTS!
Anyways… DJ vs. Ryu is hard… Anything I can do so I don’t give my opponent free DPs?
Depending on how good my opponent is on reversals. I will use middle kick or machine gun as for a meaty, especially in the corner, because you will be pushed back out of range from his sweeps, and you can counter with a round house sweep.
I always have to fake my intentions otherwise, like pretend to be lining up for a cross up, but infact go for a throw or a sweep.
can you please elaborate a little more. I didn’t quite understand. Do you mean you stop right in front of a downed opponent and then walk up and throw ?
Yes, DJ/Ryu is very hard.
Just little tidbits, and as always, please correct me if I am wrong, I am still pretty green.
As basic and simple as this is going to sound, to beat Ryu you really have to learn to “UmeJump”. It gets you close, which is where you need to be because hadou>maxout, in a sad, horrible way. Of course, DP and I think quite a few of his normals (various st P’s and st K’s) hit the Jamaican out of damn near all of his air attacks. Sometimes J RH and DP trade in Ryus favor if they do dp too early. Not 100% on this last part, but I know it trades.
When close, cr stong is great, beats his cr forward and cr short, maybe more. At the right distance, like at the tip of Deejays big toe, cr forward is nice. Beats a lot of Ryus cr attacks clean. Cr RH is also pretty good, as is Cr Fierce.
I really think the Jamaican needs to cross Ryu up to win. Just insert crossup combo or option select here as far as that goes. Cr forward is key to this vs Ryu I think.
Learn the distance for DeeJays super, sometimes you can hit sloppy hadou tossers in the face.
Short upkick goes through fierce FB.
Also, I think it is important to try and manipulate Ryu into the corner. We all know how effective the Jamaican can be in the corner. Just do not let him get you in the corner, because usually it is PO at that point.
It is hard to pressure him, but I think you have to play aggresive in this matchup. Turtle Deejay just isn’t very effective vs Ryu IMHO, Ryu has too many tools.
thanks peeps <3
Good ryu owns deejay, it’s just the way it is. Ryu’s jump-ins are really good against deejay, (deejay has no answer for j.rh at certain angles), he beats you in fireball games (obviously), and you can only jump in on him if you predict a fireball perfectly. (j.rh is good from afar, can hit his extended arms, but he can dp your extended leg if your range/timing is off).
main way to win this match is to score a knockdown & start (deep) crossup shenanigans, or corner him & try to pressure (if he doesn’t have meter). if you get him in the corner you can keep him there with smart fireballs, charging for upkicks, tick throws(and anti tick throws), and short sobat over tough matchup, but you can win if you play smart & aggressively (or the ryu sux). straight up jump over fireballs is essential.
Oh shit, forgot about short sobat over low cr K’s :looney:
short sobat? wha?
charge back, forward K =]