Dee Jay Thread

No I’m just outside throw range which is the right range to crossup from, but I’ve noticed that some people will automatically start walking forward or throw out a special in anticipation of the crossup thats when I walk in for the throw. Have to be careful against Ken though.

short sobat will go over any sweep, expection of dhalsim’s slide where you both get hit and chun li’s c.rh which beats it everytime :mad: Its essential for closing in on Sagat when he starts spamming low tiger shots, also really useful against Guile when he tries his sonic boom walk up sweep tatic. :wink:

i dont know what a sobat is… i know the names of moves by their motions.

charge back foward any kick ahhhhh

only LK goes over the low attacks fyi

and timing is tight, hit me up on 2df yall

Hi i am learning deejay

im just curious about his cross up

  1. how it works, sometimes it seems unblockable
  2. spacing, whats the correct distance to jump from for best chance of hit, and how do you measure
  3. timing, sometimes it seems like its hard to do it right on time, what do you guys do to make sure you getting it everytime?
  4. combo, sometimes the jabs after the cross up forward dont combo, why is this?

^ I will try and help you out, but I am still learning Deejay/ST myself, so some of this might be wrong.

  1. It works because the hitbox on his j forward is funky, and it messes up your opponents block direction. I don’t think it is unblockable. Also, it is hard for the opponent to block correctly depending on how you mix up the timing on the j forward.

  2. Ah, this will only come with a lot of practice/play time. All the chars get up at various speeds, some slower or faster than others. Also, they all have slightly diffrent hit detection boxes on their bodies, so optimal crossup timing and position is different for most of the chars. Again, you just have to play Deejay a lot to get the feel for this. The place you want to be after the crossup on all the chars is as close to them on the other side as possible. This seems to work the best for me, and time the j forward really late.

  3. The timing of the crossup, or the follow up combo? Either way, it is all repetition and muscle memory. (For me anyway)

  4. Timing. The j. forward has to be done late enough so the hit stun caused is long enough for you to land and do cr jab. What combo do you use the most? The best one to learn is cross up forward, cr jab, cr short, MGU. Works on everyone, and is good to use even on block, because sometimes they will be blocking high and the cr short, MGU will catch them, knock them down, and set up more cross up option select madness.

Not to start shit, but I disagree here. Especially if you’re going for muscle memory combos, I see no reason not to go for crossup forward, cr fierce, MGU.

As far as I know, that also works on everyone. The only reason not to use this would be that cr fierce can be blocked high and low, but I’m assuming the crossup connected.

Also, jump in down+LK is so much fun. Good to mix it up, especially when you do a lot of cross ups. Fucks with the opponent, cause it hits one side and you land on the other.

i explained why c.lp, is the best overall combo a couple pages back, read it.

Yeah i read that. After the jab you can do a lot of other shit, and I agree. But assuming the forward works and everything combos, why not go for fierce>>MGU

Well, I don’t think you are starting shit, we just have a difference of opinions =]
For one thing, that combo is notoriously hard to connect. I think the only way to do it is to negative edge fierce into MGU. The other combo does almost as much damage, is easier, and dizzies 99% of the time. That alone is enough to win rounds. The cr fierce, MGU combo is so hard the Japanese don’t even seem to use it. That is saying something IMO. If you can pull it off more than 90% of the time then more power to you bro, but I can’t, so I stick to the “traditional” dizzy combo.

I can do the combo. I wont say i can do it 100% consistenbtly, but it’s something I’m working at. Yeah, you have to negative edge that.

It’s also preference on my part, since I tend to fuck up on the short after the jab for some reason, and I’m actually pretty good at the mashing MGU part.

What i was getting at though, that if you go for muscle memory, I would go for the fierce version into MGU. There’s only one way to train muscle memory, and both have to be done so fast, why not go for fierce.

Because cr jab, cr short, MGU combo dizzies, is easier*, more reliable, and has better option selects off of block. But if you (or anyone else for that matter) can reliably do the cr fierce mgu upper combo, I say go for it :tup: End result from both combos if they land is usually KO anyway.

*easier to me anyway =D

how in gods name do i counter hondas buttslam reliably? im doing lp maxouts and anti-air slides, but the second honda does a buttslam, i cant do anything to him! i tried stand MP but its really hard to time, i tried upkicks but upkicks is garbage.

Short upkick and close standing RH beat butt slam clean. You have to try and predict them though, that always helps lol. If you are playing on GGPO, sometimes the timing can be tight/wonky/impossible if you are being ticked.

Edit: Maybe other versions of upkick work, but I always use short.

Editx2: You have to time the short upkick as late as possible, to make sure that you are hitting his ass in the invincible frames of the upkick.

short is invincible.

forward and roundhouse not so much.

edit: in reference to upkicks.

short up kick beats wake up shoryukens! :wgrin:

Tactic I use is when I down a shoto, is repeat slide to close distance and keep charge, when you are up close as they get up do a short up kick it will beat the dragon punch clean :wgrin:

I’m pretty new to the ST scene but I’ve watched Sirlin’s video about negative edging so I kinda understand how it works. I don’t negative edge (I’m almost certain… lol keyword almost) the crossup forward, c. fierce xx MGU and I get it pretty consistently

I saw this combo listed on pg. 1 of this thread that showed one combo cancelling into his his super: C.jab, c.jab, f, b, f+Strong~short (short immediately after strong but not too fast so the strong doesn’t even come out). I really like it (even though I probably get it 1/8 tries in training) and began trying to come up with some more combos with the super at the end (not juggling like after a jacknife). One I came was: c. jab, f, b, df+fierce~short (or any kick as a matter of fact). These are some really tidy combos that, once you get the timing down, could mean round over after a crossup forward and followed up with a jacknife. I would really like to learn some other combos like these ending in a super.

Made a mistake. That was supposed to be c. fierce, f, b, df+fierce~short

are you talkin about a meaty cr. hp? thats the only way 2 would combo and prolly only on gief in the corner