Dee Jay Thread

St. strong seems to hit me out of a ton of jump-ins in that match-up. DeeJay’s st.strong has a bunch of priority if timed right.

s.strong is a good anti air to use if honda jumps over a max out. if for some reason st. strong does not work, fierce is good to use.

but if he is jumping toward you from a distance, rh is good to use, i think this is better than c.rh.

and dont be afraid to cross up honda. one of the widest hit boxes in the game. his wake up options are limited if you jump in on him at the right time.

I don’t usually have a problem with honda provided I keep him away, pretty mucht he way everyone has been saying. c.roundhouse is a great anti air, I miss I usually follow with a short up kick, or machine gun to get pushed away if they are blocking.

I used to cross up Honda all the time, but recently I’ve been coming across alot of folks that do that stored throw which is so annoying, I’ve yet to master the crouching short into machine gun maybe it will help :wasted:

Well, thats the thing, he IS easy if you can keep him out. Standing strong is ok, I tried that in my first match with him, and something he used beat it out, so that kind of shyed me away from using it. Maybe it was a timing thing, maybe I hit strong too early or too late. I think the next time I play a Honda, I will try jump back roundhouse. Gets me away from him as well as hitting him out of the air (hopefully =])

Thanks for the replys.

Edit: I think I just need to play more Hondas. Honda and Sim, everyone else Im really comfortable fighting, so if anyone has questions on anyone else I would be glad to help the best I can.

Editx2: I have only played R3ko’s Honda, UltraDavids, and maybe one or two more, I cant remeber, but these Hondas knew what was up. They werent just randomly jumping into max outs. Well, sometimes =D

Editx3: Crossing up Honda is very painful for DeeJay. In my very, very limited experience with him anyway.

I think I’ve played you a couple of times. Ya, one word of warning, don’t even bother trying to cross-up and/or combo Honda, most of the time you’ll just Ochio’d for your trouble (which of course sets Honda up to Ochio trap you).
Like most of Honda’s match-ups it’s pretty much all or nothing, you keep him out you win, he gets in he wins.

well the best thing to do is mp it’s a really good AA comes out so fast just in case he jumps over your max out.

Ahh ok yes I think we did go a few times. You are 100% correct on crossing him up, just leads to pain for the Jamaican. I got to practice some against a Honda for more than just a few rounds, am definitely more comfortable fighting him now. Jump back roundhouse does wonders. That and careful, careful use of Maxouts. I was just being too predictable.

i dont want to give away too many of my vs. honda tactics infear that the hondas having trouble with djs might stop by this thread and get our secrets. but…

DONT cross a good honda, you will eat an ochio if the cross is blocked, fuck the risk.

when playing a honda, it best to bait a jump or ass splash with standing HP, its the same animation as his fireball so its hard for the honda to tell the difference. this will keep your fireball charged and if they jump, you can land one for free, if he splashes, eyeball the distance, if hes too close for a fireball, slide/standing HK his ass.

dont be afraid of the slide. it beats alot of hondas shit

LK dread beats his headbutt for FREE, keep this in mind

Nice tidbit, this helps vs other chars like Dictator as well.

Don’t like to double post, but I was fooling around with some of the RastaMans normals, and found a couple of things I didn’t know about, and I don’t think were posted in the thread yet.

close st short, cr forward. You have to be damn close, but this is nice because his knee comes out fast, and this little 2 hit combo is easy to do and it knocks down. Button presses must be done quick like.

As your opponent is getting up, meaty st forward, cr roundhouse. Againt, just a nice little close range 2 hit knockdown combo, which we all know sets up the cross up antics.

Not game breaking or anything, but could end up being useful in some situations, esp the first one.

Edit: I have not tested these on all chars, just Ken. Im lazy ya dig =]

i see none of you talks about close roundhouse,i noticed you had to be damn close in order to trigger it,i any use for this weird normal?

Last second anti-air. I haven’t been in any other scenario where I am that close and there is a need to use it.

I like to use it after a whiffed N-Ken super, when he is right above your head. At least he wont come down and throw you :shake:

gotta try that anti air properties,i guess it’s a real late anti air.
i would add it is cancellable

Well, I think it can hit Claw out of his wall dive, I think it trades (not sure) with Honda Butt Slam. Hmm, that is all I can think of at the moment. It’s a strange kick =/

you can cancel standng RH into RH upkicks. Timing is a bitch though. Prety much the same as Guile’s standing short>>short flashkick.

Not too usefull. For anti air I prefer standing strong. I use RH for when a Sim teleports right next to me though.

Oh yeah, just wanted to add something basic about cl standing RH. It is good against any whiffed move that puts them close to you and slightly above your head. It hits them clean, recovers pretty quickly for a RH, and puts them in an almost ideal position when they land on the ground relative to you.

Isn’t that annoying?? Blocked Ken super seems to always put me facing the wrong direction when he lands :rofl:

Try blocking first dragon standing then second crouching, or maybe its both crouching, I think it will leave him facing the correct direction.

Afro is the reason I play DJ.