anybody know good anti air options against ryu’s (and chun’s) j/f forward? i tried s.strong and s.roundhouse but the they always seem to be beat out. i tried meeting ryu in the air with a j/f roundhouse but i still get beat out. am i just not timing it correctly or should i use something else?
Against Chun, I think (I stress think =]) his best option is short upkick, done as late
as possible. Forward and short upkicks are usually fine against Ryu, just time
them as late as possible.
On another note =]
At about 1:15. Im sure spacing has to be tight for Ken, etc, to be able to do this, but it seems possible to bait out upkicks and smack them with a hurricane in the air. Can Ryu do this?
light up kick should beat any air cyclone. Ken’s juice kick though thats too quick.
Ahh ok so it’s a juice kick only kind of thing. Thanks!
i was watching some ST match vids and saw some killer deejay play:
apparently yuuvega, japan’s best bison, also plays a mean deejay. i wouldn’t be surprised if he has a better deejay than TZW or Seki.
i know upkicks are a good anti air. but when ryu jumps over a max out (in which i cant upkick) whats a good anti air to use? s.strong doesn’t seem to beat his jf.forward, at least when i do it. am i timing it wrong, using the wrong move (i.e. should i use s.roundhouse or a meet him with a junp attack of my own), or should i just block?
Far s. FP is really good against jumpers. Stays out for a long time and hits mad far away.
Holy shit, thanks for sharing :tup:
I’ve seen alot of top Deejay players go into the machine gun special with a crouching light kick, why is this?
Because the light kick hits low and is a great counter when people mash throw. The MGU is the preferred move to cancel off of a low light kick becuase it does great damage, knocks down, and is safe against a lot of characters if blocked (when you mash it for 3-4 hits).
i explained that in detail just last page, i dont understand why people ask questions before reading threads like this…seriously.
That would require reading!!!???:looney:
Sometimes, especially against cpu, I’ve got the feeling that Dj fireballs recovery time is shorter than Guile’s one.
Is this correct or they have the same recovery?
Sorry man, some reason I got pinged that the last post I had seen was by mrsimpson so i missed your post above :s
guile’s is shorter. dj’s comes out faster.
On a theorical field, who has to prevail in a fireball war?
Guile I believe. I think he can close the gap faster as well, not 100% on either of these though.
^ right on both accounts, deejays c.rh doesnt move him forward as much as guiles normals do.
It’s fun to cancel into sobat on unsuspecting victims. They think they’re just 2 steps out of range and BAM, knockdown, crossup.
Heres a video I made of myself playing ST including Dee Jay’s 10hit Super Combo :razzy:
Well ok. Being a non OG at ST, I am missing a few key aspects of my DeeJay game. One of my most troublesome matches is against…Honda. Mainly because I have played all of 3 Hondas, for a total of maybe 10 matches heh. I know it should be a relatively easy match for the Jamaican, so Im wondering what Im doing wrong. Not too much video out there of DeeJay vs Honda either, so not so much X-Copy. I try and turtle as safely as I can and throw max outs at proper distance, but Honda always seems to get in on me. I use cr RH as AA, sometimes upkicks (which miss on occasion, which leads to pain). Am I missing something that really helps in this match up? Im sure with more practice in this match up I will do fine, but I would love some tips. Any help is of course appreciated.