his standing hitbox is extremely narrow. if you dont have PERFECT spacing he will throw you for free.
practice it, or just throw meaty fireballs.
his standing hitbox is extremely narrow. if you dont have PERFECT spacing he will throw you for free.
practice it, or just throw meaty fireballs.
Thank you, I appreciate the speedy reply =]
Hmm, Im leaning on meaty fireball as the safest most reliable option, esp online, those headbutts are hard to escape. Im still gonna practice it though. Once again thank you.
I’ve been playing Dee Jay A LOT lately.
I’m working on a guide/faq right now.
I’ll try to have it up by the end of the month. No promises.
Oh, speaking of which. Does any one have the frame data? That’d help me tremendously.
Go here:
http://curryallergy.blogspot.com/ (Support Nohoho!!! :woot:)
Scroll down, look to the right of the screen
Click the “X-Mania Gaiden - Yoga Book Hyper”
Order “X-Mania Gaiden - Yoga Book Hyper”
Waalaa… You got your frame data. (and a great DVD)
With the fact the you can still buy it the book, and the fact many want to support the SF scene, I don’t think anybody is going to give <all> YBH information out for free.
I think NKI would (and should) closed a thread that would attempt to do so.
Best of luck! :lovin:
Actually, NKI himself hosts a site with all the SF2 frame data. It’s a translation of guru T.Akiba’s Japanese SF2 frame data website. Since neither of those people seem to have a problem with displaying that information, I hope nobody minds me posting the links.
I can understand the desire for not wanting to rip off the information in the YBH; if it were something like scans of all the pages displayed on the web or something, then yeah, I think that’d be way over the line. But frame data existed way before the YBH and is not exclusive to it at all. Anyway, there are still plenty of good reasons to get the YBH, especially the in-depth move analysis, so the hardcore fan should definitely consider picking it up. :tup:
Yeah, I can’t really do it for the life of me. Consider doing what a lot of the best DeeJay players do and just safejump on him when you get a knockdown. All of his reversal headbutt/shoulder things have a ton of startup frames, so your timing doesn’t even have to be that good to pull it off.
I think this is a more aggressive option when you get a knockdown than just throwing a meaty fireball on top of him or something.
Ah Thanks… sorry, I should have clarified. As far as frame data, no one cares what is posted. I am talking about specifically to the yoga book hyper info: hit bixes, color photos, and etc… [FIRST POST EDITED]
IIRC, there is a post where NKI says don’t post scans of it and other things like that somewhere. It is not fair the INH YBH makers if it is still in print.
Some combos.
cr. jab, cr. fierce >>>fierce slash
Can be done after a cross-up. Doubt it has much use, since you’d be better of going into jackknife—super, or cr fierce machinegun. But it works.
jumping fierce, cr fierce, slash. Again, no use, since rh, str ,sobat is better. But if you press fierce instead rh in the air, you could go for this.
sup guys using deejay now gonna have a tourny in a couple of days. Mind giving me some criticism on my deejay im gonna prolly get some vids uploaded after saturday.
i wanna get myself playing deejay pretty good lol.
hopefully it doesn’t take too long to get those vids uploaded
dj had been my main for a long time before i started playing rog. today dj is my 2ndary, now tbh i havent practised to much on the machine-gun-combo. anyway, still dont know how to do the damn thing (sometimes when im lucky i get like 3-4 hits with the machine-gun and the complete combo is a 6 hit somewhere there and opponent gets dizzy) can someone tell me detailed, once and for all how the hell i do it?!
Louie: Man, its a visual memory/muscle memory kind of combo. You just have to “know” the timing. No magic involved, crossup forward, cr jab, cr short, MGU. The way I have learned to do it, is double piano for the “mashing” part of it. So after cr short, I do MGU (double piano, from jab to fierce, then back from fierce to jab, pretty rapidly, then stop). I can’t get it to work 100%, but out of 10 tries I get it about 5 or 6. Just keep doing it untill you fingers fall off.
The hot sauce is crossup forward, cr fierce, mgu. I have yet to land that on GGPO =[
I manage to get crossup forw, cr fierce, MGU out from time to time. Never tried it in a m,atch though, since I havent perfected it.
Most the time, I chicken out and do crossup forw, cr fierce jack knife
I try, most of the time its my timing of the forward in the crossup that wont let my cr Fierce combo.
Easy way to practice this combo is to do it in two parts. First, master cr fierce, mgu. Easiest to negative edge this IMHO. Second, learn crossup forward, cr fierce. After you can do these on the regular, combine them. It might just be me, but I found the combo easier to learn this way.
I havent perfected it either.
The largest number of hits I’ve ever seen in ST from the MGU is 4. The combo I always perfer to do with it is: cross up forward, low short xx 4-hit MGU for a probable 6-hit dizzy.
The way that I do the 4-hit MGU is to “piano” input all three punches. I use 3 fingers then I hit (fierce, strong, jab) x 4 (in that order) as quickly as possible. So about 12 button presses to get the 4-hit MGU, which has to be done in about 1 second. The key is to learn the timing, NOT mash the buttons, and make sure you’re hitting the buttons sequentally, not simultaneously.
There is a reason people do the c.jab before the c.lk.
Ok first off you can do what’s essentially a 50/50 mixup here and if they’re smart, get guaranteed damage.
you can mixup between like…
c.jab, throw
c.jab x2, throw
straight up crossup, throw
and if they try to counter throw you there, if you do c.lp, c.lk, the c.lk catches them standing into the mgu combo.
If they’re smart in this situation you at least make them tech the throw (crouching) and get free damage.
Also 4 hit mgu is pretty hard, even a lot of japanese deejays seem to mess it up. you can dizzy them pretty consistently with 3 hits.
Epsilon brings up a very good option select strategy, and I use those set ups on larger characters (i.e. Zangief, Fei, Guile, Boxer). For smaller/mid-size characters (shotos, chun) I simply like going with the route of low shortxxMGU after a cross up. The MGU hits for 3-4 hits consistently after 1 low short, and I can still opt for a throw after one (or even two shorts to mix it up). The jab has better recovery but this still works pretty well but this sequence ups the success rate of your MGU connecting for a full combo.
One other sequence that’s works really well is cross up, low short xx MGU and if they block it, super or fireball to keep pressure or reverse. Make sure you mash the MGU for all the hits to stay safe. Hold your charge by doing the MGU motion down/back rolled up to up/back so you can follow up the blocked MGU with an immediate max out or a super when you recover. Supering thru fireballs works well on opponents that try to reverse all the time.
anyone know exactly how many invicible frames OG DJ’s machine gun has?
idk alot
Another option for Dee Jay to use after a cross up that’s a bit easier then the mgu set ups is low short, standing short. So, do cross-up then:
If they block low short, standing short
If you connect with low short, standing short then do:
The timing for 3 is a bit tight, but it’s possible. This option select is a bit more reliable in a pinch and starts low which is nice for opponents that like to button mash reversal throws.
Boxer is my personal hardest match, no matter who I play, so after jumping forward, I immediately jumb back+ roundhouse. Works good on Hawk and gief too.