Dee Jay Thread

So what the hell can DJ do against Claw? I received an obscene amount of beatings today from him.
I’m pretty solid against other characters, or I at least know what I’m supposed to be doing in the match.

It seems like all of DJ’s tools become utterly useless against him. :confused:

If you have X-Mania GAIDEN, you can see YuuVega Vs ARG (DJ Vs Claw) and how he manages to beat him.

c.rh tends to beat probably beats c.rh(not too sure on this one, but it beats similar moves).

use your normal anti airs against him, and dont jump very much.

Watching the vid i can say that…:

cr.HP (mp?) Stuff A LOT (maybe ALL?) of his ground game.
cr.MK stuff a lot of his stuff (close) too. Also it knocks it down.
Against his dives he was doing j.back HP/HK. It trades sometimes, in DJ favor.

Everytime he knocked him down he crossed him up (because of his reversal, claw can do nothing) w/ After that, tick throws seemed to work well, and if the crossup hits he went for the dizzy machine gun combo.

Against his jumps and /or dives, he always used MK or LK Upkicks. Never he used HK upkicks. After he hitted w/ MK upkicks, he did a 3rd hit ( with another upkick) and Super (if it was available).

He thowed mainly slows maxouts. But full screen he throwed them Fast, and then he jumped back HK.

I’ll post back later.

i firmly believe that vega and dhalsim are his worst matches

Awesome, that helps a lot. I did find out that jump back HK wins clean a surprising amount against his dives.

I guess it’s just a matter of scoring a knockdown, and then just crossing up like DJ does best.

Also, why is Dhalsim a bad matchup for him? I never seem to have any excessive trouble with him, since upkicks beat drills.

I’m gonna start adding some stuff to the wiki, if anybody sees something they disagree with, go ahead and change it accordingly. :tup:

The following bit of information was given to me by AfroLegends, so credit goes 100% to him. And it’s REALLY good for a DJ player to know when facing Claw:

If claw jumps in with an attack (not sure if this goes for wall dive or not, I can ask), standing strong will beat it. BUT, for some reason, if DJ is in the corner and Vega jumps in with an attack, you must switch to standing fierce, and it will beat it! One of those great bits of strange matchup info only the masters know. Hopefully he doesn’t mind I shared it, but he’s pretty cool about helping people out with the strats :slight_smile:

Also, I asked the natural follow up question, if this tidbit is true vs. any other characters as well. He said it was purely a vs. Claw tactic. Tho I do know standing strong is a really good anti air in general.

Thank you and you’re welcome! :slight_smile:

strong really is a good AA in certain positions. like if chun jumps on you from close to midrange, you can snuff a lot of her jump attacks. just have to make sure you are right under them and hit strong early.

btw, crouch short is also a very good tool against claw. it can snuff out his punch pokes and lots of other stuff.

I love to just rapid stickout some, so claws start to hesitate a little more w/ their pokes. :wgrin:


Great to see there are some people that can see Dee Jay true potential. Probably the most underrated character in the game.

I can do the cross up, crouch jab mid punch super chained with Jack knife on the end.

took awhile to learn, but pretty good at it. Not been able to unleash it online yet :sweat:

I’ve been working on this TOD, but I can seem to get it. Some one mentioned you have to mash the punches but like playing a scale on a piano, works like a treat. I hit hard punch whilst crouching then press up and hit hard punch and piano the rest until just after 2nd hit. I get 4 hits majority of the time it dizzies. But I cant get the fith it. If i do crouch jab, light kick, hard punch, then machine gun the last hit misses.

Found a cool combo with deejay takes half the energy bar, no dizzy though. Cross up with mid kick, crouch jab, hard punch, immidiately excute jack knife with hard kick (hard punch and jack knife have to be down in very close sequence).

is the absolutely most damaging combo crossup forward, c.jab, c.hp -> 4-hit machine gun?

I think DeeJay has some seriously under appreciated potential

Does anyone have vids of Foosuke?
He’s a japanese OG Dee Jay player and nohoho’s player report says that he’s referred to as “master” by other japanese players.
I heard he attended X-Mania VII and that even otochun was very nervous when he played him.

Check out the end of this. We get to see Seth Killian’s Dee Jay in a few matches. The guy has some innovative tricks…

With boxer and Chunny, What can I do AGAINSt DeeJay?

As far as I know Boxer, Claw, and Sim are DJ’s worse matchups. Y’all have already talked about Claw which is great, but what do I do against Boxer and Sim?

boxer isnt that bad. neither is sim.

ryu and o.sagat are probably his worst matchups.

against boxer use c.fp to stop rushes. punish head butt recovery with or c.rh, throw a lot of fireballs.

sim also use a lot of c.fp and fireballs.

If boxer jumps, sk. calipso"aka jackknife" is perfect anti-air everytime.

Well I’m still pretty new to ST in general and I just want y’all to quickly critic my DJ playstyle.

Against characters who don’t have fireballs, I zone them with maxouts and frustrate them into jumping in which is use s.strong, s.fierce, s.roundhouse, and upkicks as AA’s(I’ll also sometimes just meet characters midair with j.roundhouse). And if they do manage to get close I use tick throws and block strings to push them back out.

Against characters with fireballs I don’t try to spam maxouts unless it’s against characters with slower moving fireballs(i.e. Chun, Sim). Instead I focus on trying to get close to them and score a knockdown(preferably at mid-screen). From there I can start a fireball trap, do a meaty attack, or go for a j.forward crossup leading into a combo.

Is this plan solid enough, or are there better ways of playing DJ?

thats basicly how i play my deejay n ive been playin for about 2 years now. one of his best cross ups is jumpin mid kick, c.lp, c.lp, hard up-kicks
does lil less then wat the special would do just using it normally.

My standard combo after a cross up j.forward is c.lp, c.lp, xx hk.sobat which does about 50% or more. But if I’m going for stun instead of damage I do c.hp xx machine gun upper. But I can’t cancel c.hp into machine gun upper consistently, and I’m still working on pulling off that 4-hit machine gun upper. And a combo I’ve been messing with is c.hp xx mk.up kicks, hk.up kicks, doesn’t really do much in the way of damage or stun but it looks cool.


I’ve been using c.fierce as an AA lately and it seems to beat out a lot of stuff and perfectly sets up for a fireball trap. What are y’all thoughts on this? And whats the general opinion about using machine gun upper as an AA?

against boxer

at begining of round, if they try dash you straight up, do a jack knife them. I use a machine gun uppercut just to show off.

Crouching hard punch will stop Boxer’s shoulder dash.

Spam him with fireballs from opposite side of the screen, will make them use shoulder dash or jump over them. If they shoulder dash, then jump in at the same time hit them with hard kick. You should have enough time to chain up a mid punch into double hook kick.

If they jump in you can quickly run in and throw them, picked up this trick from Ryu.

If you get cornered by Boxer, then you use crouching light kick to stop most rushes, crouching hard punch and crouching mid kick to stop him in his tracks. But generally i’ve found Dee Jay doesnt fair too well when trapped in the corner against a good boxer player.

one last thing, if anyone has tried, when Cammy does a hard cannon drill but Dee Jay blocks, are you able to do a crouching hard punch into machine gun. I’ve found it very hard to do machine unless I dizzy opponent, good thing deejay gets easy dizzies :lol: