Thanks for the bits of info man. And I’ve been thinking of a way to strengthen my fireball trap game, and heres what I’ve come up with(I hope y’all take it into consideration):
With most standard fireball traps all you do is control the lower horizontal playing field with your fireballs and control the vertical space right above you when they try to jump over your fireballs. DJ’s primary AA is upkicks, but you won’t have upkicks charged at all times. So I’ve studied his normal moves and the best AA’s IMO are s.strong, s.roundhouse, c.fierce, and c.roundhouse. Each one of those area’s cover a specific part of space in front of DJ, giving him more AA control than a typical DP.
Just imagine a box in front of DJ thats split into four. s.strong covers the upper left box, s.roundhouse covers the upper right box, c.fierce covers the lower left box, and c.roundhouse covers the lower right box. So depending on opponents position in the air after he jumps decides which move you will use.
And somethings I’ve learned about throwing my fireballs is to not throw one while someone is jumping towards you because you’ll more than likely whiff. And I also don’t throw fireballs directly in my opponents jumping range because he’ll more than likely jump over your fireball and punish you before you recover or he’ll be safely landed on the ground before you can hit him with one of your AA options.
This is just some stuff I’ve been coming up with, and I hope to here y’all thoughts on it.
yeh dee jay’s standing medium punch is great, especially agaisnt Claw’s wall jumps, not so effective against chun li’s jumping light kick.
Dee Jay has also excellent light attack priority in the air. His light punch will stop Honda, Blanka even Dictator when they launch their horizontal attacks. (you can stop Boxer’s super combo too!!!)
Standing jabs will knock honda and blanka out but with Dictator you both get hit, however if you time it right you can stop this attack with a slide.
Mix up slow and fast max outs, one thing i like doing is hitting an opponent out of the air with a standing medium punch, and releasing a fireball so they fall back into it, either that or use a hook kick (fireball is safer).
Also try closing in to opponent, fireball traps and implement your slide and standing medium punch should they try to jump out. If they block excessively, then like every character just go up and throw them!
Dee Jay is a very solid character. He’s better than Guile, IMO. Anyways, I felt I should just outline his best attacks and some general strats.
Against fireballers, DO use your projectile while using c.RH in between to move closer. Against Sim, c.fierce to stuff his pokes. C.strong is also good, but I would stick to c.fierce in this matchup. Once you’re in range, you can use s.RH, which can hit crouching opponents, or use his j.RH when you know a fireball is going to come out. His j.RH has a very good reach. Another good trick is his j.jab tick into grab. I use his strong version since it seems to have a farther reach than his other grabs.
His super is good off combos in which you can connect about 2 hits (cross-up, c.jab x2, HK upkicks into super. The timing is tricky, but it is flashy as hell. The super is also a good reversal attack. A good dizzy combo off a cross-up is c.fierce into fierce uppercut. This dizzies even if the uppercut hits only twice.
His best anti-airs are s.strong, s.RH and c.RH when you have no charge IMO. c.fierce isn’t bad, but I don’t use it as an anti-air.
I will try to post some more later. I’m an intermediate player, but I consider DJ as my main, so I might be able to contribute.
The combos I use after a cross-up (with explanations):
c.jabx2, s.strong xx RH sobat
This combo is good for a few reasons; it does a good chunk of damage, it’s pretty easy and it can dizzy the opponent. Sometimes, however, the sobat’s second hit doesn’t connect. If the opponent blocks this combo you can do a tick throw or if you are playing against a grappling character you can just do some strings for block damage. It’s a pretty versatile combo. (Note: Hold the strong so that a max out doesn’t come out by accident instead of the sobat!)
c.fierce xx fierce uppercut (2 hits)
You need to do the uppercut right away. Take advantage of the negative edge of the c.fierce. This combo will dizzy. I’m not going to say it’s a 100% because ST is full of randomness, but so far it dizzies all the time. You can do combo 1 or 3 (below) after the dizzy to pretty much kill the opponent easy.
c.jabx2 xx RH upkicks xx super
This is pain, and pure flash. You will need to time the super a little later than you would expect, but that might just in AE (which I am playing at the moment).
c.jab/c.short xx 4-hit uppercut
This is the ultimate combo, but it takes much practice to pull off. I have done it a few times, but you NEED to use a stick for this (sorry pad users). This combo is pure dizzy and pain. OUCH. Since I am just an intermediate player, I havn’t mastered this combo yet, but I feel combo 2 is a good substitute. Learn the matchups before all the flashy BS! :looney::lol:
Does anyone know any combo or use for the standing middle kick when close. Sometimes if I do it, the player is hit slightly back, press middle kick again Dee Jay is sometimes able to get 3hits. (the one where he turns his back hits to the mid section then to the head for 2hit combo).
I tend to use the standing middle kick for meaty, then hit strong, fierce.
Haven’t tried it but it might be possible whilst holding back to hit them with the meaty mid kick, crouch jab, standing strong, and max out or dread kick.
Anybody have good uses for jumping jab? Great priority on that thing. Jumping jab, throw is good sometimes, then you can mix it up with jumping jab, cr jabx2, combo of choice (I like upkicks). The jumping jab to cr jab wont combo, (I dont think anyway) but it hits if your opponent is trying to tech a throw. Sometimes I get thrown though =/. I need to work on this, someone correct me if Im wrong please, Im a DeeJay rookie. Another tactic after the jump jab is to do cr jabx2, and if its blocked, wait a few frames, then do cr forward, which usually beats whatever the opponent does if they get antsy, and sets up for the crossup. If whatever they do beats cr forward, try cr strong. Won’t knock down, but its damage.
Also, does anyone have uses for the jumping :d: short knee thing? Seems funky.
Erm, sorry to sound like a noob, but whats a fireball trap? I’ve heard about its uses, but have no idea on how to execute it, or even what it looks like.
DeeJay’s jumping jab is great for “safe jumps” (look it up on the wiki) when his opponent is getting up. After your opponent blocks or gets hit by the jumping jab, try and mix it up between low combos, sweeps and throws. Common follow ups I like to use after jab are:
-low short, high short xx fireball
-low jab (pause) throw
-low jab (pause) low forward
-low short xx 3-4 hit hyper fist
The last one is my favorite because of the damage and it knocks down. If your opponent isn’t in the corner it sets you up perfectly for another cross up and possible dizzy.
One other use for the DeeJays jump jab is to follow up after an anti-air standing strong. The anti-air standing strong recovers so quickly you can actually safe jump while your opponent falls back and start the guessing games described above. Try it out, it even works against the computer.
The one thing you want to avoid is carelessly doing jumping jab high enough for crouching jab not to combo. Any player worth their salt knows that if you do a jumping attack that has the opponent coming out of block stun before you land, you will, at the very least, get thrown.
That’s been true since World Warrior and it’s a good way to possibly give away a round…especially against your repeated tick and hold people.
Before you read this, please sit in a chair and strap your arms to the armrests so your palm doesn’t fly into your forehead at unrecordable speed. Thanks. I’m only saying that because once I describe it, you’ll realize you’ve seen it too many times.
You mean you haven’t played CPU Ryu, had him throw multiple Hadoukens and you mistime a jump towards him over a Hadouken only to get Shoryukened back into the trap? I know you’ve seen this.
Anyway, that’s a fireball trap. Any trap implemented by a character throwing projectiles in the hope that his/her opponent will mistime their jump over that projectile and towards them so that they recover from the projectile and then they get to hit you with an anti-air move that puts you right back into the trap again. (I’m certain this is in the Wiki somewhere. It has to be.)
Also, if you have Capcom Classics Collection 2, you can see David Sirlin’s description of this trap in the SSF2T tutorial.
In Dee Jay’s case, he would projectile trap by throwing Max Outs at a range where a person can’t jump over one on reaction and punish him. He’s not Guile, so he has to be a little more careful. Still, because he’s Dee Jay, he has a ton of normal moves that work wonderfully as anti-air and, if you’re able to charge them, Machine Gun Upper and those juggling Upward Kicks work great in keeping people out while knocking them down, too.
Follow every successful anti-air move, whether it knocks down or not, with a meaty Max Out to keep the trap alive.
Ahhh ok, thank you for that. Makes good sence =] That would explain why I get thrown. /me kicks self in nuts. I will adjust my timing accordingly.
lftrpllr: Thanks man good stuff, esp about the standing strong -> jumping jab, good way to keep pressure.
Thanks guys, Im an ST rookie, so all this info is appreciated.