Dee Jay Thread

Wrong.I do very often.

I uploaded a few of the last mikado matches that had deejay (winning even)
goforbroke has the links to the others I didnt upload

theyll work soon enough

Here’s Tomi Jei…he’s pretty buff. I’m not sure all of the vids are of him, but I’m just listing the ones I’ve found. He does the 3-hit “Chunk-O Life” Machine Gun Upper so easily!

What’s the proper way to tap the buttons again? Is it mash on the first 2 hits, and then stop?

Either way, here you guys go:

Just do piano tapping all 3 punches x 2-3. Its not really hard. Getting 4 hits, that is hard (maybe in Super only even, not sure)

That’s awesome, I’d only ever done it accidentally before but I just pulled it in training mode loads of times. The most difficult thing seems to be doing the mtion really quickly before the st. strong. Once I get it down I’m going to try it whenever I have meter, even if I mess up and lose, lol. i’ve noticed that you can’t get the upkicks after the cross up combo. So does this combo do more or less stun than his regular cross up stun combo’s. I ask this because I don’t think super’s do very much stun at all, plus you’re missing out on the upkicks.

Im glad I was able to help again.

Does anyone know how to properly mash out the MGU so it combos for 4 hits? I’ve seen it done in matches, so I know it’s possible

I’ve just been using three hits in my combos, but an extra hit is always nice :smiley:

I mash all the 3 punch buttons.
I don’t know if it’s right, but aways works.

But just randomly mashing all the punches never gets all four hits to combo, at least when I do it.

Also I just discovered today that you can kara cancel his slide into his upkicks. I doubt it has any real use, but it’s good to know, I guess.

I think it was mentioned earlier in this thread, but you mash all 3 puncxhes during the first 3 hits, then stop.

Yeah, I get 3 hits consistently that way, but I can’t seem to get 4.

Same here. I’ve been trying all day, and I can’t figure out the fourth hit :sad:

Don’t mash the three punches at the same time. Make sure you roll so you hit them separately. And seriously, you gotta stop mashing right before the third hit. If you can learn how to do this consistently, then you wil be able to do the most painful and powerful combo in the game. If Dee Jay ever gets anyone dizzy, it’s automatic peace out:

Jump Cross-up Forward, Crouch Fierce XX 4-Hit Machine Gun Upper. That combo IS pain.

Damn, that’s what I do.
I should have explained it better.

Yeah that’s fat damage, and actually cr.fierce xx MGU twice is a TOD, talk about crazy :looney:

and yes I can get 4 hits pretty consistently with that method.

edit: out of sheer boredom

DeeJay can own E Honda for free.

Slow maxout, slide kick beats buttslam. He can reverse the tick Ochio very well. All Honda can do is walk at him and maybe do some random HHS or forward hk trip and pray for a knockdown. DeeJay can just turtle up and fireball all day. Since Honda is fat, this plays into his wakeup/crossup game very well.

Also, TZW uses DeeJay and DSP used DeeJay to counter a good Honda last year.

This is one of the matches that I absolutely hate as a Honda player. I really have to get lucky vs a good DeeJay to put him on the floor and start my bullshit.

I guess I just need to work on my timing? I’m not mashing them at the same time.

Back to training mode for me :wgrin:

Actually you can kara cancel every normal, it’s just that DeeJay’s slide is more noticable because of its noise.
It gives you a tad more range but I don’t know if it’s something worth using, like, say, ken’s kara shoryuken in 3s.

Yea, you really need to mash like a madman. Keep your fingers as close to the button as possible (to allow yourself to press them faster) and really just go at it with your three fingers. Oh shit, wait… are you doing this on a pad? Or a stick? I’ve almost NEVER been able to do this combo on anything but a stick with the traditional Street Fighter button layout (or the Saturn Pad). If I use a PS2 pad, I cannot do this ever.

Oh, I wouldn’t even think about trying it on a pad. :rofl:

After a day of training, I can get it probably 1 out of every 5 tries

I’m getting there :slight_smile: