What is the best way to counter Boxer’s st.Fierce? I’ve managed to learn how to space and blow up his headbutt game, as well as punishing turn punches and rush punches, but if cornered or within poke range at midscreen I have a very hard time with a Boxer that likes to establish st.Fierce. I was told my options depend on space, but I’m not clear on what my options are. All of Deejay’s normals seem to lose even if the st.Fierce is in startup.
I’m free to Zangief if I mess up my spacing even once in the match. I haven’t found a way to deal with Zangief’s safe jumps, and reversaling his tick SPDs seems to do me no good. Is there any chance for Deejay once he gets knocked down or is the whole match determined by me staying on my feet the entire time?
Slide is good from far away and sometimes you can predict a fierce if he starts walking toward you. If you’re closer to each other, cr. mk is great because unlike cr. mp, Dee Jay twists the upper part of his hitbox away from his legs. The key is to hit Boxer low because his bottom hitbox widens so much.
Zangief has an advantage on pretty much everybody when he scores a knockdown, especially charge characters. There’s little you can do, unless you have super and even then, if he knows you’re gonna use it, you’re just gonna get stuffed by KKK lariat. If he gets to start safe jumping you, you’re screwed. Once you get knocked down, you have to suffer tick command throw mind games. You have to be smart about zoning him out otherwise the match ends up in his favor.
In addition to what Fudd mentioned, you can do reversal MGU (3 or 4-hit) to force a block on Zangief’s safe jumps, but this can be beaten if he does safe jump/lariat option select. Most Zangief players will opt to do higher jump-ins to counter wake-up MGU (due to having mid invincibility only), but you can stop those with your basic Up Kicks (LK is slower with more invincibility, and HK is fastest with least invincibility). Against meaty attacks you can do reversal HK Dread Kicks as long as he doesn’t do a lariat option select. Lastly, you can LK Dread over his SPD setups, but it’s punishable on block with Zangief’s D. HK. Basically you have to take risks once you get caught by Zangief, so you should try to avoid the situations altogether or work on some elaborate conditioning so you can reversal without much worry.
Quick question: one of my favorite combos to do with Dee Jay is cross up forward cr.jab cr.jab st.strong xx dread kicks but sometimes I get reversaled between hits of the dread kicks. Should I just replace dread kicks with max out against certain characters? Which characters can punish me? So far its only been done to me by Ryu and Fei, but I’m guessing Ken could dp me out of it too.
That would mean they had blocked the cr. jabs, you have enough time to see the combo is being blocked so just use the light dread, or if they turtle a lot throw them.
You can do cr.Jab cr.Short, so the short will hit if they block standing. Or you can either throw or use st.Short instead of Strong, then cancel into a max-out. You gotta force them to just crouch and soften the throw.
I assume you mean this quote from s-kill’s Twitter:
“Word on the street is that there’s hot new deejay tech that has rocketed him to top tier in ST after 17 yrs! God I love this game.”
I’m not really sure what it is, either. Guess we’ll have to get the scoop from team USA after SBO is over. I thought that DJ was considered top tier when ST first came out?
Ha, I came in here after that tweet too, guess we’ll be kept in the day for a bit longer. Wonder what it could be? If it’s rocketing him to top tier, maybe it’s some tech to fight ryu/sim?