You can beat her walk-forward S.:mp: with D.:mk: if she is not within throw range. D. :lk: works as well.
I didnt feel like going through all the post to see if anyone posted this combo but its something I do on occassion. Jump in crossup X2 c.jab c.short, fierce Maxout. 90% on the time people stop blocking after the two jabs and i get them with the c. short and maxout. To each his own strategy. I try to take a game to see how someone plays. I judge from there how I use DeeJay wheter its by jumping fireballs and roundhouse everytime or complete rushdown. My friend Howard (Tetsuosan) runs a pretty good DeeJay. Him and John Rambo got at it all the time.
I think any combo can be effective if you mix it up with throw attempts and pauses. However, I also think that comboing into the Dread Kick is a better choice on hit or block because of the damage of the move, how well it dizzies, and how safe it usually leaves you. By all means mix it up, but if you’re looking for damage and to end the round, the Dread Kick is usually the way to go. You can read my signature and follow the link below for confirmation of what I’ve said. Granted, that FAQ is for HDR, but Dee Jay’s combos didn’t change. I did write this FAQ for Vanilla ST, as well. (Yes, there are errors in the HDR FAQ and yes, I have a revision of it to post someday. The ST one should be right, though.)
So does anyone know the secret for landing all hits on c. fierce xx MGU? It’s definitely possible, but it seems like whenever I try it, the fierce pushes them too far back for the fourth hit to connect.
OJ, I think [media=youtube]6Cq5AlA6yZA$#t=3m00s"[/media] are way worse. You can’t even risk reversal throw against them!
Fuud, is not it just the (as fast as possible) timing? [media=youtube]6Cq5AlA6yZA"[/media] Yuuvega seems not to connect the last hit solely because of dizzying the enemy before, even after 3 weak attacks of pushback (jab x2, short). Fucking sick. If one has tips for MGU, please. And this combo Fuud has asked about. There are some at this same page, but either I’m physically impaired or whatever, but I can’t get 4 hits on the thing with any consistency at all.
*Thanks to Giga82 for showing me that video.
All right, another combo I was wondering about was jump-in mk, c. lp, s. mp xx max-out. I’ve seen DSP and MuffinMan do it (particularly in this year’s SBO quals), but I’m not sure exactly what the trick is to landing it. I get the feeling the opponent must be crouching or something, but I could be totally wrong here. Maybe it’s character-specific, as well?
jump in mk, c. lp, s. mp xx Double rolling sobat seems way harder. I’ve seen DSP do it quite a lot. The thing is has to be a close s.MP or you can’t cancel it correctly. I may be wrong, but that’s what it seems from working on his cross up game from time to time.
Yeah, I have no idea how to get that strong to connect.
plinking my friend, plinking. that’s the technique I kept hearing people using XD
Yeah after seeing DSP do that on youtube I tried that myself and I couldn’t get it to link either. Maybe using turbo will help
DSP used to post from time to time, but I guess now he’s doing that game play video youtube thing full time…
Edit: Any deejay fans must check out beast cup 2 exhibition match between otochun and itodj
start @ 1:02:00
Ito DJ = Single Jump-in = Round
would like to learn about some of his links and combos. generally i just do x up mk clp x 2 xx hk dread upkicks then super.
also, x up, clpx2 machinegun, and a ghetto 4 fierce that’s j hp, st hp (or mp) hp crash, hk. I also sometimes do some c shorts into something or some st lps. I have found that st lp will link into st mp,so I am playing with that. Currently, I am toying with j hk, st lp, link st mp, hk forward kicks.
getting links off in st is like getting links off in alpha 1, but more difficult. just mash the mp for st lp to st mp.
does anyone else besides me in here know how crazy alpha 1 is on links?
also, plinking works based on a reversed version of what was in previous games. I imagine to “plink” in st you would do it like in 4, but backwards. is it lights or hards that have priority when pressed? I believe its the harder attack.
I’m using deejay as a secondary and I need help with executing this combo [media=youtube]ft6lcEsyb9c&feature=related[/media] at 1:29? When I try this combo the medium punch >super gets blocked. When am I supposed to start buffering for the super?
You buffer for it immediately at the end of the second jab.
You’re probably not cancelling the super, that shit is hard to do on those F,B,F supers
It’s basically (hold) :db: -> cr. :lp: -> cr. :lp: -> :f: -> st.:mp: -> :f::k:
It’s hard to get that timing because a max out will come out if done too slow and you’ll kara the mp if done too fast.
Unlike normal xx special cancels, in order to cancel into a super you need to use ‘almost kara’ timing. (For combo vid only material, there’s an unreliable 1 frame cancel of his crouching strong into the super.)
That combo isn’t even practical.
IIRC, it has been said in this same thread or the in the house one that it is practical. In fact, the guy said it was the one practical way of confirming into the super. Anyway, it is clear that most people who play online would be better off learning his main combo, which is cross-up Fwd, cr.Jab, cr.Short xx MGU (4 hits). I don’t recall the last time someone used that when I was either playing or expectating, but I certainly haven’t seen it in the last 4 months or so.
Edit: oh, wait, I did not read the thread correctly. I guess you were talking about the cr.Strong into super one, not st.Strong xx super.
You can also do that combo this way:
:db: :lp: :lp: :f: :f: :mp:, :k:
You can do the Strong after the entire super motion, and you won’t get a Max Out. Even if you do it very, very fast, there won’t be a Max Out. And in fact, you have to do it fast, as the Strong has to combo after the crouch Jab.
The difficulty is timing the Kick after the Strong, it has to be fast but not too fast or the Strong will be kara-cancelled, ruining the combo. A little practice helped me get it down.
Dread Carnival does require less charge time than Max-Out.
The super tends to miss on characters that are Ryu’s size and below. You can try to do :db::lp:, :lp:, :f::f::mp::lk: (<<quick piano). That usually works for me, and you’ll almost never get Max Out by accident.
It won’t work if you try it on Chun or Vega. Maybe that’s the problem?
Thanks i’ll try this method