I asked neoray and he didnt know anything about it.
First thing I thought was just seth not being familiar with recent ST action.
Seki and Ito been doing really well.
how does dee jay beat hadokens and tigers
Heh I heard it was just a heavier emphasis on pressing cr fierce. Just, press cr fierce more!
really? then my dj was top tier from day one lol
Do you already know his basics, e.g., cross-up Fwd, cr.Jab, cr.Short xx MGU? Does not look easy to me! I’ve been telling people of his hit-confirms and deadly combos, but people still go for cr.Jab x2 st.Str xx RH Sobat. I think it is a worse version, in many senses: it does not catch throw mashers, it does not guarantee a dizzy, it misses the last hit very often, so it does not guarantee a knockdown.
There was a first to 10 or something between Otochun and Seki or Ito after the last Thunder Beast Cup. The matches can be found somewhere in the stream archive, after the tournament ends. The link is in the comments.
I do not think he does. Well, Short Jacknife and Sobat avoids low Tigers, but that’s it, I guess. I don’t see a Dee Jay beating any O.Sagat consistently, still. His jump is just too slow for that. Edit2: I suppose it probably comes to playing better, against Ryus. DG stated that he is comfortable playing against Dee Jay. Unless it is Afro Legends’ Dee Jay.
<djfrijoles> neo have you heard anything new about deejay ?
<NeoRay> no
<djfrijoles> why is he listed top of charts
<NeoRay> who is he ?
<djfrijoles> deejay
<djfrijoles> in general
<djfrijoles> er Gian and T.Akiba the list from the Tougeki program.1) Dhalsim, Claw, Boxer, O.Sagat2) Chun-Li, DeeJay, Ryu3) Guile, O.Hawk, Dictator, Honda, Ken, Sagat, Fei-Long4) T.Hawk, Blanka, Cammy, Zangief
<NeoRay> some deejay players are getting famous
<djfrijoles> to high for deejay
<NeoRay> no
<NeoRay> i think it is collect
<djfrijoles> but he loses to ryu
<NeoRay> you would understand if you played
<djfrijoles> lol I see
<NeoRay> i dont think so
<NeoRay> very close i think
<NeoRay> like 4-6
<djfrijoles> deejay wins ?
<NeoRay> but im not deejay player so should ask to famous deejay player
<NeoRay> ryu win
<djfrijoles> ok
<djfrijoles> thanks again
<NeoRay> Seki DeeJay told alomost 5-5
<djfrijoles> seki is best deejay ?
<NeoRay> best deejay in Osaka
thats a lot better than the 2-8 shown in most charts btw
last time i spoke to shoji he rated ito as the best dj.
In my opinion, DeeJay has been A-class for a long time, but not many have seen what he can really do. For one, he has pretty even matchups with a majority of the cast (minus Dhalsim, Ryu, O. Ken, and O. Sagat), and, as previously stated, his specials and normals are pretty damn useful. I imagine Sirlin or other players may not have been used to seeing things such as cross-up J. HK on Gief, beating safe-jumps and cross-ups with MGU, and D. MK/D. HP beating pokes and jump-ins from half or full-screen, but I could be wrong.
DeeJay, as shown by Seki, Ito, and Oh!!J from past and present tournaments, is a dynamic character, so there are many things available to discover with him even though the game has been around for a long time. An example would be doing option-select throw/super from a D.Jab in the corner.
So yea, I think Seki was in line to take SBO this year because he has an awesome track record against all of the well-known top players (especially ARG and Otochun), and his team was well-balanced and strong themselves (I heart ShootingD:nunchuck:). And I doubt that there was a hidden or secret technique that he used to surprise other players. I guess we’ll find out when that SBO DVD hits comes out!
Hmm… I remember someone told us that he’s gonna quit ST. If he doesn’t, he has to switch to a cheap character like boxer or something coz deejay isn’t gonna cut it…
BTW, some of us witnessed DJFudd got a perfect KO in 6 seconds (game clock, which is faster than rt) at south town arcade.
[edit: TMM: That’s not nice. now you are like ultracombo and pasky, hating on chun]
I never said that second part! :arazz: And it’d be Chun-li if anything because I’d have to be proper cheap. Plus, retirement doesn’t mean I’ll stop playing the game; I just won’t be playing in ST tournaments anymore.
How you doin’ pap?
Haha, I love watching this guy play. He’ll walk-up throw you from full screen without a care in the world.
…And then do it again.
Well, what ever the case, I’m glad MuffinMan is at least dropping some knowledge for the younger generations. He was at EVO, too. He noticed that his SBO partner (EvilElvis) got a free entry into the ST tournament (because Cole paid for Choi, who ended up forfeiting, and we needed a spot to fill) and asked me to fill him in any leftover spots.
Good to hear from you, MuffinMan.
Doing shit like that in an arcade feels different than doing it online. Not really execution-wise, but when you play at home, there isn’t a crowd of people cheering for you afterwards. Good times.
Been telling people to use it against walldives for so long but nobody ever listens.
Also, if you can consistently beat safe-jumps with 4-hit MGU, you get a good Fierce worth of block damage or near-dizzy (+mad damage) if it hits. Reversal LP MGU will connect against perfect safe-jumps while HP MGU will force block on mistimed safe-jumps (if they don’t attack or SRK) and trade with some high jump-ins.
Anyway, good to hear from you too! Props for running the EVO tourney and doing your part in the ST scene in general :tup:
It loses to SRK-installs, so you gotta be careful. It may also lose to some jump-ins that hit lower than usual, but as shotos have none, I can not tell for sure. It would certainly lose to Chun’s stomp, but who the fuck would use that, and Chun usually goes for a cross-up, anyway.
Edit: if anyone is interested (I guess no-one is), the CPU uses MGU against safe jumps, occasionally. Therefore, one can train SRK-installs against Dee Jay. But now we have TRUST, which is much better.
Hey, could this be the new DJ Tech?
What good is that if claw spaces his dives far away, he’s got a huge red rectangle and times it above deejays neck and behind him…it’s clean. Also MGU doesn’t exactly recovery quickly. You’re better off with reversal short upkick.
No, that’s just a risky guess…lol
No different than when guile flashkicks a fireball.
That video of Numa’s Dee Jay actually shows a good example of a high level setup and teaches a few lessons:
-Reversal sobat is a nice, safe-on-block, chip-dealing wakeup against safe jumps (unless the opponent uses an invincible move right afterward, most of which will beat sobat)
-For charge characters, always hold down-back in the middle of other specials
-c.HK can be used to stuff pokes after close sobat and also extends Dee Jay forward
-Immediately kara cancel out of c.HK into HK jackknife if the opponent tries a standing projectile
Just about every technique that alabamaman puts on his channel is worth learning. He basically does part of your job of locating noteworthy tricks and leaves you to figure it out and absorb that info.
this is pretty awesome and ive been messing with it vs sim too. seems like no matter what i ALWAYS hit the rh in front of them yet i land behind them so mixing it up with his actual crossup forward is quite devastating