Dee Combos - A Dee Jay Combo Thread

UNDER CONSTRUCTION ( no damage/stun ratings for the time being)

As a brand spanking new Dee Jay mainer, I was shocked to find there was no definitive combo thread to refer to when you want to see the BnB’s and situational combos, so I took it upon myself to make one, so without further ado, lets jump right in ( pun intended).

Section 1. The BnB’s

For this part, I’ll write the follow ups after the jump-in, and you can choose what to precede them with for yourself.

j.:hk: and j.:hp: are both good jump-ins imo, although I prefer j.:hp: due to the fact that it is better as an air - to - air, however some may prefer j.:hk: as it hits quite deep.

j.:mk: and :d: + :lk: should obviously be used when you’re going for (or hopefully executing) the “vortex”.

c.:lk:, c.:lp:, c.:mk: - this is great as a blockstring aswell, and gives you the untechable knockdown.

c.:lp: , c.:lp: , c.:mp: xx w/e - this is the main BnB off a jump-in, and it can be hit confirmed aswell.

Thinking about follow ups:

Super, you can either go straight into super, or cancel Dreads or Air Slasher.

:lk: Dreads gives you a knockdown, and is hard to punish. you can also use U1 after it if you suspect your opponent will attempt a punish.

:lp: Air Slasher provides good pushback if its blocked.

:mk: Upkicks can be combo’d twice.

EX Dreads / EX Upkicks knocks your opponent nice and far away to restart zoning, and keep away, but is very easy to punish if you miss the link or it gets blocked.

MGU (EX as well) is the best follow up in terms of damage, and can set up U2 when you can dash ultra reliably.

Off an EX MGU juggle, you can combo:

EX Rolling Sobat.
EX Upkicks.
EX Air Slasher.
:hp: Air Slaher.
:hk: Upkicks.
Dash U2 (midscreen)
in corner, you can do straight U1/U2 (you have to wait for the opponent to fall a bit though)
Sobat Carnival

cl.:mk: , c.:mp: xx Dread kicks or Air Slasher - this does much more damage than c.:lp: , c.:lp: , c.:mp: but the downside is that it is harder to hit confirm, and I find it quite hard to do charge :u::d: and pull this off.

Section 2 - The Punishes

cr.:hp: xx w/e is a great way to punish stupidity, although i do have a bit of trouble cancelling cr.:hp: into EX MGU, this may be due to push back.

cl.:hp: (1st hit): xx EX MGU into EX Dreads/ dash U2 / U1/U2 in corner (first three hits only)

sorry this section is a little thin, hopefully some other Dee Jay mainers can help flesh it out

FA level 2/3 > Ultra

FA level 2/3 > EX MGU into w/e

***Section 3 - st.:hp: ***

As you probably already know, this is a pretty good anti air, and a very good tool that isn’t obvious from the get go.

If this hits on it’s first active frame, the 9th frame, it sends the opponent into a juggle state with which you can start a lot of shenanigans. I haven’t tested with EX moves etc, but here are a few things I’ve seen/stumbled upon:

st.:hp: , st.:hk:

st.:hp: , walk forward st.:lp: - this is a nice reset to try if you can.

st.:hp: , c.:hk: , U2

st.:hp: , EX Dreads

Section 4 - Other Combos

j.:mk:, c.:lp:, c.:lp:, MGU

j.:mk:, cl.:mk:, cr.:mk:

As of now, this thread is nowhere near finished, but over the weekend, I will try my hardest to max it out (pun intended) hopefully, some of you other Dee Jay mainers can contribute more info, as I’ve probably forgotten stuff.

Mod can you sticky this please?

I really appreciate this. It’s probably worth noting which links are 1 framers.

Nice. Hope to see more people add to this as I tend to use repetitive combos with Dee Jay over and over. Be nice to have a little more style

Yeah, I’m hoping the more established players can contribute.

One of my favorite combos is cross up mk, c. lp, c. lp, mgu (or ex mgu into ex sobat.) Simple, easy to execute, decent damage, and the pushback from the ex sobat is good to reset space for the zoning game or pushing the opponent into the corner. Also, cross up mk, cl. mk, cr. mk is another good, basic combo that ends with a knockdown (plus it’s fun to do :P)

Anyone using c.lp, xx hp mgu as a bnb? Good damage after a cross up and gives you good positioning, even though it techable knockdown you recovery way before them.

I did a EX MaxOut into RH Sobat Kicks for four hits a few days ago ( jus’ trying strange things out) and it seems to do pretty good damage. Has anyone else done/seen this?

I messed with it after you said it and seemed iffy to me. Sometimes it wouldn’t combo, would combo, or second hit would whiff when it did.

After landing a non-crossup jump in (mk/hp usually) i’ve taken to doing c.lp, xx lk dreads instead of the standard c.lp, c.lp, xx lk dreads. It does more damage (though this is just due to scaling. You could also use c.lp, xx lk dreads for similar damage) The best bit for a scrub like me is that the link is a lot more lenient. I still miss about 10-20% of those bnb links just because im terrible at the 1 framer, even with plinking, so for the situation where i land a normal jump in, this seems to be the better of the two.

Doesnt work with a crossup because you dont have enough time to charge in the other direction, and if you add in a 2nd c.lp, you get a far mp instead of the close one.

Most of you are probably well aware of this, but i thought id throw this in there for people that might have more trouble than others with the 1 frame bnb.

combo into light upkick then. it does more damage and also gives a knockdown. with only one jab you will be close enough to not whiff the upkick.

That’s only gonna work if they are standing, I’d rather combo to hp mgu.

Yeah there is a spacing issue that i did not mention. You have to be a lil’ bit less than 3/4 screen away. If you’re too close it doesn’t get the full hits, if too far away you don’t get the combo. I can do it pretty consistent, and it surprises a lot of people. It can be done, I would (and am going), to practice it.

Anti-Air sweep to U2 works also.

I put together a Dee Jay combo video.

Was wondering why this was in the Summer Costume thread, mistake.jpeg

I really liked the MGU FADC combos, probably going to start doing those now to get extra swagfactor points online. Maybe I’ll throw something together if I ever find some cool combo properties in training.

(There was also a 5 bar combo present that’s completely impossible to do in a match, but red focus stuff always looks dirty)

Is it even worth it to go for an MGU FADC over a Sobat? Does MGU do more damage? I imagine it would but…

Those combos are tight, I really like the corner EX Slasher ones.

Depends, because you can just do Sobat and FADC anyway, so I assume Sobat still comes out on top in terms of damage. MGU just looks really cool, and I’ve never seen anybody do it.

Also, I think I actually managed to waste bars with DeeJay today to clutch a match out;

cr.lp > > H.Sobat xx FADC > cr.lp > cr.lp > > EX MGU > Dash U2

Could have just finished it with a normal Dash U2, but ranked is just like a combo playground to me, nobody ever tries cool stuff.

Gotta go for style points.

I’m still getting down good charge partitioning on my FADCs. Compared to other characters, I feel as though DJ’s FADC timings are weird on his dashes. They seem so slow. Which helps, obviously, in the charge partitioning, but it’s not a pace I’m used to quite yet, though I’m getting there.

I would THINK MGU would do more damage than Sobat under any circumstances, it’s just…MGU lacks the range, so the extra normal attack you get in when using a Sobat might make up for the lack of damage on the Sobat compared to the MGU. MGU combo might scale less though? My execution is not good enough to lab any of this stuff but its food for thought. At any rate it’s cool work into the combos.

Also it seems as though the only times jab jab strong EX MGU connects are the same times that double Cl.MK connects – after an FADC or after a jump in.

Always go for the swag factor!

I get your point about DeeJay’s FADC timing, it’s because his forward dash is ass and you have to link a little slower than you usually would. Good in terms of being able to charge your next attack, but ridiculously off-putting when you’re online, I just use the same timing I use for Dash U2, as soon as his feet touch the floor I’ll link a cr.lp.

I’ll go check later on, but you have to consider that the MGU will only be getting 3/4 hits in at most before being FADC’d, and Sobat only has one of it’s kicks hit as well. I’m just assuming that Sobat will beat it because of the multiple hits MGU has, and that they each do tiny damage compared to a single Sobat kick. It might influence the scaling differently, but that means it’ll be in favour of Sobat anyway. They look cool though, so if we’re skipping out about say, 30/40 damage just to show off a little, I think it’s worth it.

cr.lp > cr.lp > > EX MGU can still whiff after an FADC, I have literally no idea why and it seems random but you can have someone fall out of it.

Oh yeah, I also think DeeJay’s max damage non-counter-hit is 585 and I’ve yet to find something that beats it, that is so. damn. low.

Hah, you say that is so damn low, I see 585 and I say “damn” because of what level of damage we’re already dealing with.

Just tested it out, MGU does more damage if you cancel later into the mash, earlier into the move (2-3 hits) it’s about the same.

Cr.lp, cr.lp, xx M. Sobat = 146 damage
Cr.lp, cr.lp, xx H. Sobat = 160 damage
Cr.lp, cr.lp, xx H. MGU (2 hits) = 154 damage
Cr.lp, cr.lp, xx H. MGU (6 hits) = 202 damage

You can FADC that sixth hit, and the seventh hit is the one that launches. I’ve noticed there is more scaling however during the mash…so I don’t know which would trade off. 40-50 damage over the normal FADC Sobat though, it might be worth the scaling (not to mention the style points!).

What do you guys prefer to use for FADC? I know M. Sobat has some more hit stun on the first hit (right?) and it doesn’t push you as far away. I found that the pushback is only bad if you go for a linked level 2 focus after the FADC though.