This man Ebolastic has to be a troll. There’s no denying gents and ladies. Jesus Christ, next thing you know muffin, he’s going to be saying Jill owns Xfactor 3 Dark Phoenix or Xfactor 4 wesker as well.
. My Jill is purely self taught. I have watched various videos about her once or twice, and only because I wanted to make sure the general community still knew less about her than I do. I am extremely thankful for this, as the community has (to me) misunderstood her non-stop since day 1.
** That’s cool Goku. You can go back to training in the woods with Master Roshi now and perfect your Super Theory Fighter Saiyan abilities. Oh btw, I can tell your jill is purely self taught by your ass 475k combo. **
. I am a firm believer that jump loops are for combo videos only. If you want to compete with Jill, these are wholely unreliable and dangerous. The damage scaling in this game is designed so that the best option for Jill is to string together as many high damaging single hits together as possible. Thus, a simple combo that cleverly fits 3 somersaults, a cartwheel, and maybe 4 normal hits will actually do more damage than the average fancy pants combo video stuff. Jump loops are the number 1 reason Jill is not successful competetively, imo. Just go watch some tournaments. You will see someone lose matches because of that stuff time and time again. Keep it simple, folks. Resets/crossups/headgames/meter burn…that is Jill Valentine.
**Jump loops are the easiest combos for Jill period. I can get an Easy 800k Combo off a jump loop with Frank and Strider while leveling Frank to level 4.On Most characters, you can end a 2nd jump loop and on Back tech,22S-Somersault and Start it all over again. Did you just call Jill’s jump loops Fancy? LOL. Looks like you haven’t seen Flip Kick Loops yet. Jill isn’t supposed to be a heavy meter extensive character, she’s infact, a meter builder if anything. Her combos build more meter or retain a neutral meter if your using her right. **
am probably the only person that thinks Jill is most effective when used as a ULTRA meter heavy monster. I play her in second position with two zoning batteries on either side. My aim is to get her at around 4-5 bars so I can pummel the living daylights out of people with THCS, Machine Gun Punishes, and DHCS. I also LOVE to corner myself and let the opponent fall for invincible crossover-counter, somersault entries (which result in an easy 600k combo followup).
**You say you love using her as a meter heavy monster, yet you’re only doing 600K combos? That’s pathetic. THC’s aren’t real combos btw or Machine Guns. Basically what you’re saying is you use her in second and just spam hypers and deal small damage. Have fun NOT killing Zero off a hitconfirm (if you ever get one). **
Jill Valentine was nerfed from vanilla in ways that made Seth Killian facepalm. Why? Because the community still hadn’t figured out her broken, insane stuff. The community does not even know the full extent of these nerfs, because of their general lack of knowledge. Yet, here I am, getting screamed at by intermediate level players because I am producing new information that has never even crossed their radar before.
**All you did was display frame data, and nonsensical BS that no one will ever use in a match. OH BOY, a 450K 1 METER COMBO ON ZERO OFF A HITCONFIRM! TOTALLY RADICAL D00D! There was a hint of irony however. A couple weeks ago, me and Stryke had a nice convo about Double Somersaults, but in your case, all you were doing was using Dual Salts in a unpractical and theory-crafted situations. **
Seriously, man. Stop with the insults and the stubborn insistence you are right just because. I am trying to help you understand the lady that you love, homie. Jill players should be working together. I basically just supplied all of you with a fountain of knowledge. Like I said back in Gfaqs, us Jill users gotta stick together. We are comrades
**Nah, we’re not comrades. We’re on different levels. I don’t ever group myself with Fanboys like you. Not anymore. Jill cannot destroy Zero, while you’re on Theory craft land, can you whip me up a Strider TOD from 0 Meter assistless that starts from a Cr.L? Thanks. **
Ya know, you challenged me to make this post and insisted that I would be ridiculed by all the pros in SRK, as well as almost all of the SRK community. Did it happen? All I see is like ten unknowns, myself and you included. In fact, the only non Gfaqs person in here ridiculing me is this FlyingVe fella, whose argument has been reduced to “Shut up! STUPID! SOMEONE CLOSE THIS TOPIC, QUICK!” runs and sits in corner 
Lol, and those 10 “Unknowns” (as you call it) did not just shut you the hell down? No one agreed with you. Hell, everyone here is more of a pro with Jill- infact more of a pro at MVC3 then I see you ever being <3
There you go with that “theory fighter” phrase again. Doooood. I have dismantled your endless arguments using actual proof and frame data. Go try out the stuff I am talking about. I will wait. I know it works. Go ahead, laugh at my 475k combo which I openly stated was whipped together in a few minutes and needed to be developed. Makes me laugh because it proves her jump jab has priority of Zeros overrated j.H, and also leads to combos. thumbs up
**You haven’t dismantled anything buddy. Hell, there’s alot more that’s wrong with your opening post, but I have neither the time or energy to continue posting. If you call a 475k “combo” a full Jill “combo” then you’re a scrub. I DO have the energy however to laugh at your “475K combo that you developed in minutes” **
Jills comboability drops on Zero when you use her, I agree. When I use her, she still does roughly 5-600k combos with average 450k resets and so on. I am guessing that a pro probably handles it about the same.
**Compared to TODing or near TODing Characters WITHOUT resets (course Jill is a reset heavy character as well, but that’s besides the point when vsing zero)? That’s a loss of 400k buddy. Don’t even factor Resets in on a MU with Zero, the whole emphasis of Jill is getting characters to crouch, then F+Hing into Dash or Dash into 96 S, Then going for a full combo and mixing the incomming character up. Jill CANNOT do that on Zero because her S.M and B+H whiff. Have fun attempting a reset then getting TOD’d. **
Jill is awful at superjump height. This is an undeniable fact. And yet, the situation proposed was that Zero is down on the ground and Jill superjumps to avoid his spam and make him waste a bar, thus combat at this height is irrelevant. Granted, Zero can theoretically cross Jill up on her way down, but he would have to use impressively timed hienkyaku, or raikosen crossup from underneath (notice how I just had to help you with that one). A good player should still be able to block this, though. Correct? I mean, once again: pros superjump to avoid stuff all the time.
**Let me get this straight. Jump loops for you are difficult, and timing a Command dash with Zero or Raikozen is Impressive? I think Mortal Kombat is a game for you meng. **
**PS: It doesn’t matter. It leaves Zero on advantage either way buddy. **
“Jills standing M whiffs, period”…what? You mean like, If i just randomly start throwing out totally blind s.M’s? Because if you are referring to in a combo, I have already shown an alternative combo that does not whiff on Zero. This point has already been disproven. You are simply stuck in your ways and not altering your combos to compensate for a smaller hitbox.
**Cool, you showed one that did 475k and one that did 600k. Then further on you say that “Max damage” is not the Key when fighting Zero. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO. Wait, let me continue to laugh, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOO. **
I have not forgotten that Zero fires two busters in Sogenmu. I have already stated that nobody can escape that stuff once he has them locked down. What you have forgotten is that I have already proven (with frame data) that Jill has sufficient time to escape this before he can lock her down, even if buster is cancelled to Sogenmu. Buster cancel to sogenmu was your argument, now all of the sudden Zero is in sogenmu and has a fully recharged buster and can fire two. See how you just twist and turn and spin to try and keep your argument going?
Cool, she can escape it via two ways.
1) MGS- OH BOY a 30,000 or How ever much weak ass damage it does from full screen, that resets the situation!
**2)Super Jump- Refer to Superjump height argument. **
Random Raikosen buster crossups say hi? …No, they don’t lol. You are taking my statement about using advancing guard against Zeros ground attacks out of context. Besides,** I have already proven that buster/raikosen is extremely punishable via block and cr.M (or almost every other normal …or somersault), even with a beam assist behind it. **
wait… wait wait wait wait wait wait. ** LOL. Someone tell me I’m not going crazy here, this man just said j. Buster and raikozen is punishable on block or by a normal. LOL. **
I am arrogant. Of course 
However, I am also arguing against people who refer to me (and many others) as “retard”, “scrub”, “moron”, “idiot”, and so forth. People who talk to others like that deserve to be ridiculed and exposed. So, here we go:
**Nah, I would say those people are just about right. **
Ahhhhh, NonSexual. I knew it. I knew it: remember…back in gfaqs? I told you that I would use facts to disintegrate your argument down, and you would eventually start running in circles and denying the actual frame datas relevance? Lol
**Wasn’t I the same one who told you that no one on SRK would agree with you either? You didn’t disintegrate any argument, at all. You just made yourself like a dumbass Fanboy throughout the whole thread. **
**You can’t dismiss Class, mainly because no one in there right mind would give a fool like yourself a license to teach. Sorry to break it down to ya. **