Deadpool Movie Thread



Dead Poo L


lol they need SRK’s wasted emoji :wasted:

Oh my god this is the best marketing ever.

New footage! Like a whole 5 seconds of it.

They’re going in too hard… I need everyone to drag their entire family and friends to this shit.

This movie DESERVES to succeed.

Then it will succeed on its own merits without me having to drag a ton of people against their wills.

i just have a feeling this movie wont do very well

the last movie that catered this hard to nerds with its marketing was snakes on a plane and that bombed /:

alright, alright… @NickRocks called it already. pack this shit up and leave!
brain haz failed me!

your comparing snakes on a plane…to this?

SkullpoopL TV Spot#2

They’re going HAM on the marketing for this. Really wanna see this shit already lol.

Yes. EVERYONE was saying they were gonna see SoaP “DAY ONE!!1!!!1” and then it flopped

Going hard on marketing doesnt always mean people will actually show up for it in theaters. The odds of me seeing this in a theater are super low

Well fuck you then :coffee:

bye felicia

And…why would anyone care about your movie watching habits? Do whatever the hell you want.

Its not like i dont want to…i just never have free time.

Dont have kids ever