DC Comics Thread

anybody who hasn’t read DC in the last year, specifically Countdown to Infinite Crisis:


Max Lord turned his head into a canoe

Metal Men movie in the works:

Metal Men?! DC will just try to make a buck on anything, can’t be worse than Marvel’s Ant-Man flick though. Ten bucks say’s it’ll star Ben Affleck.

Ben Affleck IS Dr. Will Magnus! :rofl:

But seriously jesus christ I remember having a conversation between a friend of mine, me, and the people that work at our local comic shop, about comic book movies…and I said…“People these days will make a movie of a book if 10 people read it, as long as they think there’s money to be made…”

and its sad, because they can’t even put together a decent fuckin’ flick like Green Lantern.

how hard is it?, Hal gets the ring, he fights Sinestro in space, buncha fan-service cameos, roll credits.

yeah, I’d do a Hal movie.

I’d also introduce John, and Kyle, so that eventually they could do some Parallax shit.

Your kidding…right? I’m sure Jennifer Gardner or w.e will be the chick bot and your absolutely right about that, anything could be made, I’m waiting on a Creeper movies starring John Leguizamo.

Green Lantern flick: I’ll say it’ll star, oh, Justin Timberlake as Hal, with Bee Arthur as Sinestro. The sequel will have Ice T as John Stewart, doing extreme sports/spy missions for the government.

What…and no Green Lantern flick?
Flash movie?!?!

Man, you don’t even want to know what they were planning with those movies. Well, the GL one, at least:

That’s old news (about 3 years old), so its probably changed direction or been cancelled altogether. Thank goodness.

The Flash one had David Goyer writing the script, but he left the project.

Hopefully they’re either going forward with the Flash one, or combining all these projects into the planned Justice League movie:

DC comics I read this week:

Nightwing - Tha tha tha THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT! Nightwing goes up in a bar and beats the crap out of everybody looking for some info! THERE WAS EVEN BRIGHT RED BLOOD IN THE BOOK! Comic was so good it made me want to jump in a time machine and do something evil to Devin Grayson when she was writting Nightwing so badly. You know something REALLY EVIL like ring her doorbell in the middle of the night and run away oh yeah…

52 - Oh snap what the hell happened? This issue had the worst artwork of the entire series! Wow, I didn’t think the artists were going to be the ones who had the nervous breakdowns and didn’t pull it out one more time. Each issue so far even though it had rotating artists the book had a consistant look, except for this one. Man they only had six issues left… Maybe we should start another poll when this crappy art will return in 52? like 52 BOOOOO! Artwork aside the story was pretty good and Nightwing was in it again, hooray!

JLA - I couldn’t resist buying both covers, put them together and you get an image of the new roster plus some older characters / costumes in the background. Call me crazy but I like the new roster, they are not crazy overpowered, they may even break out a sweat once in a while. And oh yeah they got Nightwing as a reserve member! :rock:

Detective Comics - This was yet another great story about Nightwing’s adopted father Batman. Okay Nightwing had nothing to do with this story whatsoever but since I mentioned Nightwing’s name when I talked about the other DC books I read I figured why not. :rofl: No Detective story this time, I wish every issue had one. Scarface version 2.0 still creeps me out. Still a strong comic but I want more mysteries for Bats to solve.

I’m a bitch about the League.

I’m all about the Big Seven, they should always be the ‘core’ of the League.

and I want J’onn to join at some point…call me a traditionalist, but he’s joined every League so far.

I love the big seven as well, but I can make an exception for this roster. It seems fun so far. I’m always up for something different.

As for J’onn: I hate his design at the moment. It’s…man…my head hurts looking at it.

Last weeks 52 was weak. Ugh…Animal Man returning was cool though. And Green Lantern just keeps getting better and better.

You have the ability to instill great far. Welcome to the Sinestro Corps.

y’know I don’t even read JLofA, right now? I might start picking it up, I dunno, but at the moment, I’ve already got a bunch of shit I read, and I kinda like my pulls, so I’m gonna leave 'em be.

JLA is one of the better comics, though their pulling what I call a “Bendis” and taking lower powered characters and making them interesting (Black Lightning, Vixen, etc.)

It’s good to see Nightwing getting some respect! I’m glad he’s a reserve member, maybe he’ll move up sometime in the future. I need to start reading his comic again, I’m a fan boy.

Picked up JLA this week. Seemed a little disorganized. Kept on jumping from one place to another in different order. But I like the lineup though. Vixen seems pretty cool.

This is the only monthly DC title that I’m picking up right now.

Okay, I just caught up on the past two weeks of 52 and I have some questions:



Was the “twice named Cain” thing that the crime lady figured out in the prophecy just that Batwoman was Kathy Kane? Or something else? It just confused the hell out of me because it was like, “We tried to kill Batwoman to fulfill the prophecy and failed, but what if we misinterpreted. Wait, that’s it! We must kill Batwoman to fulfill the prophecy!”

JLA was pretty nice though. But… (I’m pretty daft, sorry I need these explanations)



Was the guy that Batman and BL were ID’ing at the end from an off-screen case?

Thanks. Also, Karl Kerschl needs to do more work. I love his art. He did the Teen Titans backup story for last week’s 52, and the first OYL Robin issue, and I think a Flash issue.

I don’t have a problem with them doing that, especially since BL and Vixen are both former Leaguers anyway.

remember, 52 was to showcase characters who wouldn’t otherwise have a spotlight.

Steel didn’t do well last time he had an ongoing…though, if they play him up like DC’s Iron Man (which he is), he’s badass.

he’s seriously one of my top ten favorite characters.

Steel is getting great reception in 52, and I’ve been meaning to read that but I had a comic slouch and catching up is hard as hell. I really want it for Black Adam, who is one of my all time favorite characters. When did Steel get out of the Aegis Suit? I might have to Wiki him.

He was killed in OWAW (I think), and then when he was resurrected he went back to the old suit.



then, in 52, Luthor injected him with his ‘everyman’ serum, so Steel’s skin became metal (Like Colossus, only he couldn’t turn it off), until the effect wore off, and he went back to the suit.

and if you buy 52 for Black Adam, I assure you, his is probably THE strongest storyline in the entire run.

Thanks for the info, I might have to search for back issues (Hopefully not at a ridiculous price) I heard Black Adam is the shit in it, and his acts will effect DC greatly. Question is another hero I love, and it would be nice to read about him as well.

if you pay more than $2.50 an issue, you’re getting ripped off…

no issue of 52 shouldn’t cost you more than cover price…including the first appearance issues.

that’s just my opinion, but online retailers are probably thinking with dollar signs, so be careful who you deal with.

buy in lots if you can, it’s easier that way.

or you can just wait for the trades, which will be coming soon.