notes: and are sjc
I want to say that charlie can do c.lp vs a blocked opponent, opponent reacts with njupbck, charlie does, call tron, RH banana kick and this will guard break them into the tron rings. Gotta fix my stick before I can test that. I find that often times top tier teams will njupbck vs a low tier team. This option is there to counter that for big life to keep the opponent grounded longer where charlie has some unique tools to work with.,, c.rh on hit. Of course, the opponent can roll and thats what you want. From this range, you can dash facing the wrong direction with some interesting properties. All of this applies to after c.rh.
njing, call tron makes tron come out where charlie is rather than where the opponent is going.
charge during the combo, and throw the boom as the opponent rolls through his sprite forcing an apex change. If you’re slow on this it won’t right but if timed properly, charlie will throw a boom towards the opponent. I use it for pressure after KD.
you can dash facing the wrong way to. If you dash fwd, call tron, the assist will go towards charlie rather than towards the point. However if you dash bck, tron, the assist will come out from behind the opponent as they wake up. When you time this properly with normals, you can force a wake up crossup due to the sandwhich setup.
If the opponent starts to call their helper as they roll, dash back to fake the mixup, dash fwd call tron. What will happen here is you’ll fake the mixup, opponent calls their assist, charlie dashes fwd facing the wrong way still. Because of that, he’ll run away from all AA helpers immediately and they won’t make contact with him. Further more, your tron will still come from behind the opponents point character.
And if the opponent is going to freeze up because of this mixup and the damage potential it has, throw that sucka, bnb+tron.
might make a charlie vid pt.2 since I’m getting more info now. Still haven’t figured out dash, dash boom yet???