Dat charlie shit

I was waiting for you to reply homie, cyke would fit the roll fairly well but morrigan ron can flat out break someone with multiple mixups.

I’d put cammy on it first, then cyke and morrigan are tied right there. Cammy can have better matchups than either of the 2. It all depends on what you want to use in that role

can’t believe I forgot to post this up. Out of a random thought one day, I figured out how to do a dashing flash kick.

what you do is charge slide fwd with c.lk and hold dwn fwd. The thing about the flash kick is that it doesn’t care how its being charged. As long as dwn is part of the input, dwnbck, dwn, dwnfwd. We’ll when you charge slide fwd with c.lk, and hold the dwnfwd, you’re storing up for a flash kick right there so as soon as the c.lk recovers, you can throw a flash kick. Just make sure you charge the entire duration of the charge slide.

nice. that was easy. why didnt i think of that?

lol. found a pretty dope method that let’s you wave dash flashkick:

jump/superjump and do your thing, hold down at some point to get a charge, land holding either Down-back or Down-fwd and press PP very soon after landing to dash, without hitting neutral move to Down and press PP again to wavedash, press Up+Kick.


You can use this method to easy Dash Kick. Not sure if you can wave-dash back and forth repeatedly and keep the charge. Pretty simple solution storing a charge midair :?


how come I didn’t think of that? I’ve been looking for that technique since that first charlie video. I’ll probably make a part 2 and give you credit for that. Beastly

6 months ago I knew there was a wave dash flash kick technique but never really ironed it out.

Now that i postedup, I can’t actually wave dash forward x2 and keep my charge-- only back-forward or frwd-back.

The subtlety required to get from down-back PP to down-forward PP and not actually get a Boom or qcfPP is a pain also. Lol, still trying to to dash back and forth more than once into the Flash also, no luck with that.

Not really sure WHY this works yet.

Probably not useful, but you can wave dash-flash kick after flying screen.

Launch, sj. (charge down) lp, lk, lp, lk, fk. flying screen. you auto dash in > dash xx flash kick.

90-95% of the time I get auto dash > dash xx flash kick, which doesnt make it a true wave dash. However a few times I was able to get auto dash > dash x 2 xx flash kick without any problems.

I’m still working on it. An interesting thing is after the flying screen, I let go of the down charge and then do: df+PP (dash) xx up+kick or df+pp xx df+pp xx up+kick as soon as I appear on screen. Holding down during the auto dash forces me to end up in a crouched position, making it difficult to get the dash in and if I do, I lose the charge. I think the game keeps your down charge during the FS and while you are forced dashed into the screen, but I’m not sure how long the window is.

so after watching some joo vids, i’m inspired to try to make a charlie vid part 2. Thanks to eczangief, i’ve ironed out some dash flash kick stuff so far, low tier killas!

so after any NJ\SJ, you can dash, flash kick rather easy. As soon as you jump, hld dwn fwd. The flash kick input doesn’t require a specific dwn input, any dwn will do. Since we want to dash flash kick, dwnfwd will charge the flash and allow a dash fwd to take place.

NJ any direction and immediately hld dwn fwd, land, 2p’s to dash fwd and @ any point during the dash, you can cancel flash kick. Much easier than dash booms since there is no neutral trick.

However, I found something weird. Say you do jump, hld dwn fwd, land, 2p’s to dash fwd. Right here, dashing fwd again is tricky but marvel allows you to link a just frame dash while holding dwn fwd. What this means is charlie can do infinite link dashes fwd and maintain flash kick charge.
dwn fwd + pp, hld dwn fwd, link dash with 2p, repeat x amount of times** If you’re slightly off, you get a c.fp. You’ll get a c.fp if you do it to early or to late. Remember its a LINK jframe dash. Still looking for a way to wave dash charge flash kick or wave dash, dash boom.

---- lastly, say you want jump but you’re on the defensive. Not knowing to throw a boom or a flash kick. You can jump charge dwn bck @ this point since you don’t know what to do. If you analyze and see you want to do a dash flash kick, before you hit the ground, roll to dwn fwd w\o going to neutral and this will setup your dash flash kick

tested it a bit more today. Guile can do it as well all though the timing is pretty awkward with him. It’ll more than likely work with bbhood, I don’t see why it wouldn’t.

tested link dashes when the opponent jumps to get backwards charge time and it won’t let you carry it over. Not saying its impossible but it may require a different type of trick.

anyone have any ideas for dash fwd, dash fwd, boom?

Hey Shoultz, great find! Again with the answer being so obvious its hard to find-- link-dash, wow.

Just wanted to boot up Marvel a little and check out his guy Chucky Nash before I do some drawing. I’m gonna make up some goofy mock-ups for the Mahvel Collectible Card Game. Can’t wait to do Mango Sentinel and Curly Mustache. I’m gonna make up some some sticker sets to get Hype for this new release.

Already I’m seeing that ‘Tiger-Knee’d’ Banana Kick is a good way to quickly load up a dash-able charge. Also, it seems like you can dash forward back and maintain your charge, as long as you avoid neutral.

so after a talk with the brain trust (philopia ane eczangief), I got to work.

Charlie can do BK, hld dwn fwd, and when you land you can do a PP dash to dash fwd, flash kick. So BK allows you to store a charge and still move fwd.

dwnbck+2p, dwn, dwnfwd+2p. This maintains a charge but allows you to wave dash back and fwd while maintaining charge. The inverse also works. Dwnfwd+2p, dwn, dwnbck+2p, flash kick cancel. You can dash back infinitely and you can even charge partition bewtween the dashes. Say it takes 2 seconds to store a charge for arguments sake. Dwnbck+2p and let the dash animate for 1 second, dwn, dwnfwd+2p, let the dash fwd animate for 1 second then you have a charge stored.

some good finds lately, thanks guys.

With the LINK dash flash kick, I’m not sure marvel is supposed to allow you to do that. By that, meaning holding one direction, then 2p to link dashes. Why can you jframe link a dash rather than waiting as long as you want to dash again with the same trick? makes me think there’s some type of window where marvel forgets you’re holding a direction but still lets engine mechanics apply. This might be the trick to allow for wave dash booms?

notes on wave dash flash kick Its theory right now but this is what I’m thinking. Marvel lets you do dwnfwd+2p, dwn, dwnbck+2p. You’ll dash fwd, dash back and its cancelable while maintaing charge. ** HOWEVER, you can’t do dwnfwd+2p, roll to dwn+2p for some reason.** If you could do that input, it means you could cancel wave dash FLASH KICK!
EDIT: ugly wave dash flash kick.** On a ppad, this is rather easy. Its just a small short cut right now. Anyway, dwnfwd+2p, dwnbck+2p and cancel as fast as possible to dwnfwd+2p as fast as possible. Ideally, every back step you take is only half the distance of the dash fwd if you cancel right. 2 steps fwd, 1 step back, 2 steps fwd basically. Its not exactly a wave dash on a stick but on a ppad, it might come out close to it with a 1 frame bckdash+2p to a 1 frame cancel to dwnfwd+2p.

random trick from mixup: jupfwd crossup d.lk, call tron, BK original side. If the opponent is fat enough, overhead will combo from tron rings for a mixup. Double crossup into an overhead. D.lk is one xup, then the BK wiffs but goes back to the original making tron crossup.

haha. I laughed at ‘brain trust’. AIM is being shady and not letting me sign back on.

edit: Genius

when did you get a PPAD?

haha, I don’t have one but the technique is cancelable. If my hands were fast enough, I could do it so I’m assuming a ppad could do it no problem.

When I put mine back together again I’ll put your theory to the test. I took it apart to swap parts but it would take some alien technology to pull a fast one on ASCII like that.

two technical things before I stop playing charlie for a minute. Marvel won’t let you do dwnfwd+2p, and cancel the dash with a dwn w\o going through neutral. However, if you do fwd+2p, marvel will let you cancel with a dwn all though you haven’t gone through neutral yet. Its rather odd.

lastly, I posted earlier I couldn’t figure out why marvel wouldn’t let you do, dwnfwd+PP, roll to dwn and cancel with another PP. The reason why marvel won’t let you do this is because its the same direction. Opposite directions allow for a cancel while the same one won’t.

good call! that makes sense.

ok, I figured this out by watching my old video and some more testing.

If you do dwnfwd+pp or dwnbck+pp, and hold said direction, you can’t cancel it out with a down. Its probably because you used a down to initiate the dashes. My reasoning for this is because if you do fwd+pp or bck+pp and hold said direction, you can cancel with a down because the inputs weren’t initiated with a down.

charlies jup+rh is an instant overhead on sentinel. call tron, jup+rh, cancel LK banana kick, dash back in allows for a combo to take place.

old stuff but charlies sonic booms takes out sentinels crouching spit.

Awesome vid, working on a low tier team and Charlie is always one of the funnest characters to play for me. Awesome vid.

so its come to my knowledge that charlie can now dodge helpers… If charlie runs in and does a single poke with p or k and opponent blocks, opponent calls helper asap after the block stun, charlie can njupfwd, late RH BK and dodge any helper. The opponent can of course put a delay on it but if they’re slightly off, charlie lands safely.

Not quite what mag\storm can do but it is beneficial to maintain pressure.

I love that “its come to my knowledge” = some scrub randomed out and dodged your assists on XBL. At least that’s just what I’ll pretend happened.

Seriously though, random scrub teams is like the new random CPU teams.

i actually took a risky magneto setup and let charlie use it :cybot:

new throw setup: Rh throw, dash s.lk+tron, s.mk, SJC, RH banana kick it wiffs right next to the opponent and you can throw again.