Dasrik and StiltMan teach Blackheart


Rick I have a question!

How can your sister beat you when you play Blackheart?

She thinks you’re mean and cheap. You should take it easy on her!


any one here from illinois? just curious. oh and dasrik or stiltman, when you have the opponent cornered and inferno heart of darkness connected. is crouching fierce punch better than standing fierce kick? could you add any poke before the crouching fierce punch?

sorry, its just that i dont have the game most of what comes into mind i have to practice in the arcade.


No, standing roundhouse is better. Crouching fierce isn’t good at all. Inconsistent results and no damage. However, c.fierce is a good move when combined with drones or some other form of overhead protection.

Maggie, go away.

My BH is better than u guys
team magneto/BH/cyclop

BH/Storm/Commando beats that on the select screen. You suck.

Hey Rick does BH with Cammy work?

A few years ago, I used to play BH/Sent/Cammy. I actually even won a tournament with it. It’s not a bad team, and yes, with a bit of adjusted timing BH/Cammy can combo basically all the same stuff that works with BH/Commando (and it even works better, as heavy chars won’t drop out of the cannon spike in timing that makes it impossible to inferno and forces you to pull some trickshot dark thunder stuff), and people who wanted to try to rush BH down usually had a lot more interesting of a time dealing with Cammy than they did with Commando as the AAA, because her release is a lot faster.

So it works, on some level. I prefer Commando, though. Simple reason: it gives the team an actual prayer against Cable. A lot of the zoning game you will see if you can get hold of the Stilt v. Drew-Dub fight doesn’t work any more if that’s Cammy in back instead of Commando.

Hehe thanks for the info. =)


Lol… STFU =)

hocccck ptoooie Are you on the drugs, boy?

Uh… yeah. I don’t think you even understand what he’s trying to say here.

BH’s infinite is not worth it. We’re not saying it’s impossible to do. We’re not saying it’s even difficult if you want to throw Cyclops in there as your AAA. We’re saying that for every instance where you can do the infinite, there are other things you can be doing that are far more damaging for a lot less effort and a lot more tolerance for error, without saddling yourself with the loss of position power that you get by trading in Commando for Cyclops.

BH without Commando has basically no prayer at all against Cable. BH -with- Commando isn’t necessarily the greatest of fights there either, but it’s perfectly winnable – as you will observe if you have a look at my match with Drew, or any of Alex Valle’s old Team Watts matches before me. I wasn’t even playing it particularly great and I still won the fight. (i.e. I was taking quite a few risks that I didn’t have to, although when he let me get away with it once I was pretty merciless about making him pay for it.)

hey stilt do you REALLY think that’s it damn near impossible to win against cable with bh/sent/cam? I mean I know it’s not quite as easy as bh/sent/com but I don’t find it to be very difficult.

Also I was wonder what you and dasrik think of switching BH back in from a connected HOD to HSF to keep the combo going?
I’ve found that the damage you can do with BH b4 the character lands from getting hit from the switch is far better than what you’d get from a cancel to Commando or another HSF.

That’s an idea except…

Doing that turns the order into BH/Commando/Sent.

Not the most useful of setups.

bh infinite IS good


infiniteXXchestpiggiesXXhail is 100% and then storm’s got the lead…with stupid stupid patterns using bh assist…

at that point, it really doesn’t matter how much bar you built for your opponent, not many duo’s in the game are going to threaten a runaway storm based on meter alone.

JAmanis bh looks good in the video’s i’ve seen(where he’s beating CW with sent/bh/cyc)

and in real life i witnessed the bh/tron good shit

I’m not sure why you’d say anything like that, bh sucks really bad and i’ll even admit that he makes him look playable…

hey Dasrik did u play against Justin Wuong cuz your team with commando will not work:lol:

What good is Blackheart with out his infinite? Hes too slow and dosent have any good combos. Why do you think hes good.(not being mean, i just wanna know)

I thought that too at first but when I put the idea into play I found that the character who I combo’d was dead and I could switch to sent b4 the next character came in. This left the usual order in place and I saved a bar that I wouldn’t have had if I had linked another hsf to kill the first character.

Without the infinite, Blackheart has runaway. AS LONG AS YOU’RE WINNING, his runaway is superior to Storm’s IMO because it actually carries a threat behind it (Storm’s is still better in the grand scheme of things because she might get lucky and get some damage). His moves have too much priority to penetrate with anything on a consistent basis, and hitting BH requires getting to him before the pigs get you (and when your BH gets better, your opponent now has to worry about whether you decided to do pigs or goblins).

Playing a high level BH is about taking advantage of the opponent’s frustration. It’s about calling Commando when you know pigs will hit and then comboing that into an inferno into super. It’s about knowing how to make assist baiting not matter. It’s about keeping the matchup as much in your favor as possible (in a tournament match that matters, I will NOT place BH first against someone who might play Storm first.)

That being said, infinite might be good with BH/Storm/Cyke or BH/Cable/Cyke. Not thinking anything else, because it wastes too much time and only someone with good runaway skills can take advantage of the 100%.

When I play BH, my entire goal is to not lose for 99 seconds. The opponent usually handles the rest by getting frustrated and running into dumb shit.

Crazy BH player: I’ve never played Justin Wong but from what I’ve seen I have a fairly good idea how he thinks. In a match that mattered, Sent/Storm/Commando would kill your team for absolutely free. You have to be way more careful fighting BH/Commando than BH/Cyke. BH/Cyke requires you to stand still too much, so you can take advantage of Cyke hits (which will go nowhere unless you combo something). I’ve played many of the best players in SoCal with BH, so as much as you’d like to think I’m a flake, I’m not.