Here are my BH teams
=Enforcement detail involving BH
BH, Cable, Cyc/AA
Storm, BH, Sent/AA
BH, Sentinel, Cyc [occasionally Cap]
Doom-b, BH-b, Cyc / AA
=Casual detail involving BH
BH, Hulk, X [X=Jugg-a/b, Megaman, Spiral-a/y, AA, most anyone on my playlist]
Magneto, BH, Cyc/Sent/Capcom
MM, BH, X [X= Sentinel, Jugg-a/b, Cable-b, almost everyone on my play arsenal. Preference is Characters with powerful long distance DHC supers]
BH. Cable, Jugg-a/b
BH, Cyc, AA, Doom, or Tron
They don’t, really… this is my training wheels Morrigan team. I figure not having the fools-gold of that Cyclops assist combo into Darkness Illusion will help me actually learn to play her, then I’ll change up to Cyclops.
But it’s actually not too bad. Calling Commando and throwing some air soul fists is okay. And shell piercing someone who’s cornered, calling Commando and DI looks pretty ugly. And yeah, Morrigan’s on AA. She’s a decent immediate AA if you need something that’s quicker than 'Mando.
BH/Sentinel/Commando - DHC, optimized fairly well for both, but has Cable issues
BH/Storm-B/Sentinel-Y - gives you a pair of really ugly DHCs that can do from 100 to 130-ish damage depending on the luck on the first one, has a few less Cable issues but a lot more Sent/Commando issues. Not a bad all-around team other than against an aggro Sent/Commando though.
Sent-A/Cable/BH - Ye Olde Team Stilt… just a general all-around team that tends to work well against most anything other than a really aggresive Mag/Psylocke, and depending on the Magneto player, it can sort of ruin that too.
BH/Storm-Y/Commando - a bit of a weird setup, but Storm-Y helps BH control the air to a degree that he can’t do on his own, helps out against Sentinel. Still has some Cable issues though.
Cable/BH/Commando - this team looks really ugly on paper. However, there are a lot of people out there that just flat out get ruined by it… you either know how to beat it, or you don’t. And if you don’t, a good Cable that knows how to use this team is going to OCV you, a lot.
BH/Cable/Cyclops - an older version that is a little more geared to fight Magneto and less on Sentinel.
Spiral/Sentinel/BH - this is way ugly… don’t try this if you don’t know how to play Spiral really, really well. My Spiral isn’t bad and most people in my area have no idea how to fight a good Spiral team and even I don’t usually try this one any more.
You’re welcome. Getting off topic alittle, doing that combo, you can either do a whiffed LA UF followed by a second one that hits or you can airdash then do one that hits.
I think I’m gonna ask some questions that players are afraid to ask in hopes of having you guys answer them. Some are ones I might have an idea of the answer, some I don’t.
What are some excellent ways to mess with people’s minds when using BH? The best way to win any game is to learn all the ways to outsmart players with your [and every] character.
I don’t. I play scrub and I imagine that, if I am up against that combination, starting Cable I would lose if fighting from distance and at best be even if fighting upclose. And with Sentinel on point, I think I would get demolished (I can barely beat Cables with only Capcom when using Sent, imagine with the extra control provided by BH).
Can you please explain to me how this fight goes, specially if I play scrub starting Cable? Thanks a lot
The way you beat Cable/BH/Commando with Team Scrub is to basically unlearn most every way you usually figure on for how to fight Cable. Cable/BH/Commando works because everyone thinks the best way to fight against Cable is to stay out of his horizontal plane and play the vertical angles on him. And this fails utterly against this team because you simply can’t play a vertical game against it. It also fails because people think the best way to do this is to fight Cable vs. Cable… and yeah, that’s a winnable fight, but not by trying to play the vertical angles… but it’s also a very risky fight, because if your Cable loses, you’re just asking to get OCV’ed. I used this team at Evo 2k2 in five different games against four different Team Scrub players. I won all five games and my Cable only left point in one of them. That’s not because Scrub can’t beat this team, it’s because they didn’t know how to fight it.
So you have to throw the playbook out. This team takes away your vertical angles. So don’t try to play vertical angles. Oh yeah, and don’t start Cable. Start Sentinel. Yeah, that’s insanity, you say. No it isn’t… Cable can take away your vertical game, sure, but he does that at the cost of losing all his horizontal help. Yeah, on paper Cable’s his own horizontal help, but if you play a patient, relentless pressure game with Sentinel, that’s really not enough. And the problem with Cable/BH/Commando in this fight is, if Cable doesn’t win it, it usually won’t get won against Team Scrub.
So start Sentinel. Play it horizontal instead of vertical – that’s where this team’s weak. Don’t call your assists first – he has to use his to keep you away, you don’t need to use yours to come after him and yours have no reach anyway. Your Commando’s a liability if you call him first anyhow – the other Cable’s going to try to bait you into calling him to help chase him down, and if you bite, your Commando’s going to get killed. And Sentinel doesn’t need it anyway… Cable has to play a retreating game to win this fight, so follow his retreats until he’s in the corner and then don’t let him out. Past about a third of the screen, his assists can’t touch you, and if you don’t give him anything stupid, Cable has to play a game of nerves in which he’s got little or no margin of error to screw up. Because if he doesn’t kill Sentinel outright, this is basically a hopeless fight when your Cable’s in there in the midgame against his BH and you’re ahead or even. You don’t have to win the Sentinel-on-Cable fight to win the game… you just have to keep Sentinel alive. He has to win that fight, and while on paper that looks easy, if you stay to the ground and play the horizontal angles, he doesn’t have the tools to make it a freebie.
Heya, I’ve got a Strider/Doom/BH team…and I’ve just started to use BH, but if my strider and doom fail, what is the general strategy for a lone BH? (especially against Cable, pixie, or Sent.)
And how can I get around? His walking and dash are utterly slow and leave him vulnerable (the dash). But I don’t want to become too predictable, just jumping around and air dashing while tossing demons.:o
On the ground, BH’s fastest way to move forward is to normal jump forward. Dasrik likes his ground dash a lot better than I do; I never use that thing on purpose, myself.
Learn to use his pokes. He’s got some of the best ones in the game.
Yes, I like the ground dash, but using it without cover is a fast way to die. When BH is all by his lonesome he can’t do much. Focus on using his shorts to box the opponent in, I guess. You won’t be doing much in the way of big damage, but his light attacks do good damage for lights and it does add up.
sometimes its just good not to press anything and just jump/dash back when it connects. let the demons latch on to them and suck their life a bit. sure it takes off only a few pixels of health, but those few pixels can really change the match around.
Well, if you see that they’re liable to run into j. fierce, throwing out Commando about then or some other assist that sets up something nasty isn’t always a bad idea. On the other hand, that can often get said assist pounded on if you overuse it, so don’t get greedy with it. Often a good idea to see if the other guy’s going to get into the habit of running into it a few times before you go for it, or only go for it once or twice before you give up and go to something sounder.
i use black heart/ ice man/ captain commando… black as main character, i know you guys will ask why ice, well hes just my preference. there are alot of good players in my arcade, from experince i really have no problems with MSP (magneto, storm, psylocke) and “team scrub” ( cable/sentinel/commando) but lately… ive come across a problem… i seem to have problems against storm/sentinel/dr doom. its usually a close match but close doesnt mean anything.
can you detect that teams strength and weaknessess? its obvious that that team is based of guard damage and the capability to punish a character that made a whiffed attack.
i can handle storm just fine but assuming it falls down to black heart/ commando vs sentinel/doom. doom stops commando from coming out, but i can stop his sentinel from going airborne and control the air, but then i sometimes land to dr dooms rocks (which does some chipping damage).
any tips how to tackle that team (storm/sent/doom) on a certain angle that i maybe outlooking?
thanks in advance.
ps: i know this is a black heart forum, but there seems to be no one in the ice man forum, so i was hoping you can answer this for me. ice man’s assist A and Y seems to be an exact same thing, they are both projectile that goes straight… whats the difference between the two???
Ok that’s it, I am no longer taking any questions having anything to do with the infinite. I’ve said over and over again the infinite is NOT WORTH IT, but obviously no one is fucking listening to me.
BH/Commando vs. Sent/Doom is basically BH vs. Sent and no one wants to be there. You have to bait him into doing something you can chop, and to force him to call his assist first.
Iceman’s assist is supposed to be the same with A or Y, but I have heard that one beam lasts longer. I doubt it, though. A counter is Icebeam, Y is the ice rock.
BH/Iceman/Commando is okay. I’ll think about that more later.
well it says Blackheart help. So im getin help. Im not gonna read everyone elses questions. So you could of simply have told me that it wasnt worth it.
Dasrik and vidness thanks for replying. those team can just be down right frusrating at times to fight against. espcially since sentinel could just wait for black heart to land and chip.
oh well, im have to think and train more. thanks again.
BH/Iceman/Commando is a rather curious way of going about it but I guess I can see some potential to it. Iceman controls the horizontal and cranks up the chip damage for BH, Commando controls the vertical and keeps people from going over his head. The main issue I see the team having is that it’s like an option team in college football… if you’re ahead you’re probably in really good shape but if you fall behind you’re hosed.
Side note: Those of you who have direct connect can have a look at a few matches I played at last Friday’s Lanwerx tournament now. Small warning, my BH has seen much better days than that, but it’s not to a point like you frequently will see in Jaminis vids, where Sentinel is dominant but if BH ever sees point action the team is most likely doomed. The action of my BH/Commando against Drew-Dub’s Cable is pretty good, and demonstrates fairly well that BH vs. Cable is not a terribly hopeless fight as a lot of people think. Against Takayuki my BH looked kind of bad; I’m not entirely sure what plan I was following at the time, but I certainly wasn’t going by the usual playbook for how to play those fights. Sent-A/Cable/BH isn’t BH’s team anyway, so that I’m not going to grouse about, but when I switched to Watts against Taka my only theory is that I was still instinctively on the Sent-A/Cable/BH playbook and forgot all about Sentinel’s drones.