Ah, okay. I’d say drop them a note anyway, just for good measure. Doesn’t hurt to show some support.

Yeah, I was the one who told them that. I wish they used the turbo settings on the initial trailer to ease or fears of a bad version a little bit. I wonder why they changed the small character select portraits yet kept the big ones. That right there gives a clash of art and makes it look cheap.

Not to mention the font looks very filler.

And how ugly those portraits are cannot be stressed enough.

I for one welcome our new Capcom overlords.

But seriously, this is good news. Love watching high level VS play. Now I get to play it? Lets go. Take my $15 Capcom.

I’m down to pick up DS3, need to get ready for DS4

Seems like as of now Resurrection isn’t being released in Japan of all places. Weird.

HD Remix wasn’t either. Perhaps they’re just testing the American market and know DS is much more popular in Japan.

Oh boy, I hope you folks aren’t expecting some kind of DS revival or anything, because it won’t happen. It’ll another JoJo’s; Scrubs get killed in the game by the pros, both of which will play the game for a week and then’ll it’ll die.

Also, if this is based on the PS2 Vampire Collection, didn’t the port job suck on that, input lag and all?

I’m super excited about this release. I tried to get on GGPO just to play Savior some time ago, but i couldn’t make it work. When i was about to play people i only got black screen. I could spectate but not play… I haven’t bought any other “HD remix”. This is the one i have been waiting for, i hope that GGPO is as good as people say.

We’ve been having our VSav revival for the past 2 1/2 years or so.

I took your advice and posted in the thread you made. I’m glad we have a chance to offer our input so early in the dev process. I think IG are really stepping their game up over time.

You can buy Skullgirls and get a pretty similar experience there if you are curious. It’s the same asking price as Resurrection and the patch is going to improve the online even further.

I absolutely loved Nightwarriors on my Sega Saturn, but I’d rather just have Vampire Chronicle than these two games, or even just VS+VH2.

GGPO is hosting a VSav weekly ranbat right now. Come watch if you’re interested in the Revival!

Since most of the VSav cast are not living beings to start, shouldn’t it be called an “undeadening?”

Why not participate on it instead of just watching, you know, because for a revival having players is more important than having spectators

By the time I posted that, signups were already taken. I’ll post the link early to let people know beforehand next time, though.

This game needs to have a “challenge” or section of training mode that allows you to practice pushblocking. Something that would tell you how many inputs you are achieving within the window (12 frames is the minimum, right?)

Still on confirmation on whether or not it’s the PS2 code being used. Though I’ve seen a screenshot with the character movelist selection (similar to MvC:O) where it only shows the original Savior characters.


You had to unlock them on the ps2 version. Beat the game as the dark soul.

Edit: I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re unlockables from the vault as they’re banned from tournament play. Phobos is super broken.

Do we actually have any knowledge of any differences (outside of characters) between the PS2 and OG arcade versions of VSav?