I tried doing GGPO a little while ago and either my connection or my incompetence didn’t let me connect.

I would join a game, the whole noise would start, be down to play, but the match never actually started.

Are your ports open?

If so, GGPO’s been having that problem recently. It’s annoying. Just keep challenging the person or do a cross-challenge (challenge each other at once). If that doesn’t work, you might just have to try another day.

To be honest I’m scared of what the current Capcom will do the character’s personalities and atmosphere of the game in general.

I don’t want a bullshit cemetery as my new fighting location when I fought on the side of a fucking building, when I had the nerve to GC in a war torn village, when there is Iron Maiden and Fetus of God.

And if they fuck with my music the same way they fucked with 3s’s, god have mercy on their souls.

I think I’ll play Night Warriors more on this once it gets released. Kinda disappointed the updated version of Huitzil isn’t in this compilation’s DS3; if I’m not mistaken it played differently from how it did in Night Warriors.

I love how people keep talking about these Boogeymen in the VSAV scene when the VSAV scene has worked the hardest to get as much information and promotion for hte game possible only beat out but ST.

Really? Well, Google seems to disagree with you. In any case, whoever is right, Bengus’ style evolved in that direction over the years, you know:


If that was not Bengus, though, maybe 3D models based on Akiman’s work could work, too.

So agreed. I hope they don’t fuck up Darkstalkers’ wildly imaginative aesthetics.

Also, with Ono behind this project, brace yourselves for tacky and poorly designed DLC costumes. MAYBE THEY WILL DRESS UP DARKSTALKERS CHARACTERS LIKE STREET FIGHTER CHARACTERS!!!11 OLOLOL!11

Because that worked well so far… Look at all those tournaments for older Street Fighter titles… Oh wait they don’t exist anymore because the new worse game killed everything.

The new worse game didn’t kill shit.

A majority of new people and people playing older games playing ONLY SF4 killed older SF titles.

I also hate that terms “kill a game” or “a game is dead” because it’s hard to define.

Sigh … Yet another HD release, here we go again … Cashcom trying to make as much money as possible without investing any effort at all.
And their stupid fan-base is falling for it.

I was more directing that at the seemingly negative attitude towards new players (apparently) even if they are going to drop the game. That shit happens anyways better, imo, to have 200,000 people buy DS4 and have 10,000 stay and learn the game. Maybe even get 200 - 300 from those to try and keep at VS.

Capcom has been making Felicia dumber over the years :frowning:

I hope they stick to their old personalities

This will be awesome for tournaments that don’t have the arcade versions.

That’s what it means… I thought it was a given but I guess not.

Here to say I’m pretty enthused by the recent announcements. I’ve been expecting something for a while as Ono has kept on hinting. A re-release isn’t necessarily what I was wanting initially, but by the sounds of it we’re getting a re-release and new game before too long, so I can’t complain!

As far as all the bickering about the state of the Vampire Scene, We are MORE than happy to have new players. I hope people don’t get a misunderstanding of the scene and our intentions. I personally have put a great deal of effort in the past many years building this scene both online and in person. I have run well over a dozen Vampire tournaments on my Supergun in the past 3 years or so, and numerous others around the country have also put a great deal of effort into spreading the game. Kyle got the Cincinnati scene motivated, Rotanibor and B-izm have been running events in California, Rithli organized the Skillionaire series, Korey has taken the reigns on re-starting GGPO ranbats. Our scene may not be particularly large but it is dedicated, active, and happy to help newcomers.
I look forward to continuing to run events on my Supergun at tournaments!

Anyone who wants to get into Vampire feel free to hit me up on here or in GGPO and I’ll be glad to help get players started.

Hate to ask this question, but i never got competitive with the VS series(although i love them to death). Which one is scene going to back more Night warriors or 3?

Darkstalkers 3 aka Vampire Savior (which is how you’ll hear basically everyone who actually plays the game refer to it).

Hunter is a decent enough game, but it just doesn’t have the same uniqueness and the engine feels a lot more dated comparatively. Despite what people in this forum might try to tell you… Hunter has zero scene. The only people who ever play Hunter (aka Night warriors) are a handful of Savior players who get bored every once in a while and will play a couple sets for laughs.

i’m always open to help new players too ^_^.

Vampire Savior/Darkstalkers 3 will be at Northeast Championships. If you’d like a primer of the game, myself or anyone of the Vsav scene will likely be more than delighted to help.

From watching stream footage and reading reports from those who played it at NYCC, the VSav re-release runs at its original speed and not the 60fps the game is known for. In other words, it’s really, really slow. If you want the game to keep one of the features that makes it so unique and fun (or what makes it, well, Vampire), send an email to


It’s the same team that did MvC:O, and according to representatives, they’re open to suggestions.

This was addressed already i believe. They replied saying it was an older build and that it was going to get fixed or something along those lines.