I wonder what the frame advantage/disadvantage is going to be with his normal’s. Anybody expecting them to be good?
If it’s like Dante they’re most likely going to be somewhat negative on cancelling into something to stay safe (DP to teleport cancels I guess). I saw some guy doing some type of string cancel with Vergil that allowed him to do a safe psuedo infinite block string but i’m not sure exactly how that works.
Apparently hes terrible negative if they get blocked but im sure he will have a safe special to cancel them into.
Edit: dammit DJ :lol:
Like canceling into light judgement cut. I also think judgement mid block string will work like Dante’s crystal as a frame trap. I wonder if he’ll be able to sjc it.
Just cancel shit into Rising Dragon then TC cancel that.
A son of Sparda does not know the meaning of…unsafe.
Zero tag out is perfectly valid since he has inescapable TACs, and some good durability projectiles he could throw out to tag behind. Hell in vanilla he could just tag out after a buster hits if he REALLY wants a safe tag. You’re not going to be beating double buster very often.
There’s also the option of “transformation super->safe DHC.”
Vergil might have some safe tag setups himself (Judgement Cut xx Devil trigger->tag?) Or maybe you’ll just double DHC to get him out. His powered up assists are looking really nice.
Well I didn’t mean through a combo, seeing as due to how hard TAC’s are to counter you’ll mostly be safe anyways lol. I mean when people at the start of a match do…Super…TAG. Which means they won’t have 2 bars to DHC, won’t have combo’d me, etc. And yea I know some Arthurs throw projectiles too then TAG, but still after a while the opponent will find a way to hit your opponent for free whether it will be a teleport or a random super.
Multiple bars and well spaced it can be avoided though, just saying some people do this at a start of every match right at the beginning. SO Hype for Vergil. And yes, this is just speculation but from what I’ve seen he can’t be lower then high-mid, or at least around that. Dante mastered will prob. still be better tho
Have we seen what changes his specials have during DT? I know the bubbles get bigger and do more damage but i haven’t seen anything else.
^^^this and
Was it confirmed that he can cancel Stinger into other moves rather than teleport?
Re: Vergil and safety, safety is relative in Marvel anyway. Assists tend to change what the definition of safe is. Vergil will never be as safe as Dante is thanks to Bold Move, but saying he’s gonna suck because of unsafe normals is, well, iffy at best. If you want to get technical with it, everything Magneto does on the ground outside of crouching L is unsafe. But try making a strategy out of hitting Magneto after blocking his attacks and see how well that works out for you.
DJ: It’s probably the stand S into H followup. You can repeatedly cancel the moves into each other, so if someone doesn’t push block you, they get stuck in blockstun indefinitely.
And yeah, I’m really interested in how all of his specials are enhanced in DT. I think his DT may potentially be even more broken than Dante’s.
I’m seeing invince frames on his… Rising sun? in DT. I can’t think of anything else though…
Nothing but I can see it being preferred having a bar builder first thats also good on point + can benefit from Vergils (Rumored slightly invincibility assist). So the best position will probably be second/third
Exactly, I considered him as my Anchor, to have him well built for his Devil Trigger / Swords. Vergil should be solid a solid character regardless of his position, though. I’m personally going to play him because I like Vergil as a character, not because I care about how good he is.
That’s why I’ll play Vergil too. I wish everyone would use characters because they like them, not based on tiers. But that’s a debate as long as the nature vs nurture one. So I won’t start it, lol.
I can’t wait for this game, but I have to admit my hype has died down since nothing much has been revealed lately. I’m really liking his air-throw > long decent damage combo. I want to see what other options he has. Has anyone seen Rising Sun used in a combo? What’s it good for otherwise? Just a DP?
I still go back and play DMC3 and wish i could be Vergil instead of Dante. NEED MOAR SWORDS >.<
You can play Vergil in DMC3 lol. Get the Special Edition yo. Matter of fact Im halfway through the story again, started last week with V. (Unless I misunderstood your post)
We dun haave that thing that lets the PS3 use our memory cards. Plus i don’t have the Special Edition… The fact that i finally get to play as vergil is one of the biggest reasons for me buying this game though.
Can vergil combo off all his throws? I was thinking bout testing out different assists combos that allow me to like vortex people after his otg slash and if he can combo off his throws that will just add a different dimension to the vortex.
I just checked all Ultimate Norcal vs Capcom 3. If there was someplace I could look for footage of that, it was it. Unfortunately, it’s just a regular Dragon Punch, at least looking like it so far. It’s more than likely that you can cancel it into the Judgement Cut Hyper.
Yes! At least from an Air Throw. 11:58 right there:
As for the Regular throw, I assume you can since his Launcher seems like an OTG (I saw it pick grounded characters after some Hypers, unless they were bouncing).
I hope it helped.
Thanks man.