I just have to note again how nastyyyy that ‘‘Knock someone down > Swords > Teleport that opponent has to block instantly + 3 different teleports > Combo’’ looks. That’s gonna get us some hatemail I swear lol. Thats like an…instant berserker Slash thats harder to see coming. DMG scaling though but Idcurrr.
You gotta have a good meter builder though, so the first char needs some solid, long combos. And yea I wonder how his other mode is gonna be used, on the stream it was used pretty well a few times but I think that’s cause of the unique/surprise factor the opponent just pressed buttons
I never really like it when people do…DT > tag out. Or Arthur Armor > Tag out, or Zero > Tag out, after a game or two you’re gonna loose your second character over and over for free yo, its not rly a valid strategy. Although yea I wonder if you can use TAC’s to continue stuff that’ll be cool after his level 3/4. Although TBH, even if you do LMH lvl 4, that alone does like 750,000 DMG Im estimating so you really don’t need anything else to kill. (Especially if you go beyond LMH)
Man Vergil needs meter badly lol, I want him on point just cause I wanna OCV with that dude lol, but he sounds like a bad point char. Those Sword/Teleports though <3
There’s at least 2 tutorial videos on her and I’m sure most people still don’t know. 23 keeps good secrets. It’s also because the move is not mentioned in the strategy guide or in the original SRK hyper guide or the command list or anything else.
Yeah but for Vergil it’s actually required. The way I see it, there’s gonna be millions of Vergils online, and people are gonna smarten up to his sword - teleport shenanigans. Throw in air dash with a long ass normal into the mix and it’s like all hell has broken loose (can he teleport after the airdash? lol). Even better, it opens up the option to DHC into his level 3 plus a whole combo afterwards. Now the only thing I need to see is how much invuln / range his level 3 has.
Edit : Nothing wrong with Vergil on point, I’m just pointing out the way I’d like to play him - in my opinion, tagging him out after DT gives him more options when he comes back in (and more meter)
People are just worried he’s such a meter eater (lol rhyme) that he won’t be useful on point as much as he should be, the guy will eat through 5 bars like a starving person eating a buffet. The guy uses meter for everything, his level 3, crossups and mixups, starting combos, ending combos pretty much everything But if his meter building capabilities are good then no need to worry about it however that is yet to be tested.
Vergil doesn’t look like a completely braindead or straightforward character. We have seen almost nothing in terms of Blistering Swords and Sword Storm. Yes, everyone uses regular Spiral Swords, and thinks it’s amazing. But without seeing the potential for the other two forms of swords (which take 1 meter), we won’t know how good they are. If Capcom has any idea what they’re doing, it’ll be much better than regular Spiral Swords, since it costs double the meter. The extension to combos, and unblockable situations created by these two underused hypers could potentially be limitless.
Also, let me just say that even if he’s braindead, and easy to use, or Spiral Sword abuse becomes the most efficient way to use him. That doesn’t mean everyone will use him that way, there’s always room for creativity in games. With enough execution and strategy, I could make him into a unique character capable of completely different strategies. While not the best braindead strategy, I’d still be able to crush all the scrubs with power.
Hahaha, good point. But I thought only Spiral Swords scaled hard, not the other two. Regardless, if that’s what it takes to get depth of play. Then that’s how I’ll get depth of play.
I was really looking forward to vergil in UMVC3(big fan of dmc3), but alot of things that honzo said are making me worry, him being very unsafe, predictable and having to use meter constantly to get in.
Do you guys think that Vergil is going to became the Hsien-Ko of ultimate? As if, in the begin of MVC3 every one thought that she was going to be top tier, but ended up in, well, hsien-ko tier?
weighing in Vergil’s pros and cons, I don’t see how he isn’t at least high-mid tier. long ass normals, teleports, projectiles with a set distance, self-OTG, three VERY good level 1 supers, etc etc. long story short, he IS Dante’s brother. he has to be more or less as stupidly good as him.
Yeah most of the characters that are labeled as meter eaters are really good meter builders also. Plus since supposedly you’re not going to die in one combo as often in this game (definitely gonna have to cross fingers and tie shoes for that), there should be more of a focus on resets with characters like Viper and Vergil for building meter any way. I have no problem resetting with characters like Vergil/Dante because they have fucking swords so you’re not poking back at their reset any way.
I don’t think Vergil will end up Phoenix tier. I have a feeling he will end up in a place somewhere around where Trish was ranked in Vanilla. I still think Dante will end up better than him overall in the long run.
Nobody is going to be as good as Phoenix was in Vanilla. Phoenix was basically her own entity that changed how you played and there was almost no downside to using her. Now that there will be an actual risk associated with using her I don’t see anything being more retarded than Phoenix as far as controlling the meta game in UMVC3. Especially with all the untapped shit from the other characters. This game is so untapped that it’s going to be a lot of surprises for a long time.
Vergil looks guaranteed high mid to me. Long as people figure out how to use his metered/non metered options effectively he can’t go wrong. He also has shit reminiscent of the people I put in S tier in Vanilla so we’ll see.