Dark Slayer Style - The Vergil General Discussion Thread

yeah i know, just wanted opinions on the matter since the thread been a little slow.

good to hear that, looking forward to maximum buddies + another full screen super maybe ammy or hail storm also

What?.. Since when was that in or confirmed?

Amen to that :slight_smile:

Bumping the thread for the most overhyped char in marvel.

PW? RR? Nova? Strange? Meh. Verg is the one that brings the instant fear and worry of the epic derpness resurgence.


Team maximum!! LETS GO!!!

3:40 in the videoā€¦He can cancel Finger Shot. Uncertain about carpet.

I have one VERY important question about rapid slash assist.

Does it still push them damn near half screen if they block it?

iā€™m curious on this now. Most of the time iā€™ve seen it itā€™s either called from full screen or just gets plain out stuffed.

Iā€™m pretty sure I saw that In the last buildā€¦ well I guess it was just finger shot, either way itā€™s straight up dirty

I honestly agree with most of what he said, although NOTHING is solid before release date. As a Dudley main in SSF4 and Hsien Ko fanatic, I can tell you the reveal footage and showcasing has no meaning whatsoever in terms of character value. Remember when we thought MODOK couldnā€™t block low before the game came out?

Vergil is a meter whore and heā€™ll drop faster than a prom dress, but itā€™s still way too early to say what tier heā€™ll be. I can see Doom being top 3 definitely, because he was perfectly fine but he got HUGE HUGE HUGE buffs while the rest of the top tier got nerfed. Once the game comes out, then we can actually start playing theory fighter without being the blind being led by the blind.

Vergil and Iron Fist have huge, glaring flaws that have people placing them in tiers unnecessarilyā€¦ keep that shit in check until we start playing.

With all that said, Iā€™m fucking terrified of Ghost Rider and Hawkeye. Fuck them.

people thought MODOK coudlnā€™t block at all :smiley:

The main thing I pulled from Honzoā€™s take on Vergil (and that I think makes total sense) is that heā€™s just too goddamn straightforward. Itā€™s like playing poker with all your cards face up.

When you compare Vergil on point to say Hsien Ko, Morrigan, Haggar or Chun Li on pointā€¦Iā€™d say he doesnā€™t have anything that you could say are ā€œglaring flawsā€ for placing them in tiers. Obviously no oneā€™s going to go placing Vergil into a tier list in the tier thread until a month or two after the game is out but heā€™s already looking better than about 60 to 70 percent of the cast in Vanilla just off of what people are doing in basic vids. Thatā€™s stuff Iā€™ve seen him do whether or not he spends any meter. His basic stuff with assist plus teleport calls is already looking crazy as it is.

If by ā€œdrop faster than a prom dressā€ you mean his health then thatā€™s not a big issue considering most of the characters with lower health ran Vanilla any way. You die really fast in this game no matter how much health you have any way.

This 100093849238489x. As a Dudley fanatic I was so hyped for him to be broken in SSF4 because I played Guile and Vega in Vanilla. But I digress we all know what happened to Dudley and suffice it to say I will NEVER be hype about how good a character is supposed to be BEFORE launch.

Some really great Vergil gameplay from the tourney last night (HD too)
Dacidbro vs. X-Ray



Dacidbro vs. MikeeB



I guess I was one of the few people that didnā€™t really see it in Dudley. I was hype for Ibuki but I already knew she was going to be nerfed like shit compared to 3S Ibuki so I didnā€™t really take too much to her until just before the game came out. Dudley canā€™t work in SFIV as far as being a top tier unless they change the mechanics of the game so he doesnā€™t die to backdashes and anyone who has better pokes.

All the Dudley mains are getting excited over 2012. 1 more active frame on his c.mk and a 3 frame no invincibility dp doesnā€™t mean shit as far as making him competitively viable

Dudley mains should play 3S.

Yea I canā€™t believe Doom got buffed (/Doom mainer here lol) he was already the best (or one of) Assist character, and pretty good on Point too. Now heā€™s insane assist + insane point, crazy. But really, I donā€™t think itā€™ll be to fun running into a billion dooms ā€¦but eh.

I saw some of the NCAL stream (They are just talking bout Vergil so I havenā€™t heard it yet) but I saw someone doā€¦Swordsā€¦Teleport and the swords instantly hit like Molecular shield assist used close, thatā€™s just nasssttyyyyyy lol (Iirc/excuse me if its scrub logic). You have to block instant, and know where heā€™s gonna teleport. Normally obviously a Teleport has some recovery, but due to the swords you hit someone INSTANT. Or am I wrong? if not thatā€™s crazy due to him having 3 teleports + hitconfirm due to the swords duration. Anyways HYPE

thereā€™s a lack of LPN thereā€¦

As for vergil, this is how I see it:

If you canā€™t block left/right mixups, Vergil will look retarded to you. Basically Wolvie 2.0 in a sense. Heā€™s not all that mobile in the air and I doubt (only assuming) wall jump wonā€™t be that big of a thing (doesnā€™t seem to be with the current characters who do have wall jumps). But weā€™ll see how the game progresses. Being a meter whore hasnā€™t really stopped any character in vanilla from being good. Itā€™ll probably just take some time for people to realize theyā€™ll either need to build a team revolved around vergil or simply canā€™t or wonā€™t play him in a team specifically built for him.