Tasty, GTFO, all of those things are counterbalanced by other tools that Zero has to cover those weaknesses.
Lack of invincible moves? Incredibly fast moves with tied for the best hit boxes in the game. (Oh and his level 3)
Bad damage scaling? After he finishes a combo with a hard knock down he gets an entire second combo regardless of hit stun scaling because of his hit stun deterioration free moves that aren’t getting nerfed in ultimate.
Lack of invulnerability on his command dash? Now he can cancel it at any point on immediate reaction to a 5 frame start up beam with 3x3 frames durability.
Low health? His health is buffed in ultimate for no reason. =/
I wouldn’t be surprised if he was top tier in Ultimate but with the stupid stuff that was in vanilla, you have chars like Wesker with gdlk mixup, stupid high health AND ridiculous XF bonus.
The damage scaling is an issue because in sub-optimal conditions (assist dead/Zero as anchor) you won’t have access to the hitstun-ignoring moves, you have to settle for his BnB combo that takes so long it runs out all the XF and doesn’t even do much damage. Which means Zero should be run on point, whereas chars like Magneto and Dante can still be fully utilized in anchor position and still do ridiculous damage, which kind of takes away from Zero’s versatility. I’m also spoiled by hammer, I wish all my characters had vanilla Dante’s hammer. I’m not saying Zero isn’t S tier, I’m saying he isn’t as S tier as those other characters with regards to saying he’s the best period in vanilla.
As an aside, I read reports that the durability system in the guide may be slightly or completely off. People found a number of projectiles that seemed to ignore the rules outlined in the bible.
Right now? We don’t even know their BnBs and don’t even have finalized info on all the changes for every char.
So how viable would a Vergil, Dante/Strider, Hawkeye team be? I definitely want Vergil and Strider on my UMvC3 team, but I don’t who the best third would be.
After playing DMC4 again I have to say this although it pains me because I love Vergil. Nero would have been MUCH more interesting from a playstyle standpoint. Here is to hoping he is in MvC4 when that comes out next year.
Nero was stupid. Not in the fun can’t wait to break this char. He was stupid in the once you master even half of what he can do you better not let one single eneny touch you because he is just THAT broken.
All this talk about Nero and Dormammu. Get out! Lol. I need more Vergil info. Back on topic:
Has anyone confirmed whether Vergil’s Maximum Judgment Cut Hyper does OTG? It looked like it did in a few videos. And he can use it on the ground, right?
hey everyone need help figuring out if the maximum bubbles for vergil will be a combocrossover and with which assist? planning on running a wesker/vergil/ doom team and wondering if its possible to samurai edge into maximum wesker + bubbles
I take any opinions I hear about a character before release with an entire salt mine. Dante was figured out before MvC3 released, Wesker was no good, Viper was the best character in the game (though some still say she is in theory). In SSF4 Dudley was broken and Adon was the worst character in the game (granted he did change somewhat before release).