Dark Slayer Style - The Vergil General Discussion Thread

I should hope it does a ton, its technicaly a level 4.

The real question now is if you can Rapid Slash xx Swords/Trigger and then Rapid Slash xx whichever one you didnā€™t just activate into whatever followupā€¦ That would be sick

Iā€™m pretty sure based on the footage weā€™ve seen you can cancel Rapid Slash twice like that. And no one should compare Vergil, half-demon, half-man to an oversized porcupine with steel claws.

Might not be a complete one, but itā€™s nice to see a bunch of his moves in one place.

Video was already linked, but thanks for the effort. Speaking of the video, after watching it again. It seems his level 3 X-Factor Maximum Judgment Cut Hyper does insane damage. Even on block with no X-factor, the chip is pretty good damage. Iā€™m thinking Vergilā€™s level 4 Hyper with Level 3 X-Factor would kill Thor with full health.

Whoops, didnā€™t catch the link before ;:slight_smile:

I wouldnā€™t be surprised that if the opponent had low health and one character left that this might be a legitimate tactic since it looks like Vergil is a safe distance away when he X-Factors.

Has no invincibility though. Anything with the slightest bit of priority seems to beat it out. At least itā€™s fastā€¦

Edit: Vergil is making a pretty decent showing already at the UMvC3 iplaywinner stream tonight. STILL nobody making use of the wall jump though.

Dunno if u guys r watching the stream but vergil is BEASTING o_o

Dacidbro just tore ass on the stream with Vergil, very sexy stuffā€¦

Yeah I watched the stream and saw a Vergil bnb ending with his otg, then used Nemesisā€™ ground bounce assist to relaunch. What other assists do you think will work after Vergilā€™s otg? Iā€™m guessing assists like Haggarā€™s Lariat, Tronā€™s Gustaff Fire, and Spencerā€™s grapple should work. Any others? I want a combo extender for my future Vergil with Task or Trish team :stuck_out_tongue:

Lookin like Vergil is the new herpderp braindead warrior of marvel. Wont be bad as vanilla Wolvie I hope.

I can see Jam Session working.

Team dmc is gonna b godlike

People said this about Dante, iirc, and then everyone figured out how much work he actually took. Once people start figuring this character out, all the braindead Vergils will get weeded out, just like all the Day 1 Dantes.


lots of options there. Dark Hole (Dormammu), Cold Star (Ammy), Doom rocks, Eye of Agamotto (Strange-- this will be part of my Vergil BnB for sure), Sent drones, and even Hyper Grav is guaranteed to work if youā€™re willing to give up disruptah assist. basically any multi-hitting projectile or moves that cause a large amount of hitstun should work.

LPN was doing some sick things with vergil.

I missed the stream. Does anyone have it recorded? Or is there anywhere I could access it?

btw, whatā€™s the word on his up kicks assist? does it have any invulnerability of sorts? can it be used as a reliable AA or at this point, are we all supposed to be using rapid slash for that beserker slash cheesiness? lol

Meaning that Iā€™m probably at a disadvantage if I want to pair him up with Trish and X-23. grumble I could probably just keep Xā€™s OTG. Though crescent slash as alpha counter has become significantly more pretty with the talon attack cancelsā€¦

Well when you stop and think about it how many times did you see anyone use a wall jump in vanilla?? Hah. They are extremely situational things to use beneficially.