Dark Slayer Style - The Vergil General Discussion Thread

I’m editing a video showing all of Zero’s changes. I’m not sure if I will be uploading the entire amount as it’s gigantic and most of it is just players testing out new stuff. But if you guys want, I’ll make a video of all the Vergil footage I recorded, whether it be good or bad. That ok?

i’ll take any character test stuff to be honest, but you’re doing the work so it’s up to you. Any hawkeye stuff by any chance?

There are a few matches of Hawkeye, nothing groundbreaking. But I’ll probably upload all the footage over time, just working on specific stuff right now.

Footage is footage and is better than none. You can even find gems in bad play.

much obliged, subscribed for the vids :slight_smile:

with vergils dependency on meter i can envision myself mashing sideways+S a lot when i am eating a combo.

This is pretty sick, I like it :smiley:
Makes me wanna post up the art I did now :slight_smile:

Vergil has a wall jump??? When did that happen!!!

Nobody ever seems to use it when they play him. Trying to play him like he’s dante.

Mostly due to lack of time I bet. Plus they, being capcom, never mention his wall jump or round trip. So those are things that can easily be forgotten.

But I’ve been wondering just how useful his walljump will be. Maybe act as a doublejump for corner combos?

I posted that in the OP the day of his reveal.

I hope someone finds a way to do his infamous DMC3 jump cancel slash loop in MvC3. Shit would be so delicious.


At 11:44… Shortly after the start of the match you can see a glitched wall jump. Vergil A teleported to the right of Vergil B as Vergil B jumped backwards to the wall to the right of him. They somehow managed to time it so Vergil B does a wall jump in the wrong direction off a wall that shifts suddenly to the right. Makes it look like a mid-screen double-jump. But it’s just a rare wrong way wall jump.

The vid itself has a lot of vergil play as both sides constantly pick him.


Another video made by me, some moves are not shown, my apologies.

**1:09 - Rapid Slash > DT > Combo (Also can use swords super/opponent is standing)


Whoooo, this confirms it. Berserker > Charge super > combo is now in Vergils hands lolol. Sorry if this is old, but I remember us wondering if you can cancel his Rapid slash into DT and continue the combo, you can.

Vid was released today.

Something tells me that rapid slash just can’t have the same scare factor as berserker slash. There’s only one range.

Also, magic, f+C XX DT, trick A, magic XX Lvl3 is a nice and easy way of landing it.

vergils the new wolvie! time to take my revenge!

we should kill that comparison now if we can…

Yes you can cancel to make safe/continue combo.
No it doesn’t have nearly the invuln that zerker slash did
No it doesn’t havethe insane mixup qualities that zerker slash did.

It’s really really not the same at all :stuck_out_tongue:

You also don’t get Vergil’s bad side when he does that combo. Clearly not the same.

stop killing my fun! :arazz: