Proficient enough. I don’t really go to tourneys lately outside of local stuff in my area but I like to study up the game. I’ll most likely have the Xbox version so if you’re on XBL I’ll get you on there.
Played UMvC3 today at Battle Arena Melbourne. Recorded over 700GB of footage, fk yeah. Lot’s of Vergil footage, mainly testing out moves and shit. Here’s a little clip I took. Poor Zero.
I’m approximating his LVL3 takes around 650k.
that is ridiculous dmg… niceee
700GB? the fuck? I’ve owned over 12 laptops now and if i combine all what i had stored in all of them it wont reach 700… AWESOME!
Link to DL or vids asap Plz…
It’s roughly 4 hours of uncompressed .avi footage(1080p). One issue I had with recording was that it was on Xbox 360’s not PS3’s, so I wasn’t able to split the audio, thus, there is no sound. As for the footage, it’s mostly Zero footage of me testing out all his changes and whatnot. Some Vergil, Dante, Ryu and other miscellaneous characters, also shows the health nerf Phoenix received by Magneto killing her with Gravity Squeeze.
Just checked, 954GB.
I think any footage we can get will be appreciated. :tup:
650K unscaled damage + followup seems like it will be worth the 4 bars.
if a Vergil B&B can beat that with a combo ending with maximum bubbles super, I don’t think it’s worth it unless you’re already in DT mode and have meter to burn. then again, I’d rather keep the DT mode going to have access to airdashing.
What about a vergil BnB into the lvl 4 with a follow up??? That is enough to kill most characters if not all… I’d say it’s worth a free character if you have the meter.
I only have PSN deviljin, so unfortunately I may not be able to face you after all. And his level 4 is mainly for being flashy, but of course it’s viable as a match ender. Or taking someone out if you have the meter. If he can build 1-2 bars in a combo, that would make it much more viable.
I’m going to agree with mario on this one 4 bars + follow-up (in addition with hit stun deterioration) on one character doesn’t seem worth it, especially if you saved that much meter. I’d rather use it for DT and Spiral Swords for more utility.
His DT mode is so tempting to try with Morrigan meter build assist. Already do this with Dante when I feel like trolling.
DT level 3 seems nice if you have the meter but otherwise it seems like a fair version of the DHC glitch or something considering it’s easy to combo into.
I just don’t see the point of using the meter on buff supers if you have the chance to outright kill. To me that’s like dropping a combo that would have killed anyways in order to go into a reset situation. I’m not saying the buff supers are worthless though. I agree that they will be more useful overall and I will definitely be using them more but if you have 4 or 5 meters why not just DT for mobility and speed to open them up and then once you land a combo go into level 3 super instead of just having DT and spiral swords out all the time. One is guaranteed kill for 4 bars, one is possible kill for X amount of bars. But maybe that’s just me being too liberal with my meter spending. Hah.
I wonder which hyper is the mashable one for Vergil.
I don’t know if everyone has a mashable super. I know Doom’s Photon Array is though. If everyone does have one, it’s probably his Hyper Judgment Cuts. If it’s his level 4, wow… That really doesn’t need more damage, especially if they’re in a crumple state. Depending on the hit stun scaling, landing his level 4 could be an instant KO on anyone in the cast.
I don’t remember where but I’m pretty sure Seth Killian said that everyone has at least one mashable hyper. It might have been during the EVO stream when they were talking about how yipes used to wear a glove to mash with. But yeah, my guess is that it’s his judgement cut hyper as well.
I think the main problem with his lvl 4 is the fact that he can’t build meter in devil trigger. Other wise it would have been a lot more practical since you can start a combo with 3 bars(or maybe even 2 if he is like his brother), transform to DT and still hit em with the lvl 3.
But you never know, I didn’t think lvl 3’s would be very popular in vanilla but capcom proved me wrong so they might have given some nice properties to his lvl 4 that make it appealing and worth it.
THAT AMOUNT OF DAMAGE AND UNSCALED ISN’T APPEALING ENOUGH???!!! Haha. Just playing. I know what you mean.
hey i wanted to ask you if you had the xbox TE version of that virgil cover…i really want to you use on my stick once i learn how
also, I wish we could get some more gameplay videos. I mean when nemesis came out he got like, 20 break down videos and a hefty number of gameplay! And he’s as dull as a brick wall!
I dont know maybe there have been some new ones that no one has bothered to link but i want to see everything he can do in a combo
plus the videos i do see him in he dies in the first 10 seconds…so yeah
Haha. I didn’t catch what you meant exactly. If you’re looking for the Vergil art I posted then PM me.
when can we expect that absurd amount of footage?