Dark Slayer Style - The Vergil General Discussion Thread

Anyone else HYPE for Nova!? I think he’ll be great on a Vergil team, presuming he has some sort of beam assist (I really hope he does).

I hope Trish/Task 1st, Vergil 2nd, and Nova 3rd will be a good team :wink:

who is nova

erm one of the new chars for umvc3… gameplay not released yet tho!

Off-topic, but here: http://www.aniboom.com/animation-video/405556/Nova-All-For-One-Complete/

Origin story type of thing.

yeah but then if it’s any consolation, you’ll be down one character and not two like now if Wolverine somehow manages to air throw you at the start of the match. also, DP is less stupid. yay?

Just finished this up.


I posted this in the stick art thread but I thought it might get some appreciation here as well.

OMG hitbox style! I’ve been looking everywhere for some cool hitbox art thanks

Hah. Glad you like it. I could send you the hitbox template if you want. PM me if so.

Well I have my new desktop background. xD

I came. Then I noticed it was Hitbox and I don’t do that lol. But I still came.

Im surprised no ones posted this yet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FN4h2k4kRg&feature=player_embedded has some pretty decent vergil gameplay and although Im sure we will find other assists that work as well, it seems drones will definitely work well with him.

I hope we can find other assists that work as well cause I wanna run him on point with a meter building assist second and my business assist third but personally Im not a fan of running sentinel on anchor since(in vanilla at least) he had a plethora of just bad match-ups.

Hahaha. Hold tight for a few hours. It comes in more than one flavor. XD


This is a crappy quality JPEG. It looks like the original, just with a traditional arcade stick layout for all you stick fellas.

Beams assists are going be a key asset due to the mixup potential. You could throw it out and then teleport behind the opponent which forces them to block the other way or waste meter on something with invul because the beam would lock them down.

Yea Im sure beams will help him out, but drones seem so much better since they are so darn slow, but Im sure vergil will have a ton of assists that work well with him, but ill prolly try out a meter building assist with him as well since if the swords and DT are as good as they appear they will be, vergil won’t be building meter most of the time he is one screen.

I really hate drones assist. Everyone uses it, and it’s a bit overused for my taste. Beam assists are common with teleports, but it’s still a cooler way to go. Not to mention, I hate Sentinel as a character since most scrubs use him in the game, but what can you do. A bunch of assists will probably work well with him, since most characters with a crossup or teleport have a lot of viable assists. May use him as an anchor anyways, so it’s kind of a moot point.

Beam assists pretty much shut down sent drones so that’s another reason to like using beam assists.

Sent drones should be used for free pressure imo and nothing else. it’s gonna be decent at best for teleporters in Ultimate since they’re gonna be faster, though beam assists are of course better for their durability and speed.

Yeah you have to already be within rushdown range to make the best use of them. Akuma tatsu, beams or any other fast, multi hitting projectile assist will shut them out otherwise.

How proficient are you at MVC3 DevilJin? If you’re pretty good, we should go a few games once ultimate comes out. I could use the experience with some knowledgeable or skilled players. Most/all of my friends pretty much suck. And I have a long ways to go if I ever want to reach tournament level viability.