I’m thinking about Taskmaster and Doom for my team. Who would be better suited with Vergil if my third character is Trish/Firebrand? Just want all the advice I can get, since I want a ver symetrical team this time around. By the way, I’m using Vergil as my anchor, so he’ll need meter and X-Factor to take out whole teams. Any advice?
I’m personally running Vergil, Trish (low voltage), Doom (Missile). Some times switch around the order between Trish and Vergil like I do now with Trish and Wesker.
Although it would be nice I wouldn’t expect it. They’re adding hit stun deteriation to a lot more moves like OTG moves and what not and supposedly they want the game to be focused more on resets than one combo and you die. Which means they want you have to a lot of meter or XF stocked if you really wanna take someone out instead of building it all in one combo. I’m sure he’ll have some flashy combos but I’ll doubt you’ll see the stuff where you twiddle your thumbs while he’s comboing you and then has 3 meters to DHC kill you off.
Then again it is Marvel and I’ve seen Nemesis take off most of the life from Zero with a basic combo before super. LOL. They’ll probably just tone down like the Dante/C.Viper shit that would build 2 meters and kill anybody in the cast easily.
I am hoping to run Taskmaster, Vergil, Trish. Task to build meter for Vergil and I suppose I would use low voltage assist for teleport mixups. Any thoughts?
Low voltage isn’t bad…but not great for teleport mix ups. The main issue being that low voltage (at least in vanilla) does very little hit stun and hard to combo off of. Probably one of the reasons why Jago uses peekaboo assist on his Dante/Wesker/Trish team instead of low voltage. It might be different depending on how fast he can throw out an attack after teleport but I know in Vanilla it’s hard for characters like X23 or Wesker to land a bnb when low voltage is in the middle of their ports.
I would say both Task or Doom would be good depending on assists. You’ll definitely want to use hori arrows with Task or plasma beam with Doom. Task’s arrows will provide a hit box in the middle for 50/50 teleports into combos. They also don’t scale much at all for combos and can be hit confirmed off of easily.
Doom’s plasma beam scales a bit harder but covers the entire horizontal area on the screen for about 15 to 20 frames once it’s active. It also can only be ducked under by extremely small characters (Morrigan/Regular Phoenix/Ammy) or specific hit boxes (She Hulk c.H, X-23 c.H). Meaning if the opponent is on the ground period when you port and the beam is out they have to deal with 50/50. Plus the long beam gives a lot of room and coverage for you getting in and knocks out a lot of other assists nicely. Soft knockdown will knock down point characters and give you time to move in also. Long as you teleport right before the beam comes out the hit confirm afterwards is pretty reasonable due to soft knockdown.
I would say for those teams you’re better off putting Trish 2nd and Task/Doom 3rd. This will give Trish access to solid assists. Plus Task was already a strong anchor in Vanilla and Doom will be an even stronger anchor in Ultimate with his buffs.
Low voltage hit stun isn’t really that bad. Especially with HSD taking effect it can maintain a good minimum. (Much better than Morrigan’s shot at least, iirc.) It’s just no akuma tatsu or beam… Depends on the specifics of Vergil’s normals whether or not he can get easy pickups off LV assist + teleport/rapid slash/(M/H) judgement cuts. So it’s really hard to say how well it will work out, imho.
Ah ok thx guys for your thoughts. Maybe I’ll just switch Trish and Task so its Trish/Vergil/Task. I’m really hoping one of the characters yet to be revealed will be a good anchor and assist for Vergil!
Thanks for all the advice DevilJin, you seem to have some comprehensive knowledge of this game. I’m very interested in running Doom or Taskmaster, still considering Firebrand though. I don’t know if you have enough information on him to estimate his symetry with Vergil though.
And I really want to run Vergil as my anchor, not Doom or Taskmaster. Vergil’s basically my favorite character in the game, and I thought he’d be a good Anchor since he’s so meter dependent and his Level 4 is pretty much instant K.O. on any character once he gets in. Or do you think Vergil is too dependent on assists to be a good anchor?
Oh I thought you said you had Trish as your anchor so I gave you advice based on that.
Yeah that could work. Vergil with lots of meter will definitely have a self sufficient mix up game with XF any way. I’m sure one of Vergil’s assists will work as good lockdown for Doom’s or Task’s mixup.
Thanks man. I appreciate it. Anyways, off to eternal homework and studying now. I’ll be back on later tonight, if anyone else is looking for advice/knowledge on the character based on what we’ve seen. (Not that I have great knowledge or advice :clown:)
The thing with Low Voltage assist is that you need to be able to hit confirm right after teleport mixups. It’s a lot harder for Wesker than say…Dante but it’s possible.
I’m going to go on a limb and say it works rather fine for vergil. Granted his air normals after a teleport are good for crossups. Otherwise it’ll be more of a left/right guessing game.
I’m surprised no one has put up a Vid of what the Vergil vs Dante Intro is…
Nobody bothered to do it, no equipment to do it, or didn’t set up there teams to do it. Am I missing any?
I think i saw in a vid that vergil had an OTG assist? does it hit low?
Dante himself will not be able to do 20 second high execution BNBs in UMvC3, it’s something they are trying to get rid of from the game. They want to encourage people to do less combos and more resets.
this. minus the infinites, Ultimate is more like Marvel 2 than the high-damage execution fest vanilla was. it’s kinda disappointing knowing that the swag combos I practiced for so long are gonna be gone in Ultimate in favor of smarter play and resets, but I’ll take smarter play over derpy shit like start of the match air throw, OTG, XF, dead character.
who says you still can’t do that? lol. wait is it going to be hit that bad?
You are probably still gonna be able to do that, you just won’t have enough x-factor left to kill off the next character(or at least thats what seth is selling to us)
I’ve heard conflicting reports on the nature of Dante’s hitstun decay. I’d bet that he can still do his BC BnB, which lasts just around 20 seconds with an assist + Million Dollars. To take that away from him is kinda stripping away his primary character design.
The main thing I’m hearing they lower damage off of it.