Dark Slayer Style - The Vergil General Discussion Thread

Thx for edit. AND

Speaking of Vergil. I really wanna find out about this rapid slash assist. Rumor is he could be the guy with the next invincible assist then the other side is it’s not actually invincible. Meh…need to find out if I should put him first or not on my new people team. I’ll find a way to make those 3 guys work. LOL.

Even if it is invincible I’m sure it will be like 5 to 10 invincible frames at most. Not expecting the next Fire/Lariat assist.

I think its another one of those Capcom misinformation/false hype things :stuck_out_tongue:

From what we’ve seen it has a TINY bit of invuln at the start, but its a minute window, and somebody spent extensive time trying to use it to get through ryu fireballs, and couldn’t find the invuln window… or maybe the fireball is too slow and the window is too short ><

What is your new guys team, if I may ask Jin?

It’s in my sig if you mind reading all the randomness.

I’m not big on having Strider/Vergil/Wesker on the same team. They all have teleports. Not saying it isn’t viable, since teleports are pretty powerful in this game, but I try to keep my team diverse, haha. And yeah, I’ve seen quite a few videos on Rapid Slash assist, very little invulnerabilty or none. Either way, I’ve seen Vergil been hit out of it a lot. So it shouldn’t be anything like Haggar or Sentinel assist (Not saying they were invulnerable, they were just really really good.)

If I may ask, does anyone know if Vergil’s cross-slash assist (the one where he runs out forward and slashes generate behind him) actually put him behind the opponent if blocked? I’m asking because I have some Hi-Lo option ideas for a new team once the game’s released…

Well Sent bomb assist still comes out even if he’s hit But everyone’s too stuck with charge assist to care.

EDIT: didn’t realize I said charge twice. meant bomb.

Even though the video is titled Strider tech, there is a ton of Vergil footage by Max putting in work. And I like the combo he’s working with too.


I’m really diggin that combo. Max got the wall bounce, ground bounce and hard knockdown all in one sexy little combo. If that’s a Day -50 combo, then I’m excited for Vergil’s future combo potential.

Wow. I’m impressed. Maximilian is proving to be pretty proficient. I love Vergil’s combos off of the air throw, pretty awesome, and utlilizes a bunch of moves. I can’t wait to see his future potential.

**Edit: **Wesker with a sword… Come on Max, I feel insulted.

So Vergil’s Dancing Swords hyper spends another meter if you want to switch the stance of 'em (like throw the swords or position them above your enemy’s head.) That’s putting him in Meter Spending Territory, meaning he’ll need a good battery to build up for him. Also, Wesker with a Sword? Come on! They don’t have the same speed, Wesker has more teleporting options and Vergil has more Hyper Combo options.

Saying things like that overhypes the character. Can’t stand that…

Yeah, it really does. We’ve known for a while his Spiral Swords (Not Dancing Swords, lol… Vergil isn’t gay) cost another bar to go into Blistering Swords or Sword Storm. Ironically, the only thing I haven’t seen is the potential for combos with his two Spiral Sword stance changes. I wonder if you can combo with them. But that seems pretty advanced. And if you need to spend another entire meter to do so. It better be well worth it and result in massive damage.

damn, vergil j.H has crazy range, and good hitstun too.

combos without spiral swords or assists extension seem pretty basic so far - cr.LMH>lunar phase>st.M>cr.H>stinger>>trick forward>5h5s>j.MMH>j.2C or j.S>OTG>super or go for throw reset. all of his standing normals move him forward a bit, so you probably need to walk back a bit after teleport. 5s>tk lunar phase might be possible, seems fast enough and it looks like a good hitbox. if it is you can probably work with st.LMH>stinger>5s>TK lunar phase>etc

judgment cut loops with cr.H seem likely in xf2 or even xf1

I just hope Vergil has crazy 20 second high execution BNBs like his brother does.

It doesn’t look like he has a mechanic as artificial as Bold Canceling, but he does have everything else Dante has: self wall bounce, ground bounce, OTG, plus a teleport, DT and Spiral Swords/style cancels which can act as combo extenders…

I imagine the Week 1 combos we’ll be seeing are gonna blow our faces off. Remember the first time you saw Dante’s BC BNB? Yeah, that all over again.

Strider/Dante/Vergil (or what ever order) or Zero/Strider/Vergil. What do you think is better? I’m a better Zero user, but i can always pick up Dante.

up to you dude. don’t expect your guys to last very long while on point though, especially if your opponent picks up two characters. I like keeping an above-average health character (like Doom) in the back at all times for security. speaking of Doom, j.S is about as amazing as Wolverine’s divekick in Vanilla. if anyone needs a meter-building character (for your Ouroboros/Dancing Swords/etc mixups), Doom’s gonna be a great choice in Ultimate with all the new shit he has.

I like Strider in second and Vergil either on point or second. depending on how good his rapid slash assist is, first or second is best for him imho.

I really can’t decide man. It consists of this: Strider/Vergil/Dante, Zero/Strider/Vergil, Strider/Vergil/task or even X-23/Strider/Vergil. My bests and favs in Vanilla where X-23 and Zero which is why i want to use them. X-23/Vergil maybe cool too, because Vergil’s running dash assist (if invincible) would work well in covering X-23’S hop, this same thing can be said for Zero’s phasing dash move… the problem with these two is they provide shitty assists and they both bleed as well.

Strider/Dante/Vergil (or what ever order) sounds solid because all three are versatile, and they can assist each other pretty well.
Strider/Vergil/Task has the same properties, but with better vitality with Taskmaster. Problem is… he can’t teleport. LOL

in Ultimate, I feel whatever Tasky can do well, Doom can do better. Doom last with Plasma Beam assist gives you a great assist to cover your teleports and a character that can confirm a high-damaging combo off a dive kick (not Wolverine). Doom last would be a better choice for your team since it has teleporters up the wazoo.

You are likely right about doom… but doom doesn’t have a sword. :frowning: But yes, he is a likely candidate for Strider and Vergil. You think Plasma beam would work better or hidden missiles? I assume Missiles due to tracking which will make it harder for opponents to gain distance from you, and vergil has two good tracking assists and Doom’s missiles can go where the opponent jumps.

Yea I seem to be in the minority using bombs for when I use Sent. (Which is like never now), not just for that, but also cause it’s more messy and works better to hide the opponent in my 50/50’s for me. Also DJ seems like we’ll be playing the same chars in umvc3 so far, also have Doom/Dante as mains and x-23 was my main lol.

And I like the newer combos im seeing, It also sparks my imagination, I can already imaging doing a few more things with the uses of DT and well placed Teleports.

True, but he can plow through Projectiles & Beams, and has long damaging combos. I for one think Vergil & Tasky will have great symmetry; though if you’re going with Strider on point, it’s best to add Doom since him beam is better to hit confirm.