Dark Slayer Style - The Vergil General Discussion Thread

Maybe it’s invincible if he is in Devil Trigger?

if that’s the case, devil trigger DHC into safe super = invincible assist abuse with crazy health regen.

I want to see some good Strider/Vergil vids. I’ve seen the videos in fight club, max, and i read some stuff around so i’ve very curious if the chemistry is good. Strider/Vergil/Dante sounds nerdy awesome.

Nothing can get any more Derp than this game yo lol. (At least recent games) And yea I agree DJ, I know he will be used a lot, Im pretty sure he will be more than decent too. I just hope he isn’t to crazy and more so like Dante which does require a certain amount of skill to be good at despite the character being used a lot. (so no Wolverine/Wesker lvl)

You and I are too late. It’s not like the oldschool fighting generation where we just let it rock, and try and figure out everything we can find. The broken shit gets found in the first month or two, and nowadays players are whiny bitches. But ehh, at least we get more balanced games in general. I hope that either this is the last version of the game, or they balance it with patches like MK. Cuz I don’t want to be around if they announce another disc version. I’ll be in the fallout shelter.

I don’t much care about playing vergil anyways, but having out of whack characters is a problem for the game in general, weren’t you paying attention during vanilla?

and as an aside, I can’t wait till skullgirls drops just because people will quit talking about it :stuck_out_tongue:

Someone really needs to put up a Vergil combo video. Hard to do when no one actually has the game, but I’d love to see it and a run down on all of his moves and every property they have.

At least there’s no shortage of vids that contain at least one vergil. Just searching for umvc3 or ultimate mvc3 eventually finds plenty. It generally looks to be nothing but basic stuff though. I don’t recall seeing a single wall jump, for instance.

Edit: Best vergil play so far? (Which is kinda sad.)


If you don’t care to much then why are you here?

And I played/still play the shit out of Vanilla, so I don’t get that jab, nor do I understand why you are trying to get hostile. All I’m saying is, play who “you” want to play regardless of how they play or what tier they’re going to be. It’s a versus game, there is bound to be some dumb shit, if that’s not the type of thing you’re into and can’t adjust then you’re playing the wrong game.

Perfect point. When I think about it more, Vergil will definitely have creative combos. They might not be his effective or optimal combos, but he’ll have potential to be flashy. With the properties of his wall bounce Stinger, and DT cancel into Rapid Slash or larger area Judgment Cut will allow flashier combos. I’ve seen people actually combo off of Rapid Slash with an assist, so he’ll have some pretty sick potential if it has a decent amount of frontal invulnerability when he’s using it (Not as an assist).

I’m so hyped, I can hardly wait anymore.

Yeah that’s why I brought up Skullgirls cuz people who don’t like the BS of Marvel might as well just pick up that game. It looks like it’ll have enough of what makes Marvel fun without always making you wanna kick your PS3/Xbox. I’m pretty sure Marvel 3 is the only game I’ve played with my brother where he actually threw his stick across the room after a match. LOL.

Marvel is basically a big test of how much bullshit you can get around. You really shouldn’t be playing this game if you don’t like bullshit. It’s basically Bullshit The Game. This game gives you very few options for getting out of bad situations so anything that would be a problem in another fighting game is a huge issue in this game. You pretty much have to avoid getting shot in the face multiple times to stay together in this game because anytime you get hit you lose a lot more than you lose in a standard fighter. Especially with needing to rely on assists and DHC’s.

The best players in MVC3 are the ones who can space themselves away from the other person’s shit and set up their own the best. You have to play the game for a while to even decently react to certain types of set ups for mix up more than 50 percent of the time. Key word is set up because if you don’t react to the set up you basically have to guess against the actual mix up.

There’s plenty of characters that aren’t even played regularly in tournaments who have stupid ass shit you just don’t even know about that would piss you off nearly as bad. Level 3 XF Felicia probably pisses me off more than anything the S tiers do and that’s saying something. I’d like to know more of the bullshit that was possible in Vanilla but now we won’t know till Ultimate I guess.

Because the speculation and discussion itself can be interesting. It’s fun to try to work out a character pre-release as a puzzle, and there’s plenty of things to wonder about with him as well :stuck_out_tongue:

As to the other thing, sorry if you read it as hositle, I was trying to be jaunty. I’m just saying we don’t need another vanilla wolverine/wesker, just makes the game worse.

Sounds a lot like complaining to me DevilJin. But that’s what this game is, BS. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t take skill. Since as you said, it’s about spacing and strategy as opposed to reaction time and blockstrings like most fighting games. It’s different, but since it’s so crazy, it allows for more creativity and craziness with the combos than most games which appeals to me.

Ironically I don’t like the idea of using three characters on a team, which this game is clearly built upon. But hey, Vergil’s in it, and the combos look sick, that’s why I play UMVC3 and MVC3.

It’s not really complaining, if it was complaining I wouldn’t play the game. It’s just you can’t play a game like Marvel and control everything that happens in the fight just on your own accord. I know other local fighting gamers who basically gave up MVC3 for small things like Wesker’s Maximum Wesker super and that’s arguably the worst super in the game. If you have a projectile Wesker can’t even use the super. If little things like that people find too cheap it only gets worse from there as we all know and it’s obvious this game competitively just isn’t for everybody.

You have to just kinda do your best to control what happens. Marvel in general gives you more situations that you can’t react to with the human eye than any other game. The situations you get put in when you get locked down are literally unfair and pretty much based on guessing to get out of. Like when Zero kills you in the corner and goes for raikousen 50/50…nobody blocks that shit ever. Why? Because there’s maybe a gap of 3 to 5 frames as to whether Zero is in front of you or behind you when the lightning strikes. Guess wrong you probably lose your 2nd character just because you were the guy that lost their first character. Fun…yes. Fair? No. Marvel? Yes.

That’s why when someone does block something that’s extremely hard to block it’s a big deal because realistically it’s nearly impossible to do. Like seeing Sanford consistently blocking assistless left right berserker slashes from that asian player in semi finals at Evo. That shit is crazy because being able to make the right block decision on assistsless B Slash mix ups is something that’s extremely hard to do on reaction and I’m pretty sure there’s a lot of other top players that wouldn’t be able to make the judgement to block it as well. It just shows that little bit of extra stuff you get from being a top MVC2 player.

The game in general is just about getting started before your opponent does because you don’t want your opponent to get started in this game. Mainly because it severely diminishes the chances you’ll end things well. That is unless you play Phoenix and survive getting snap killed. Even that is getting toned down in Ultimate though and Phoenix teams will endure a lot more early snap kills.

I wouldn’t be playing this game if it didn’t have bullshit cuz I think bullshit makes games more fun and creative. It also forces you to be more careful about your spacing and forces you to react to things in the most raw fashion rather than just relying on safe fails in the right spots like invincible movement techniques and DP’s. I just refer to it as such because the mix ups and properties of some of the moves in this game would be patched out of any other fighting game quickly. SFIV got rid of 1 frame unblockables via fireballs+ultra but this game gives you “press a button” meterless fuzzy unblockables.

kind of wandering off of Vergil discussion here, deviljin :stuck_out_tongue:

Well…lemme know when the new Vergil vid comes up.

what is this zero 50/50
what is this reliable raikousen cross up (when it doesn’t cross up in corner unless obviously delayed)

anyway, random vergil combo idea

cr.LMH>stinger>spiral swords>5s>j.S>round trip>j.S>lunar phase>stinger+assist>j.2C>high time otg>cancel to judgment cut super

replace swords with DT imo, I’m presuming you’re using the stinger as a wallbounce?

Heh its just that I keep writing and deleting replies because we’d get even more tangenty :smiley:


1:45:40 in. Even if there’s a way to wait for Zero to come down and block it reliably if you’ve never seen it before you’re going to get hit by it free and it’s stuff like that that will keep you from winning a 2/3 in Marvel real fast. On top of the fact that even if you somehow learned how to block that consistently then he can just switch to assist + command dash come in 50/50’s that you definitely won’t block on reaction and definitely will 50/50 cross in corner everytime.

fixed. And DevilJin complaining is different from a scrub complaining.

NEwayz back to Vergil…


He’s got a cool sword