Dark Slayer Style - The Vergil General Discussion Thread

speaking of NYCC…i’ll be there saturday. So best believe Vergil is going to get in my team the majority of time while I try out my other characters.

Actually this works. I just saw a video where Vergil did…basic combo > stinger > Teleport > Swords Super (Kept Juggling opponent in air) > DT > Continue combo/small loop x 2 > then dropped it lol. So yay there are more combo possibilities.

Source: (0:06 + ) + Lots of Info about Vergil in general. Didn’t even realize his Killerbee is J.S…it can crossup too, thats so nasty lol. Swords is active on the first frame, good shiitt, easy juggles.


Definitely gonna try to build a team around him at some point in the future, if for nothing else because of just how badass he looks. Thanks for all the info, ill probably try to pair him with amateratsu or something.

seems like those combos would actually be better without swords usually >< Especially the first one!

Yea the swords probably won’t be used in combos once the game drops, they seem to prorate and increase the hsd really heavily. Im guessing he might go into full on reset mode once he has the swords out, I mean can you imagine blocking him, with them teleports, and the swords all around him, whilst blocking sentinel drones(or w/e the equivalent becomes in ultimate) I can see him doing them magneto vortex shenanigans with the swords.

The vid has me hype

Yeah DT seems like the better option to cancel into during combo’s. But guys (and girls) Did ya’ll see that Lvl4?! It took out at least half of hulks hp without Xfactor! HOLY **** my hype meter just flew up! And we can combo after it… Lovely.

It should for 4 bars lol. But yea whenever you use it, that pretty much means the opponent is dead :D. Although doing a Combo into a level 3 with any character mostly means death so eh lol.

Also @ Everyone: Yea if you can just cancel into DT, swords most likely won’t be used for that lol, but as one mentioned great mixup opportunities from it especially since you’re already so close due to the teleport. & Id be using the swords just for style yo, idc about DMG or usefulness lmao

vergil = problem

good thing his health is low and he needs meters to do the nutty stuff.
i’m betting swords super will allow inescapable TACs, which means some teammates will be really able to take advantage of (i.e. Sentinel), and even allow vergil to be dhc’d back in for more mayhem or potentially another inescapable TAC. :eek: that should cover his main weakness which seems to be meter hogness. :wink2:

does getting TAC’d count as a hit for things that hits cancel?

Yea it seems the lvl 4 is gonna do about 600k plus it since you can combo off it it pretty much means a dead character. What I wanna know though is the range and the start-up on devil trigger, I have very little doubt that its gonna have invincibility, but if it has ass range or if devil trigger has too much start-up it won’t be very good at punishing chip attempts and shit like that, cause I think whats gonna make it practical or not is how good it is outside of combos. With that said ill probably end up running vergil with bloom assist(since I prefer ammy over morrigan), and a nice versatile assist in the 3rd spot or something. I still wish he could build meter in DT but ill give capcom the benefit of the doubt on this.

It should be fun seeing how vergil teams evolve over time though.

Basically this is my theory on how it’s gonna go:

cancel whatever into DT for the damage

get a knockdown and throw out swords for the mixup

Max bubbles for the DHC or finisher.

2 things I still want to know; or 3 I guess.

  1. Is it fast enough to DT>lvl3 in super? (just curiosity mostly :p)
  2. Can you totally berzerker charge his berserkers slash with DT, to the same results?
  3. Is sword stance change fast enough that you can go Swords TP mixup>sword crown and potentially continue the combo? Because it looks like it to me.
  1. I don’t see why not. his DT Startup should be the same as Dante’s DT. Though I’d be fine wasting 5 bars to just do swords>DT>lvl3 if that were the case.
  2. I would assume yes since specials can cancel into supers. I dunno if it’d work the same way as charge though. You can punish charge if you have x-factor so if Vergil is really a problem and isn’t covered by an assist well…
  3. More things to find out.

Seth Killian said rapid slash is a cheap assist, and has some invincibility.

So many teams I want to make and play around with @_@

I guess my 2 is less of a question more an observation as in ‘that would probalby work’.

It looks hard to combo out of the move normally tho’, I was thinking especially of that use… altho as I think of it, if a safe cancel is the goal, swords is what you want to use anyways, since its basically a forcefield vs physical attacks.

oh let me add a 4:

"How much durability do swords have? Do they work as a shield against projectiles that overlap with their hitbox?

Me too.


Dante(jam session)-X23(otg)-Vergil(rapid slash)


New invincible assists? Sounds fun. Might have to rearrange the order of my team if that’s the case. None of Strange’s assists sound as good as an invincible horizontal assist. We’ll see. Strange will most likely be a good meter build character any way and safe DHCing into Vergil’s DT sounds like a good idea also to get him going and coming in with the air dash and double jump mechanics.

He said “some” invincibility. It’s on the vid of Royal Flush in eventhubs. You can hear him talking in the background.