Dark Slayer Style - The Vergil General Discussion Thread

Vergil throws force edge so you can still use yammato

Lvl 1 - maximum vergil (qcf x2 attack)
Lvl 1 - phantom swords (dp x2 attack) change into sword crown mode is hcf S
Lvl 1 - devil triger (qcb x2 attack)
Lvl 3 - … (Qcb x2 attack)

Still have not figured out how to change into the one where the swords all point towards the opponent

Also I was still able to combo after using round trip, the timeing is just wierd.

Sword crown is when it appears on the opponent? What about when they appear aligned behind vergil?

Didn’t reallize Strider’s assist had that much start up. Most likely still gonna be one of the best with its tracking ability.

Vergil got blown up. LOL.

Not my vid. Har.

Yeah, it was almost not worth posting. It was Floe though. He’s not the best, but he’s not bad. This at least shows that vergil is not going to be dominant from day one.

Edit: For anybody looking for the Maximilian video mentioned in the post below this one, it’s here:

The Vergil was Floe tho’, not exactly famous for not knowing to play fighting games :stuck_out_tongue:

From the Maximillian Video,

*Vergil can’t follow-up his OTG without assist
*Air Throw > normal into combo totally works.

Yeah not so great seeing my boi vergil get blown up like that but strider was all over the place… like a real ninja! like an actual strider! yesh!!

Maximilian has a breakdown of the LA fightclub event with a lot of vergil gameplay and explanation. Not too much new stuff but it satisfies the appetite somewhat. Hah.

Mostly just interesting combo stuff. He combos after an air throw at one point. Also, you see his assist a bit and he explains round trip.

Thanks for the information guys. Didn’t mean to criticize floe if he’s a proficient player. He must not have known how to use Vergil very well, seeing as he is a new character.

This is definitely one of those situations where I can’t have enough info, but I’m going to die since inevitably I have to wait around 2 months for this game to come out… Ugh…

I find it helps to think of it this way. We’re approx 22 days (Or 3 weeks if it sounds shorter too you.) away from NYC where we should hopefully get some more gameplay and characters. From NYC it’s only another… 4 weeks and two days (30 days total or possibly 31 days if my math is incorrect.) till release. And if you’re getting the guidebook then that last short amount of time is even shorter! Plus they have color updates on tuesdays and fridays so we constantly have something to look forward too for at least another month.

But i still want more gameplay…

Well, that’s an optimistic way of looking at it. I’m only really getting the game for Vergil, so I don’t care much about the other characters/announcements, but I guess it’s interesting nonetheless. I’m guessing if HCBS was to activate Sword Storm, then Blistering Swords would be HCFS.

For all Vergil Fanboys like me


Floe had never played any of those characters except strider. Nemesis and vergil are both competely new to him. Meanwhile, dios was using all characters he had already played before

MVC3 works in a way where a couple match vids of you in it can make you look like you don’t know how to play especially if you’re using characters you’ve never used before. All it takes is one or 2 pokes in the right place and you lose a character so it’s a lot of looking like a boss or looking like a noob instead.

It’s the fight club dilemma. You can’t blame people for wanting to win on the big screen, but if its ‘character never played before vs character played for months’, the result is always the same… and boring.

Anybody got info on Vergil’s assist? How is his AAA?

Vergil throws Force Edge during Round Trip, as mentioned before, which is also what he did in DMC3.
Speculation incoming: He is still able to attack during Round Trip using Yamato.

It doesn’t have to be speculation, I played with him. You can attack normally with yamato when he throws force edge.

Have you put up any videos yet Vulcan? Can’t wait to see some more gameplay.

I was with neoempire folks at the event. We all gave our vids to one person to edit end upload as a whole. Part of this footage contains some nifty vergil combos, but the bulk consist of what we did not know about the old and new characters. I tried to get some matches but there was no way to record as it go slightly crowded during matches.