Dark Slayer Style - The Vergil General Discussion Thread

Has anybody tried OTG > Teleport xx DT/Spiral Swords to continue the combo after the OTG? Since his teleports are hyper cancel able.

doesnt sound like it would work without a specific assist.

Can you only cancel the start up frames of the teleport?

Everyone should just pick up Zero between now and UMvC3ā€™s release. Haha. I donā€™t really mind that round trip is a button charge move. I was actually excited because Zero is my best character (I played him in TvC as well) and having fancy finger work while using the character just makes the game that much more interesting to me. Kind of like the difference between driving an automatic and manual.

I was already thinking something like call spencer diagonal assist, OTG, teleport.

Round Trip being charge doesnā€™t bother me. Iā€™m more wondering how it will work different from Trish. Will he be able to do commands like Trish or will it be a simple zoning tool?

I would guess that Vergil wonā€™t get commands for his Round Trip if only to differentiate between his and Trishā€™s.

fuck zero!!!..oh wait this is the Vergil threadā€¦my bad

People whine about anything execution related these days. They have characters like Wolverine if you donā€™t wanna worry about which buttons you have to press before you do something.

Thank you. YOu canā€™t be afraid of skill forever, if you want to be good.

maybe longer charge = something? just a thought. Maybe stays out longer.

Hard to hear vid regarding Vergil here:

For those that want to know what round trip does.

It takes slightly longer to charge than z buster, and you can only let go when vergils arm glows blue.

The actual effect is like a shield slash except slightly slower and with more hits. I felt it suffered greatly from hit stun decay.

Round Trip looks alright. I doubt heā€™ll be restricted from attacking at all when itā€™s out. But it may not be fast enough to be used in combos effectively. I agree 100%, if youā€™re annoyed itā€™s a charge moveā€¦

A) Use a different character besides Zero :confused:
B) Use his other moves

Oh well, Iā€™m pretty hyped. I need more gameplay footage of Vergil, and I need to know the commands for his other Hypers besides DT. Any ideas Vulcan?

Trish has non-sparda attacks though, Vergil ONLY uses the sword that heā€™s just thrown (and he throws his real sword not one of the phantom ones right? If not, disregard :p). They probably didnā€™t give him a whole new set of normals just for the duration of one special move.

(so Iā€™m saying he probably wonā€™t be able to attack during round trip)

I make one comment about a charge move being annoying and then thereā€™s all this backlash?

No, itā€™s not an issue that he has a charging negative edge move. Iā€™d have preferred otherwise, especially since I play trish and am used to her input for it, but itā€™s ok as it is. Donā€™t have to make a big deal out of it.

Hopefully itā€™ll be pre-chargable like buster is now in ultimate before the round starts.

Edit: Pretty sure itā€™s a ā€œphantom swordā€.

I heard he threw Force Edge though, so he should still have Yamato.

Match containing Verg:

He gets knocked out early on. But thereā€™s a second game.

well fuck me then, lol.

Edit: Thatā€™s the fightclub experience in a nutshell, people trying new stuff getting blown up by practiced teams :stuck_out_tongue: Have to like the announcer giving him crap for the boring play thoā€™

Yeah, no phantom sword. He has three weapons: Beowulf, Yamato (Katana with massive range, haha), and Force Edge. He throws Force Edge, and nearly all of his borrowed attacks are attacks from Force Edge that overlap with Danteā€™s rebellion. Just thought thatā€™d be a fun fact. You guys should all play DMC3, itā€™s a sick game, lol.

**Edit: **Watched Theliā€™s video. That doom was pretty damn skilled, but come on, that player using Vergil/Nemesis needed to learn how to play fighting games.

So Dante has a Vergil color now.