I thought it scaled after the second time through, not just once. But your could be right. Maybe it’ll be for more meter, but less damage. Something like that, or for “style”. I need to see those uploaded vids. As least we know the commands for almost all of his moves now. Just need the hypers, and we’re set.
I’d feel pretty confident that the extra scaling is on the second :h:. Pure guessing of course, but still.
Are there any interesting properties on round trip being that it is a button charge? Soft knock down or anything? I figured it would be a button charge since it is in DMC3, and hopefully that means it will be a good combo extender like zeros.
You know, at first I was pretty "meh"merized by Vergil’s theme. Then after listening to it for 7 mins straight while I was working on the theme extensions, this song quickly became the top 3 of all the MVC3 tracks I’ve heard thus far. That vionln section sounds cheesy, like the string track on a mellotron. Cheesy in a good way, though.
Anybody know how many hits Vergil’s Round Trip can do?
This game needs an violin/piano theme for someone like Vergil. Needs more class less trash.
If the Running slash assist is not invincible it will not work as a pseudo beam assist. From 0:23 of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQ_Y37zdriY it seems that the Judgement Cut could be his assist of choice, since it comes out fast, has a great hitbox and looks like something that’s great for setting up left-rights.
Played some Vergil at EuroGamer, anyone that was pissed at the range of Dante’s normals will hate this guy lol. Don’t whiff against this character. His teleport is pretty easy to react to if you’re looking for it, and since you don’t have to worry about air dash normals you can defend against him pretty easily without assists. When people get the hang of him though, everyone is fucked imo.
i was expecting more thoughts from people who was at L.A. Fight club.
Had like 30some wins w/ Iron Fist/Vergil today at LA Fight club. Vergil is really simple and effective. Most of his game will very likely revolve around his teleports mixed w/ assists. He’s got decent speed and mad priority on his normals. And i was already doing 50% plus combos with him within 2 games. He will be a threat.
Unless Capcom nerfs him before the game drops… I heard they already nerfed Hawkeye’s arrows a bit so anything is possible atm
really? my gosh. there hasn’t been any substantial info on this guy since he was release. jeez.
We need more info on round trip! Hah. We’ve barely caught a glimpse of it and depending on the properties on it I think it could really affect Vergil’s effectiveness.
Round Trip won’t have an impact on Vergil’s effectiveness. He has many other tools and tricks which look like they’re making him a decent threat already (Teleports, Long Range Normals, Decent Speed, Mid-High Damage). I’m still waiting on those new videos to be posted. Anyone have footage of their actual gameplay with Vergil?
I’m not saying it would hinder his effectiveness. If anything improve it obviously. If its a viable projectile then it could help his long range game and if its useful in combos then it would effect his damage output.
I guess how it could potentially “improve” his effectiveness would be better wording.
I have no idea why people think Round Trip being a charge like Z Buster is a big deal. It’s going to be hella easy to be effective with, especially if you’re playing on pad. Just map L to an additional button (For pad, I’d recommend changing the button that is originally mapped to L2). You still have plenty of fast tools for your rushdown, even without L. Viper players only use cr.M for footsies and etc, and I’m pretty sure Vergil’s M normals are gonna be as fast as, if not only a few frames slower than, most characters’ L normals. I mean, just look at how quickly that sword comes out. It’s almost whiplike in animation.
I just recall trying to learn Juri in the SF4 series and it being an annoyance. It’s also a little more awkward on stick. As I said, I’ll just have to adapt if I want to play him.
Hm the new list of information doesn’t get me very hype at all. It sucks Round Trip is charge, but lets be glad Judgement Cut isn’t charge as well lol. I hate charging though especially with my controller but Ill make it work.
Also seems you can’t do anything after his OTG apart from teleport into super cancel which sucks. His DT does look really useful. Sword super doesn’t transfer over, but expected. Cant Teleport in the air, w/e, sucks, but Dante can’t either
Hmm… Given the right assist, OTG into teleport might still be comboable afterwards without meter.
Round Trip could actually prove somewhat integral to extending his combos if it’s hitstun is anything like Trish’s, might have better combo extensions off of OTG assist -> Round Trip pick-ups than using his High Time + extension assist (depending on the assist of course).
I also like the idea of teleport trickiness with it since it hits on the way back too (I assume). There is too much hype, it’s almost stagnant at this point, this damn game needs to drop now D: