Dark Slayer Style - The Vergil General Discussion Thread

Lol too bad for you because it already does allow him to teleport while swords are up. He can do everything he can normally while they’re, in fact the hit is so instant it’s like 1 frame. Near damn unavoidable if you guess right, especially with the right assist that shit is unstoppable. However according to Seth it scales pretty bad.

Well, it’s how you use a character. Even if they’re brainless, or simple, you can choose not to abuse simple tactics and go for a harder road to victory. I know there’s no reason behind it, but everyone doesn’t have to do the same thing. I don’t think he’ll be that braindead. If so, I would hope they do nerf the Spiral Swords, but I’m not too worried thus far. I remember them saying they “weakened” X-factor significantly in terms of damage and length… I haven’t seen any notable change in it thus far though.

Capcom’s answer to Sword Storm being broken?

Vergil Health nerf :stuck_out_tongue:

Its all about the tournament perspective of view,since with money on the line,why bother using other tactics if there is an much effective one.But if you are just play with friend for fun,you could ban this move if you like.

LoL … i like this one :slight_smile:

The fact is,if only Capcom treated MVC series as half good as treating SF series,they wouldn’t even put this insanity into the game. Capcom doesn’t care about this game.

they know they can get away with it by screaming it’s mahvel baybee

You weren’t even a member when MvC3 launched, yet claim to have witnessed all the “Phoenix Defenders” before the game dropped. Lulwut?

Vergil might be God tier, he might be shit tier, we won’t know until the game releases. Then there’s still meta game to be found. It’s still a toss up if he’s good or not, and to speculate anything else would be ungrounded.

Have fun with your “i’m the veteran” off topic game,whether “i’m a member or not” thing shall come with private messages. And i don’t have to be claiming anything,i’m always here.What is your motivation anyways?You are not making any statement nor discussing anything that has to do with the topic,or probably you’ve just hated me personally for saying the truth with a new membership?So if i had a 3 years old membership with the “same post” you’ll agree with me then?Is that your point?

Maybe there is something in common about the “TBA to know”,but since this is a topic about things like “as far as we know” logic(or what else to discuss anyways?like “i want this,i want that” then?),then by definition as far as we know from now is that he is a god tier. Capcom could always give a final patch before the game comes up if they want,but that’s not as far as we know from now.

Hoping that Vergil can’t teleport during swords? What is this SFIV?

It’s the game where everybody has bullshit. Just gotta live with it if you gonna play.

Nope, never implied I was a veteran or better than you in any way. You assumed that. I was merely recognizing the fact of you not being a part of the site at the time you stated you were. So please, stop crying.

“As far as we know from now is that he is a god tier”. That’s what I’m talking about, you don’t KNOW, you think, you believe; to know is to acknowledge fact. On the flip side of that, I could post, “As far as we know from now is that he is a shit tier”. Because, perhaps in MY opinion he looked dreadful. Lrnhow2logic.

On topic, I’m very excited to have Vergil join my team. Hopefully he will play well and become an important asset to my team synergy.

There’s all kinds of reasons people might have later join dates than they should… :stuck_out_tongue:

About swords>teleport, I think that maybe Killian was softpedaling if anything about how much it scales your combos. The abso-freakin-perfect mixup is okay if you just can’t get much damage out of it, and they HAVE to know about the potential problem. I mean its blindingly obvious.

Thanks for the reminder,or wasn’t that MERELY a reminder?I was MERELY recognizing this whole thing actually had no meaning.

By the “Acknowledged Fact” that we have in this topic,what do you think,Vergil is a bottom tier?

You have brought nothing new to the table. I do enjoy your trivial attempts to mock me, though.

I don’t speculate on the rankings of characters before a game releases. I do think he looks very cool though.

When did i mock anyone?I’m sorry if you felt that way,which i didn’t. But i could understand how you felt,i pretty much had this getting mocked feeling when you started the first post about the membership theory.

And sorry about ranking characters with a poor membership,maybe i should just be quiet and kept things to myself then.Since “i have brought nothing new to the table”.Maybe pointing out that he looks cool is a good news.

By the way just like Deviljin said this is Marvel,people gotta learn to deal with alot of stuff including phoenix,wolverine,wesker etc.But having more knowledge about a character always helps,and that is what i have been trying to do here(i might not be correct),put a ranking on a character is just one of the way to give a rough idea of what a character might capable of in any fighting games,it encourages further discussion and that is one of the thing that makes the community alive anyways.every fighting game has a ranking poll sort of things.Ranking a character prior to the game release is one way to kill the boredom of waiting for the actual release,which also gives a rough comparison for Vergil to the rest of 11 new casts.

When it comes down to it, insisting on a tier ranking for an unreleased character is about as relevant as talking about your favorite alt color or fantasizing about their place in future teams. But there isn’t really anything else to talk about. So, whatever.

Could have done without calling the majority of a thread’s posters deluded and irrational fan boys though.

For what it’s worth, I never even knew about Vergil until I saw the leaked list. I’ve just been struggling to find a 3rd for my team for so long and he’s currently the top contender. If I really wanted to play a brain-dead char, I’d have just picked up wesker and been done ages ago.

If SF is them caring and MvC is them not caring, I’ll take them not caring any day of the week.

I think we can all agree that Vergil won’t be B tier.

Maybe it’s both and 900k is the highest in the game now


(mostly kidding)

Maybe you’re not kidding, haha. Think about it. Everyone seems to be doing more damage now. People speculated on whether it’s the new health bars, everyone actually does more damage, or if everyone’s health is lowered. Can’t see Nemesis with 900K though, haha. Does anyone have a fair estimate of Vergil’s Health based on attacks from other characters and what we’ve seen so far?

Equal to or less than Dante?

I think Vergil is at 850, Magneto health. Definitely in the 800-900 range though.

Definitely thinking bout pairing him with amateratsu and a nice battery on point, maybe iron fist.