Dark Slayer Style - The Vergil General Discussion Thread

He’s a troll lol.

To the many people seeing Vergil as Wolverine/Wesker status: I don’t see that happening. He looks fairly balanced to me. As long as his normals don’t have ridiculous start ups or absurdly effective anti-air abilities, his Spiral Sword super isn’t broken (we just don’t know all the details yet), his health isn’t too high, his teleports and judgment cuts aren’t safe, and his Rapid Slash isn’t overly ambiguous as an attack or an assist. My guess is that he won’t be equipped with all these things and that his limited mobility, limited normals, and limited zoning game will balance him out.

I could easily be mistaken since this is all speculation but this is how I see him as of now. Definitely top tier but I don’t see him being a new Wolverine.

As a counter argument though, I don’t think that meter dependency will hinder him. It’s WAY WAY WAY too easy to build meter in this game. This isn’t the same as MvC2. Every character is a battery IMHO.

^He may have some of those things I listed. As I said, as long as he doesn’t have them all.

Wow, haha. You must not put any thought into certain aspects of your posts.

A > Makes argument
A > Has no knowledge to back up argument
A > Claims time itself will prove his argument correct… when his original argument was made preemptively to begin with.

Foolishness, dhamirneclord, foolishness. Even if you’re trolling. Poor attempt, and I never understood such a thing. Joking around on the internet forums… what a waste of time.

Read this as if Vergil was saying this and thought: Didn’t know Vergil liked forums.

Well, he was trapped in the demon world for an extended period of time. Can’t blame him for being bored.

What about his teleports aren’t safe? Teleports are always safe as long as you call a horizontal or projectile assist first any way.

I also think sword super is a bit overhyped especially with the damage scaling it does. It’s surely going to be good though.

His normals look like faster longer versions of Dante’s (his launcher covers like 2/3’s of the screen or something absolutely retarded like that), he has teleports and most likely will have a good wave dash so his mobility won’t be much worse than Wesker’s especially if he turns on DT where it basically becomes better than Wesker’s. His zoning game won’t be super strong without sword dance or DT but judgement cut with ridiculous sword normals and assists should work.

Thing about Swords is the defensive benefit. If you’re Wolverine, or Haggar, or Tron, or Iron Fist, what do you do when there are swords out? Just wait?

*I checked, no timer on swords, unlike usual powerup hypers.

Yeaa, Vergil’s theme is kickin.

If you’re sure about that, it makes him pretty intense. I’d argue he still isn’t broken since the damage scales a lot, and you can simply block it.

And yeah, every once in a while, Vergil visits my house and I let him traverse the forums online. He gets a real kick out of being a dick to people. I tell him they’re just people over the internet, but he threatens me and types messages anyways. What can you do…

Eclipse, I was being a bit sneaky, there’s no timer visible, but that doesn’t mean they don’t dissapear after a set time :smiley:

Spent some time watching over and over, and… its inconclusive, they seem to go away, but it also looks like it might just be that htey’re used up.

Ah, I understand now. I heard somewhere they stay around for 4-5 seconds. Sneaky indeed, haha. God, I can’t wait to play Vergil in this game. It’s a little sad, but honestly, I had a dream that I took a vacation and somehow managed to get the game around 45 days before it came out. I was so excited, then awoke and realized I had to go to college then see my girlfriend… Life sucks. Haha.

Pretty sure it’s going to stay out as long as Round Harvest does when they’re circling around Vergil.

repositioning them to shoot off from your shoulder will probably reset the time with the swords left and then fire off within the new 4-5 seconds after switching.

Then I assume the crown version will start firing off after 2-3 seconds.

Hahaha. EVERYTHING IS SAFE IN MARVEL! You didn’t get that memo?

So I guess Vergil doesn’t have a Bold Move, eh? If he did I’m sure it would’ve been discussed/brought up already.

Actually you just duplicate my statement,and that makes three.

No,but you are acting like one.

Well,the fact were quite an opposite of what you’ve thought.

A > An argument was already there

A > Vergil is one of the character new in UMVC3 thats making all the hype,no matter how hard you are trying to state the fact by this time which the game is not even out yet,they will always deny the fact with poor excuses.

A > Time is the only factor that will decide the fact, its just waste of energy to repeat those same thing over and over when the Vergil defenders were just self blinding,they don’t care whether is he breaking the game or not,all they ever care is that they love Vergil,any thing that goes offending Vergil is a crime.Why bother explaining if you knew that you are committing a crime and all the “testimony” you provide now will eventually be their tool to judge you.

And i’m not trolling,neither i’m off topic nor fooling around with anyone,i just made my personal statement about Vergil is going to be the game breaker inside the topic “Vergil general discussion”? I didn’t point out to any specific person,but some trolls just keep on making things personal.

Here is some common sense of “knowledge” which i decided not to even mention in my prior reply since i consider a waste of my time anyways

1: Wesker with a sword?his teleport even cross up corner opponent.

2: Dark holes?Projectiles?

3: A-O-E Berserker Slash?

4: Teleport cancels special?

5: Devil trigger with speed boost?

6: How are you even gonna counter Dancing sword super + teleport tactics?

And no,that’s not like Million Carats+DT,since you only had one cross up opportunity which is very predictable and takes pretty long to activate,as your foe sees the Devil Trigger they were pretty much blocking the opposite already,most of the time the MC-DT setup is being setup across from the screen,don’t even tell me you are crazy enough to perform a MC right in front of people,which there is pretty much no way to make a front hit into a combo,just look at some regular matches,how often do you see this setup?almost none?Even if this setup works and force a 50/50,at least your opponent knows exactly the “timing” to guess.

Its not like Dorm either,Stalking Flare may be a good cross up,but its very vulnerable and its a single-cross-up ticket as well,after the block stun you can’t really do much.

However for Vergil,as far as i know,the level 1 had a roughly 5 second(real time) activation?not to mention its not even a 50/50 because after the activation you could teleport any time you wish … any frame you desire makes it impossible to predict(which they aren’t even ready for the mixup),but even if they do block the first attempt,you could always back dash out of block stun and go for a mix up again,with 5 second i’ll roughly put it 3 mix up attempt at least?This teleport + LV1 tactics is basically impossible to counter,he follows everywhere you go(normal height,super jump height),and with the blade protecting him,its not even possible to air throw him out of it. well,it does had a bad damage scaling which would take at least 2-3 attempt to kill?Lets not decide this so quickly,i do believe Vergil had a good combo potential,with DHCs i think a roughly two combo would kill,and its completely unavoidable.

You may think he is hunger for meter,but there is few thing you could try.

1: Extended combos after the teleport+LV1 trick land,extend to the point where the activation is gone.And i’ll repeat it again “Vergil has a good combo potential”.I just can’t wait to see what people could possibly do with him.

2: You could always put him as an anchor with XF LV3 air activation to make him safe come in.with 5 meter + XF LV3.You’ve just bought yourself a estimate of 15 mix up opportunities.

3: Get a better battery for him,maybe having Morrigan as an assist boost this tactics? Turtling around to gain meter seem lame but it could be a possible tactics.(Teleporters always have the gift of Turtling especially a such versatile teleporter)

Now, that was an informative approach. I don’t think it’s wasting your time dhampirneclord. Because you shared that knowledge, there’s a better chance of us understanding your argument or agreeing with you, if that’s what you aim to do.

Otherwise, if you’re not trying to persuade people of your opinion, why bother stating it? If you state it because you have the right to, expect opposition. When opposed, don’t claim you’re right unless you’re going to support your argument with knowledge. I think there’s more stock in what you say now. But based on damage scaling of the Spiral Swords, it still isn’t very threatening. If I’m wrong, and it does way more damage than we think, it could be gamebreaking.

All I’m stating is that it’s too early on regarding gameplay footage and the reveal trailer to assume he’ll be “extremely broken.” It’s entirely possible. Honestly, you’re right about one thing though. I’m a hardcore Vergil fan and I’ll use him if he’s SSS (Stylish) Tier. I’m more interested in the idea that he’s simply in the game. I’ve always wanted him in a 2D fighting game, so I’m stoked.

I’m a Vergil fan as well just to be honest or else i wouldn’t went deep to think about all the possibilities he could have done while the game is still in build,but when i figure out the potential he will have in future tournaments,i’m a bit disappointed. I mean everyone just spamming the same tactics wouldn’t make Vergil much of a fun character.And as for the Damaging scale part,i wouldn’t say that the thing will do a horrifying damage,but i do think if you invest more time into the combo potential that Vergil have,you could still make it very scary,just wait until those combo maniac put up some video.

I hope he can’t teleport during his Sword Storm(?) super to be honest really. Simply because it would so so stupid and unavoidable.

I know it sounds like fun to ruin people’s Mvc3 lives with 50/50s all day, but I don’t want to be that stupid.

I don’t even care if it scales like hell, just give him 2 meters + x-factor lvl3 and he all set to go.

Sup guys, I wanna master the swordsmanship of the Dark Slayer Style. What do I have to do to join? There’s a lot of pages here, so I probably won’t read everything in this thread.

I’ll go ahead and pose my view here; that Vergil will most likely be best used as an anchor because of his meter use. Like dante I’m sure he could fit anywhere on a team, but starting him with 3+ bars would probably be most beneficial to him I’m guessing. Am I incorrect on that assumption?

Thank god there’s finally a capcom character I want to use (he’s the only one I really like in the dmc series). His theme song is fucking badass as well btw…

In one of the videos Vergil teleports a few times during swords. Its so fast that it continues the combo.

dhampire: I’d argue that rapid slash (that the right name?) isn’t that much like zerker slash. It doesn’t seem to normally have the same crossup potential, barring the one place it looks like it IM had dashed forward. Also looks like you can’t combo out of it, except perhaps with DT cancel (and even then it puts you pretty far away, the speed actually works against you in that way).

Outside of swords Vergil looks good but reasonable. Swords seem to have just too many uses (from what we’ve seen so far), I’m kind of expecting them to get nerfed.