Dark Slayer Style - The Vergil General Discussion Thread

That’s a probably with the engine, damage scaling, etc. not the character.

If moves did less damage but damage scaling and hitstun scaling were a bit more forgiving/the same as Vanilla, long advance combos and resets would be a bit more prominent.

they ARE prominent for some characters (Dante, Viper, Magneto, Ammy, a bunch of characters nobody uses), I just think Vergil is too Facerolly to be exciting.

I honestly don’t think the swords are gonna be as braindead as you think. Sure, you could do the obvious and just use the normal one meter version for teleport mix-ups, but it doesn’t look worth it. If you look at the footage, damage scaling hits it like a truck, and presumably hitstun scaling as well. Like, I’m wondering if its even worth it to end in a swords teleport reset versus just ending it with whatever his damaging hyper is called. I’m more excited to see what kind of shenanigan people are going to come up with for the other two version.

And I don’t think its fair to judge his combos. For all we know, we haven’t even seen all his moves. None of the promotions showed Round Trip, for example, but the stage show showed that it was there. I think it’s too early to judge.

But, hey, it’s not my place to try to convince someone towards a character.

You mean might be

that’s why we have discussions :smiley: To present our cases to each other, and work it out. Fun AND educational!

Beyond the teleport, there are 2 other things problematic about swords to me tho’, 1) they seem like they’d totally shut down brawlers, to the ‘flame carpet vs Tron’ level, 2) crown makes any kind of attack plan idiotically risky, even if they do dissapear if Vergil is hit. If they don’t its an escape everything card.

Mr. X: that’s where “I just think” comes in… you can only hedge so much!

That’s cuz you compare him to his brother.

Vergil’s prowess will come from meter abuse and yes it’s gonna come down to sword tele mix-ups and he will dominate but oh well this is a fighting game and fighting games have dumb abusive shit it aint nothing new.

Haha of course :slight_smile: Don’t get me, wrong, I can totally see where you’re coming from, I just don’t think you’re giving him enough credit, or possibly too much. Take the “crown” for example. So yeah, it makes attacking really stupid, making it essentially an easy, kind of like Dorm’s Stalker Flare. But the difference is, crown costs two meters. That’s like sacrificing a DHC to get safe for a little while. Once again, I have to ask, is the obvious route worth it? It’s two meters for a reason, and I think the fun is gonna be making those two meters really count.

I think the really key thing is whether they break when he himself is hit, and how the ring version interacts with projectiles. If they stay no matter what (combo breaker!) and eat beams (for a free approach!) then he’ll be dull. If they take thought to utilize, it’ll be more exciting.

Gotta say, it’d be problematic I think without swords, His other lvl 1 looks excellent too, and again those damn normals… its the case of ‘nothing special, just good.’ The swords are at least unique :smiley:

i can understand not liking a character because they are so easy to learn and no one takes the time to learn anything except his braindead shit(wolvie), but i think it is a little to early for judgement on how the character works.

the thing about braindead users and practiced users is sure, braindead users can get lucky and do their bs combos all damn day but a practiced user will always beat them because they know how to fully use that character and know how that character reacts to other characters…trust me, i use dante and i get a lot of hate mail for that but cool thing is, i get alot of “gg” and “nice dante” messages because i put in an effort to learn him.

the sword hyper is also worrying me as well, damage scaling is an annoyance with characters like vergil and dante because they rely on the # of hits in a combo instead of how powerful the hits are…i think if sword are to be used most effectively they should be more of a defensive thing…just my opinion…

I’ve gotta say, he won’t be a braindead character. He’ll probably be the type of character beginners can use and get away with, like Dante. But at high level play, people will need to utilize more options, and really be more “smart” with him. I’m surprised no one has mentioned this, but once again, got the idea from his combos in DMC3. I’m thinking you could combo into rising sun, possibly hyper cancel it into the summoned swords, then use another meter to shoot them at your opponent in the air. After jump cancel or trick up and continue the combo.

The swords definitely kill combos due to scaling when they’re around him, but maybe using the other two variations (2 meters for once combo) will yield higher damage and less scaling. If so, his combos could have insane potential. He’ll be a meter whore, but if those variations don’t scale much, he’lll have potential to take anyone out in a combo.

I see Vergil as Jack of all Trades. Can keepaway and rushdown and when he wants to play lame he can do just that and with his normals having dumb range he cna easily transition from offense to defense. I’m very excited

This and

This. His sword skirt may be a nice semi-brain dead opener but the real fun comes in weaving the variations into combos such possible assist-less OTG combo extensions like synchronozing the timing of hightime-> teleport-> auto fire on the crown/ sword salvo formations-> dp M-> more stuff/reset. Of course Vergil looks good and people will play him for his obvious 'derp tools, but we can’t fully grasp what he’s fully capable of combo or otherwise off of what we’ve seen so far. I’m very interested in how people will apply round trip with him and hoping he has more beowolf attacks than what’s been revealed

My personal favorite thing to do in DMC3 was rising sun>summoned swords>trick down>round trip>trick up>starfall j.c starfall j.c starfall…

The fact that he can only tele cancel rising sun and high time down (as far as we know) leads me to believe his advanced combos will be intended to be as such. (without the jump cancelled starfall of course, since he can’t jump off his enemies body… but I can dream).

Another possible combo extension I have been thinking about may be Basic shit>j.S>spiral swords>High time Otg>trick down>whatever. The idea here is that the spiral swords will catch the opponent just off the ground preventing a full launch, then continue to juggle as you trick down for a larger combo. Just theory of course, but you never know

I see where ur coming from, when he first got announced I was rather disappointed but I think we still know to little of him to really make any conclusions. There is still the different sword formations and the move property alterations we get from devil trigger to fool around with. We will see come release but I think he has potential, I do think capcom dropped the ball with his devil trigger, but what do I know? Maybe it has some uber sick properties we haven’t dealt with yet.

My Vergil hype is 20/10

Oh god great memories, I wonder if I can still do my jc madness… hmm

I was talking to my friends about doing something like that yesterday. Wish I knew how fast you could cancel High Time

I think it might be possible with High Time, since Vergil can Trick Down afterwards, but that’ll definitely work with an OTG assist like Wesker’s.

Hell yeah, activate Spiral Swords, throw a Round Trip, get a nice horizontal assist like Weasel Shot, drones or beam, shoot some Judgment Cuts and use his retarded sword range and I think Vergil might be a decent zoner, though definitely not a dedicated one.

Once you get a opponent irritated/in block stun, activate assist, Trick in front of them, LMH xx Stinger xx Swords, MH xx Stinger xx Trick behind them/in front/above and oh god the mixups for days.

I’m definitely hype. November can’t come soon enough!

1.Well vergil looks good but everyone is overlooking his baby health. That could put a huge damper on who decides to play him but his mix ups look fantastic.
2. Sword is a utility hyper and will discontinue to be active if he switches out (Kitty Helper, Oroboros, Astral Vison)
3. His damage doesn’t look like its to much without mete but his teleports are pretty good and his range is just like Dante’s…bonkers

Vergil does look mad derpy. He can get free from multiple angles plus he has like half screen normals. Just figure out a relaunch that doesnt scale too badly finish with maximum Vergil DHC into DT Dante cold shower xx stinger xx air trick blah blah blah = one dead character. I still give him a 10 on the hypemeter because this is the character ive been waiting to see in action. Cant wait to get my hands on this game!!!

Keepin it hype!

His health isn’t a concern to me. I got my ass whooped by Akuma’s, Ammys and of course Phoenixes. You just have to be careful with him, as with all of the characters you play anyways.

Seven Rings of Ragodor will beat Sword Spiral? What about Rhino Charge or Secret Move?

Watch Vergil be like Dudley. Pre release, looks damn good blah blah blah.

game drops, everyone’s like “ehhhh…”

EDIT: It’ll beat secret move and rhino charge since you know…they’re projectiles.