Dark Phoenix Strategy: You Can't Control It

If you catch someone with rapid fire anti-air s.L attacks, what’s the normal conversion off of that?

:f:+:h: to launcher.

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

That should always hit. You can fit other hits before the :f:+:h: if you’re close enough.

What are everyone’s strategies for opening someone up with Dark Phoenix when that someone is up-backing in the corner? Assume they’re pretty good at teching throws. Is there a good way to force a grounding into c.L or overhead that’s safe? I keep getting pushblocked out, and I eventually open my opponent up usually but it takes a lot longer than I would like it to.

With Dark Phoenix, that is something your going to need to avoid at all cost. But from my experiences, if the opponent is in the corner, I usually go into TK overdrive M, dash up then d. M. For some reason they always try to hit her even though they see her dash up. If push blocked, you need to pay attention to their pattern. If you know they are going to push block, do a teleport L or M so you can negate the push and go for a grab.
But if your timing is off you’ll be back to square one…either that or dead…

Yeah w/ dark phoenix when they are in the corner you don’t really want to go for air grabs since it’s really risky. Only go for ground grabs. Also what i like to do against a up back wesker for example is lay down a L trap and press standing H since it’s like +5 on block or whatever and try and get them in a counter hit or wait for them to get hit by the trap on the ground. M/L overdrive works too. Also if you use air S or air Down H and teleport you can use the feathers to cover urself or hit them out of a move and they don’t dissappear when hit. You can also just lame them out and shoot fireballs while your behind your L trap and chip them out or get them to press a button or something which usually works. And if they try to random super you or something punish w/ Phoenix Inferno.

also… try to time an overhead when they hit the ground… that usually hits for me… never hit c.L while someone is in the corner, that is a setup to die…

How is c.L bad against a cornered opponent? Chicken blocking > the overhead, so you need the c.L threat.

Chicken blocking is great for avoiding crouching L, and setting up for a j.S or H because c.L does not put the opponent into blockstun… and most people crouch block while coming down from a chicken block… so using her overhead does work… especially since the mass majority of people forget she has an overhead… plus if you space the overhead so that the pellets hit the opponent and cancel into fly… you can set up a double overhead… because her pellets hit overhead too… Plus using s.H sets up a weird situation where when the opponent is chicken blocking, and the bottom pellets hit late the cpu will either crouch block it or block it standing, allowing to cancel into flight for overhead… or hit with a low…

i don’t think the feathers hit overhead though.

I haven’t tested that, but they don’t hit low, so they likely don’t hit overhead.

if you whiff the normal and set the cpu to crouch block low… they hit overhead…

Edit: whoops disregard that… crouch block low for the cpu doesn’t stop them from hitting mid… sorry

don’t forget healing field mixups…

Yeah I’m pretty sure I tested it before too and if you block the feathers low from the right height they don’t hit overhead lol.

Healing Field on Asgard level daylight is too strong. Pick that if you use healing field w/ Normal/Dark Phoenix :stuck_out_tongue:

Healing Field is like how Astral Vision was for me a year ago. I confuse myself to death. “Where am I?!”

I’m sure this has been asked before, but does anyone have experience with a point Phoenix team? I understand it’s a stupid thing to do but I wanna try it for fun.

Right now, I’m going with Phoenix/Sentinel/Akuma. It gives her two relevant assists, and provides safe DHC options to help with her getting randomed out.

To anyone who has tried this before, any tips?

Learn to combo into Healing Sphere or just know when to use it at any given time. Also make sure you have a combo that builds at least one meter as her. Those will be a great help to her. DHC, Cross Counter, and using X-Factor are all options for her if she isn’t safe. Movement is important. She has a lot of movement options. Tri dash, wave, teleport, ect.
Remember one hit is all it takes to end her. Unless healing sphere is on then they she may just fall out of a combo. But that may not always be the case.
Good luck
oh and practice against characters who have command grabs. Those are very much anti Phoenix from the start.

Point Phoenix was my Vanilla team. I recommend running Phoenix/Doom/Amaterasu. You’re still going to be going for Dark Phoenix, and you want Hidden Missiles and Cold Star to help cover your approach and open people up. Then Doom and Amaterasu get their THC together as a way to burn all the meter you generated if Phoenix dies.

Thanks for the advice. I will get on learning something like that ASAP.

That team definitely interests me since I already have experience with x/Doom/Ammy. I was planning on focusing on not even attempting to use DP but we’ll see what happens when I start messing around with the team. Regardless, that’s a nice shell for her and calling cold star with healing field on has got to be confusing as hell.

Apex made me sad, because it showed to be true what every Phoenix player already knows: she’s goddamn easy to counter now. Between Spiral Swords, Ouroboros, Soul Drain, and TAC glitches, I laugh when I see people consistently let Dark Phoenix onto the field. As a Morrigan player, I’ve played Phoenix users in hundreds of matches, and maybe 20% of the time she gets to come out because I have so many Soul Drain set ups to make sure she dies once and never comes back.

So I suggest a new hyper for Phoenix:

0 Bars
Frames: 10 startup, 0 recovery, +15 on block, +40 on hit.
Input: rdp.AA
Deals 375,000 damage to Phoenix and creates an explosive sphere 25% larger than the one created by Dark Phoenix rises. Deals 200,000 damage to opponents caught in the blast and places them in a spinning knockdown.

In my mind, if you earned the 5 bars for Phoenix, your opponent should have to contend with that. It’s one thing to have characters that have an easier time against Dark Phoenix, like Vergil and Strider, and it’s another to have so many ways to prevent her from coming out at all that are built into the game engine. Ideally, TACs will be fixed in the future, but I still think this is a good idea that has a place in Phoenix’s moveset.

Full disclosure: I am a Phoenix user.