Dark Phoenix Strategy: You Can't Control It

I think you can jump out of it. And even if not, the point at which Phoenix transforms is important in most if not all of those anti-dark phoenix setups. Still important to know so you can avoid being caught in them.

I was about to say Joe bomb, but then you said phoenix was his last character…

How much does joe bomb do to phoenix anyway? People seem to be mentioning it alot lately…

Looking for feedback…I’m Running Ammy(Cold Star)/Morrigan(Dark Harmonizer)/Phoenix(Shot)

Morrigan allows metter build while ammy can pressure with reflecter or beads. Only bring out sword for sure damage combos

If I land reflector combo then i take it aerial for meter building exchange. Now if i time it right, i can use morrigan to assist right before i leave the ground with ammy, this allows me to exchange with phoenix then back with ammy, or for lower risk but also lower meter gain, i may assist with phoenix for an Ammy/Morrigan/Ammy aerial exchange. my TK shot will not hit before you launch, but that is actually better for you because you dont want them falling out of hitstun before you can Shuffle when you reenter with Ammy.

If i end up with Phoenix snapped in, a have alot of options, if shes nearly 5 bars, dark harmonizer may safely fill her to 5. If not, cold star can help approach to get in close for a safe aerial exchange. Of course ideally you want your Jean game to be good on its own, which I’m working on, although I’m having problems getting the full aerial with ground bounce midscreen. a full combo from light phoenix will do pretty high damage. If i have to I’ll use 2 bars to get phoenix out by using phoenix inferno at any time for a DHC back to Morrigan’s Astral Vision as a safe exchange that puts me at a good advantage. Inferno has startup invincibility I believe, which allows it to be safe DHC even on block…at least in my experience. if this isn’t the case someone should confirm.

If phoenix is already Dark and i have put her away, I try to have ammy on point and be using dark harmonizer. When i get 4 bars, i try and get an okami shuffle off on a grounded opponent and follow this up with Morrigans level 3 (214AA) for 700k-900k damage depending on how i got to the shuffle.

I like to combo into S>SJC>MM>3H>236S>Okami Shuffle (236AA)>Morrigan lvl 3 (214AA)


EDIT I guess this belongs in teambuilding although it includes some strat on how to ensure your dark phoenix gets in and out.

the title of this thread says dark phoenix strategy but everyone is talking about team building…how about we focus on just dark phoenix??

set 3 traps>236H> teleport if overhead is safe, if not then airdash to feint overhead, baitlag, then teleport behind low attack.
if pinned down by spam sj>fly or m/h teleport to combo 236H

With traps, heavy fireball, and teleport its nearly impossible to block. If you have a low hitting assist then your guaranteed a hit on H teleport. If your combos get fulle blocked be sure to end the string with a low heavy then teleport H for overhead, they might not be quick enough to react, residual fire may hit them as well.

If you ahve 2 bars, don’t be afraid to phoenix inferno purely for the purpose of DHC into a sturdier point.

Just some basic tips…

1.Play until she your last character then XFC and win.Don’t switch into her just because you have 5 bars.
2.You really only need to have around 4 1/2 Meters most combo that hit here with give her the rest.
3.DPM Tk traps really good it’s autowin vs characters with shit range or no meter.
4.Keep track of your XFC time.You don’t want to have DPM without Healing field or XFC on.
5.At close range, Super armor means nothing to you.

I think I have to disagree on this point. if you have a good light phoenix game (which you should) then you should bring her in as soon as you have 5 bars (unless its a bad matchup) and fight with her as hard as you can until she transforms, then tag her out.

Otherwise you end up wasting a potential of alot mroe bar usage by your othercharacters OR not having enough bars when you finally are left with phoenix only. It is common for players to try and time Jean Gray out! If your full health dark phoenix early on then you have a powerhourse in reserve with full health that they will be terrified of the entire time.

Of course this is all very context specific, but I can often kill a point character without Xfactor with jean+darkphoenix, then when they go DOWN change her out safely to keep her for the end of the fight.

I was worried about when you switchout, your character is still in the air, that gives your opponent chance to deal whole lot of chip damage before she can land and XF…I rather allow them to try to waste their chip on normal jean.

Granted, I my mindset has changed about that, due to her Crossover assist and exchanging into DP for a whole lot of damage.

I’m looking for feedback on this team Im trying out and thinking about maiming
Dante/a or b assit/weaker/samurai edge2/Phoenix/ to overdrive any assistance would be greatly welcomed

I’m not sure about that overdrive assist,i’d rather shot assist…but dante and wesker sounds good,just don’t fuck up and get phoenix killed,and when you get snapped in…block with your life,i see it like this…my team is chun,trish and phoenix, so chun and trish are her guardians to build that meter,if they get bodied so what,we got level5 phoenix!.

some guidelines I tend to follow.

  1. If you have all three characters alive, don’t be afraid to use bars, just don’t waste’em… Don’t use lv1 supers in the end of long combos unless they’re going to kill and try not to do random supers.

  2. Don’t leave Phoenix for last unless you can’t manage to get that 5 bars with more than just her alive… you don’t want someone with a lot of health running away like there’s no tomorrow when you have just Phoenix, 5 bars which you cannot use and less than 20 seconds in timer… get normal Phoenix killed first or second or just win with her.

  3. If you hit the transformation “burst”, tagging out is safe, use it.

  4. Don’t randomly teleport without projectiles and/or traps on screen… her teleport has lag and if they hit you out of it, you’re done.

  5. aircombo into groundbounce into straight tag is 100% safe and will not get air countered… use it to tag, unless you really need those bars from air exchanging.

  6. xfactor lv2 is broken enough… don’t always wait till lv3… if you have a good opportunity at activating lv2, do it.

  7. TK Overdrive is awesome, specially M version… USE IT.

  8. If everything else fails… lv3 xfactor and mash until it works LOL! just kidding.

if you NEED to spend a hyper bar, DO IT… really, DO IT… you can always fill up another one or die trying.

This is probably a dumb question, but if you call in phoenix with 5bars as an assist and she dies will it still activate or do you just loose her since the bars aren’t her’s to use as an assist?

Nope if she dies as an assist she is finished

Not sure how useful this is since all you really wanna do is kill people with Phoenix but I’ve been messing around with Dark Phoenix’s air:d:+:h: and trying to do air throw resets off of it and I think I’ve got something down pretty well.

So as I’m sure we all know DPh’s air :d:+:h: does not floor bounce like Jean’s does because of the fire feathers that come out off of it. The opponent just bounces out after the feathers hit and can flip out of it.

Now here’s where the reset comes in. After hitting with the air:d:+:h:, cancel it into Flight ( :qcb:+:s: ) and you’ll recover before your opponent starts to flip out of the feathers. Just wait in Flight for a second and watch the opponent get hit by the feathers. Once they get hit, do an air dash into the opponent for an air throw. If you do a combo into the second screen like :s:,air :m:,:m:,:h:,:d:+:h: you’ll both be pretty high up. If the opponent is in the corner, just wait for the feathers to hit after going into flight, air dash forward and grab. You’ll grab them if they flip out going backwards or forwards.

If you’re midscreen, it’s a bit different. If they tech towards you, they’ll go over you. But if you air dash :uf:+:atk:+:atk:, you’ll go right into them for the air throw. If they tech backwards, air :f:+:atk:+:atk: and you’ll catch up them easily for the air throw. Because both of these air throws are all on the 2nd screen, you can easily combo the air throw into an :l: or :m: teleport, :qcf::uf: :l:TK Shot OTG into some space dependent combos.

I’ll try to put up a video of it tomorrow.

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

Of course, this is really kinda unecessary as no one should be really going for resets with DPh when you can EASILY kill every character in the game with the simplest of combos.

The best Phoenix team IMO is Morrigan/Strange or Ammy/Phoenix. Take advantage of Morrigan meter leech combo with Stranges EoA or Ammys Cold Star it lock the enemy down long enough to do her mirage hyper and use her meter eating fire ball this alone should give you three meters tag her out zone with strange while using her meter build assist you should have atleast 4 bar in under 70 marvel seconds

Don’t forget Bloom as well.

What are some good ways of negating or even punishing pushblock attempts against opponents who just mash pushblock when Phoenix gets close? The only method I know at the moment is tridashing over their normal and punishing it’s recovery but are there any more practical ways?

L overdrive maybe? Or her slide attack?
Also activating flight at the correct time negates pushblock

When I get dark my opponent sometimes tries to get me with She-Hulk’s or Frank’s hyper combo grab, is there a way to avoid it?

If they time it right you cant get out, when playing a DP team you have to identify the threat to her and take them out even if you have to snap them in twice.