Dance with the Claw: Vega Match-up Guide/Discussion

I was struggling vs rogs lately… I mean struggling …so I just searched youtube for uenis vs a rog player… I did the same thing when I had trouble with adon and it worked out ok for me…


uenis basically does a to push back jump in attempts uses variations of RCF chip damage to get a lead and is uber focused on staying out of the corner. I’ve never seen him use ex FBA to get out of the corner so many times as he did in this match.

Your crouching mk beats all his non-meter dash punches and you can spam to discourage him from using metered dash punches. (or other anti dash punch options like throw if your reactions are amazing… mine are not) If you get predictable with I’d expect the invincible reversal into ultra but you still put the player into a guessing scenario with big punish available to you

I don’t think anything is safe against upper dash punch besides Izuna timed jump in.

Though uenis safe jumps the back throw with mk, maybe that is safe? I dunno.

cr.jab infinity I just try to stay away from their jump ins and figure out tick throw setup and tech or if they are tech punishing use ST. It should beat everything (throw, dash punch, tech punishes) except another jab or block.

I won most of my rog matches today after copying uenis above.

That match has a few good things, but it has alot of bad ones too that the Rog couldve used to turn the match around if he knew how to play the MU…

EX FBA is punishable by Rog everytime if has TAP (and in many cases he can get enough charge for it from the duration of the EX FBA itself), even if u fly fullscreen away 1 or 2 dashes then letting go of TAP will punish you. does look like a really good tool against Rog though, I’ll keep that in mind. I always forget to use it for some reason.
Those RCFs are all pretty punishable by focus or TAP… didnt seem like its worth the risk to get petty chip damage.

Also EX low dash punch goes under s.HK, second hit whiffs and you get tagged. Not many Rogs seem to know this though…

backthrow> jf into stuff usually works against EX upper but thats too obvious and usually they just block/backdash instead after back throws…

IMO trying to ST mid pressure is very risky coz a blocked ST can be punished with s.RH into full combo with EX upper loops, and many of Rog’s frametraps will beat the ST like c.lp> or s.lp>s.RH, and as you mentioned if he just keeps jabbing you’ll get beat as well.

Guess its an annoying matchup and I’ll have to always keep him out coz pressuring him is never really worth the reward or the risk you take getting in range for his BS to work.

I was not aware of the EX Low Dash beating, it’s never happened to me before. Does it even lose if you hit rog during startup?

Regarding RCF I believe the strong and fierce versions can roll under TAP, and beat FA obviously because of the multiple hits.

Correct me if I am wrong but I believe RCF can roll under TAP if the hit box is right. Or maybe I am hitting tap after invincible frames stop but before active frames start? I dunno.

You’re welcome to try it, he ducks before the second hit of s.Hk connects :confused:

At the range Uenis was using RCF it was only 1 hit so Focus would beat it, never really tried to beat TAP with RCF so idk what would happen there, might go to the lab and test it out.

The problem is you have to be right in mid range to achieve that : too close, he will jab you sooner or later, too far he will go into meaty dash punches.

That’s my problem currently : if i beat they’re common dash punches too consistenly (sLK is great indeed), they switch to a max range meaty style (almost triggering their move midscreen away), and my counters tend to trade.

I think it’s the TAP :

cMK seems too short to beat those at max range. Maybe cHK could… or MP-RCF indeed. =)

Could I get a general consensus on these matchups:


Matchup ratios / general matchup input would be great
Thanks y’all, appreciate it a lot.

About Dee-jay :

I think it’s around 5,5-4,5 in his favor when you don’t know the MU, 5-5 if you do. The fact is their moves counters perfectly ours without them even needing to think about it. You’ll have to assault them more carefully than usual :

— Sobat do beat cMK (and focus)
— Slide does beat Cosmic heel, and can pass under sMK
— backthrow safe-jump is not safe against EX upkicks
— Blocked FBA is punishable by EX Sobat
— Jumping on a crouching Dee-jay is generally a bad idea, but it’s OK if they’re standing
— bjHP corpse-hop is similarly bad, 'cause they will tend to reverse with EX upkicks
— Trying Izuna loop is ill advised as soon as they get EX, for the same reasons

So as a summary, if you do not have a good ground game, you will have trouble against Dee-jay. =)

One thing which can help, is pinpointing the moment or their projectiles and of their slides (typically after a blocked LK sobat, who usually finishes a string), to focus them and punish. =)

Also, for Dee-jay. Always jump in with HK, never HP. HK as 2 more active frames, which you will need in case he uses slide to get under the jump in.

Gen: 6-4 in Gen’s favor
Ken: 5-5
Blanka: 6-4 in Claw’s favor
Sagat: 5-5
Dee Jay: 6-4 in Claw’s favor. cr. mp>EX FBA punishes a lot of Dee Jay’s stuff namely,, slide, EX Dread Kicks, Machine Gun Upper (all versions). If the Dee Jay is slide happy, just focus lvl2 that stuff, dash in and do bnb of your choice. They won’t use it as much if you do that or if you space and whiff punish it with your slide. Neutral jump or jump back thee EX Sobat Kicks and punish accordingly for huge damage. jf mp safe jump after back throw to bait out the upkicks and punish accordingly. If you time it right, you can actually kara throw the slides to really get into their heads. In general, Claw’s ground game is better than Dee Jays so never jump in recklessly like TriasNT pointed out. Also, slide underneath crossups if they end their blockstring . Sometimes Dee Jays like to jump in on your knockdown, blockstring, and then jump over to try and cross you up so just slide underneath that and you’ll be at poking range. Shout outs to Chris King for showing me that :slight_smile:

Is the matchup in gens favor because of Vegas poor wakeup and because of gens shenanigans? Does
Claw out footsie gen ?

The problem with gen is your zone for footsies and his zone for cross up / mix up jump ins is about identical.

His FA is also very good.

After years, I’ve decided that U1 is a completely useless ultra outside the Sagat and Dhalsim MU. Too slow, clumsy and no invinsibility and long input. I don’t like it other than its animation.

For me its the Ultra of choice against Sagat, Dhalsim and Viper.

Its also useful against Bison and Chun Li to a certain extent.
You can BHC the dive of Bison and the fireball of Chun Li.
Also you can AA both of them if you have good reactions as their jump is floaty as hell.
Another reason to use U1 on those matchups is that U2 is pretty useless against them.

But yeah. The motion is a problem for me as well. I just can’t get it fast enough. And if I do, its in a clumsy way that is not certain that it will come out. If it was the same motion of SFxT I would be happy.

But oh well, back to training mode.


Even if you don’t catch every possible opening (due to charging time), having U1 stocked is really something which will cool down projectile happy opponents. You’re pissed off by a wall of projectiles ? Crouch ! Most opponent will stop it right away.

Only a fool will continue throwing those, and thus get the ultra, but it’s still way easier to get in and mostly 'cause of psychologics in fact.

The other point is that it’s a better punisher from afar : U2 is quite slow in fact, and it takes a lot of frames for it to travel fullscreen. U1 has startup, and then it’s max 6 frames until max range. =)

Maybe because I use U2 nearly in every match I have found great use for it at every match and Bison and Chun is two of them. Especially at PC cross-up it auto-corrects and gets Bison. When they think their scissor is safe and they try to keep you in the corner with more than 2 of it, throw the U2 and they fall. Any missed lightning legs and do the beloved U2. A close fireball? Do U2. A fd-hk? Do the U2 and it autocorrects. And as you pointed out both have floaty jumps and you can hit them in the air with CH and do U2 afterwards. The same with Viper. One missed burning kick, super-jump, U1, aa? CH-U2 the bitch.

U2 is awesome :slight_smile: Maybe a little slow but I don’t care.

Update! I won everyone thanks for your little updates on the match! Hopefully I can get the video uploaded on youtube soon so you guys can watch my scrub vega :3!

Also I prefer u1 over u2 but thats just me :wink:

Dash u1 throws ppl off guard ^3^

really, what?

df.hks recovery is 5f, perfect meaty cant be punished with vegas u2. Why do i have to miss lightning legs against vega? and CH AA against chun? really? wtf

The only time you can antiair with CosmicHeel is if the opponent goes for a far jumpin from max range: trying to just clip you high with a long air normal, and before they get far you walkback or backdash totally out of range and still have time to kick it (basically needs to be anticipated, not just reacted to). It’s happened in pro games but rarely.

i dont know why ill be jumping in that range, but ok i guess.

And where do you see me saying “perfect meaty?” You’ve invented that :smiley: I’m talking about the move itself not when it’s done perfectly meaty. And CH aaing Chun happens real often.