Seriously, you should only be watchful when she has EX or Ultra charged. If not and you’re already attacking, you can rush her without mercy. =)
U1 without a doubt.
To start or finish an attack with a kikosho is extremely common for a Chun-li player. And if they get wise enough to avoid using them when you’ve got ultra charged, it weakens a lot their zoning.
Some might add that her jump is so floaty that you can BHC them on reaction. =)
I know it will sound strange but someone please give me some advice on mirror match :S
I have eliminated most of my hard MU problems and now my most dreaded MU is mirror. There must be something I’m missing.
Well, I just LOVE the mirror match. Damn it, its just so fun to spoil someone’s wake up without a single worry.
Just OS cr.HK to catch a backdash and there you go, mix up how the hell you want.
And also, KKK flip - crMP EX FBA to punish wall dives on you. EX FBA to punish “fake” wall dive.
Be ready to cr.MP EX FBA that EX SHC crossup.
And you know when you are in range for cr.MP/Cosmic Heel and you are willing to use either of them? Well, don’t, use focus instead. Bait those moves, crumple him and CH ST.
I would say the exact same thing, but from the reverse side : when you’re facing another Claw, having a good defense is almost as important than being an offensive beast, and can compensate some weaknesses in attacking skills.
One of the key things is remembering that Claw is constantly frame-trapping the opponent : pressing buttons is often a bad idea, and I would prefer to be thrown (120 dmg) rather than eating the cMP EX Izuna following a cMK (210 damage + vortex).
The second key thing would be avoiding opening yourself easily. And as Haztlan says, the more skilled the Claw you’re facing is, the more dangerous it will be to try anything looking like an FBA. Same for cHK : dangerous gamble (I’ve lost countless time because of it). =)
It may be almost to embarrassing to ask, but since all the gfwl Claws are together, I do it anyway:
Which attack to you use to OS the sweep with? I mean to catch back-dashers on their wake up.
In a mirror I always get caught and I myself never catch…
Oh, and another thing. Don’t try to anti air Claw from the ground. Claw’s grounded anti airs are crap and Claw’s jump ins are godlike. So, if you didn’t antecipated the jump in you have to mix up your defense with blocking, focus attack and focus backdash.
You can OS it with a lot of attacks, though I think your primary one should be the weakest one as seen from the computer point of view. =)
I’ve never OS’ed you personally. I don’t think Gross_indecency uses a lot of OSes too, though I would be interested in knowing it.
In fact it’s something quite new to me and I’ve only done it a few times and only after jumping-in. I think it must be tougher to do OS at wake-up, though I don’t really know how much time do you have to input it. =)
I know OSs but I can never use it on anyone. Everyone except Vega has some inv. special to beat the cr.lp. And on Vega, there will be that gap after OS for me to realise what happened and a cr.lp from my opponent can come if my cr.lp hit cause I would leave a gap there. So OS (except tech OS of course) is no good for me.
It is really frustrating to fight mirror for me. Cause on a KD the situation is very bad because of corpse hop. It is ironic something that I love to do feels very unfair when done to me, lol. “Will he grab? or worse he can st.hp so I cannot focus! OMG I will backdash. Fuck, here came and I’m down again”
And btw, dear GFWL Claws, I’m stuck in 12800~ PP How do you raise it? Both star and Haztlan have good PPs. But the point system is so unfair.
Btw, have any of you fought simonhaze? He is one Vega I can NEVER beat. I beat his other main, Dudley, every time. But his Vega I cannot touch.
I should to go into OS someday, 'cause those wild guesses of mine are mad unsafe sometimes. =D
Even with specials, a lot of people/characters do prefer to backdash when then don’t know whether a throw or a frame-trap is coming. To avoid being baited would be enough of a reason for this.
Now linking consistently cLP is tough enough for me atm, so I won’t OS in that case either.
And the worse is that it’s not a good glare of your skills, as your Claw can rock all other MU but suck at mirror.
Anyway, most Claw player have good attack but bad defense. It’s our character design, we can’t help it. =)
I think I know this simonhaze, though I never fought his claw.
As for Battlepoints: come on man
Every time I got frustrated with ranked I play endless-only for a couple of days, that helps with the common “I have to win because it is my birthright” attitude
Or just kick the better players form your ranking lobby but from here it is only a minor step to plain boosting.
Ok…how do you do an option select or get around on. I was playing at a local place and I kept getting option select thrown and option select swept. I am so throw free to those. I can block anything but the throw teching is a serious problem.
Help! It was a serious blow to my confidence because I have played many an Akuma and the vortex hurt badly.
'cause the most common OS used by akuma players is cLP+cLK OS cHK, meaning that on block it would give a cLK, if you wake-up throw they would tech, and if you wake-up backdash they would sweep. However they wouldn’t OS throw with that.
Crouch-tech should be OK against throw/sweep mix-up, unless you’re frame-trapped. If so you can KKK flip. If you aren’t frame trapped, you can try to neutral jump as well. If you’re sure next attack will be low or a throw, you can also try to HK-ST his head, but it’s gutsy. =D
Unless you’re going for a trap or tick throw, don’t do just one jab then. Of course you can’t confirm just one jab, no one could possibly do that. If you’re going for a jab confirm, then keep on jabbing.
If he option selects your backdash with a sweep, you should stop backdashing. It’s going to lose every time. Unless you use FA. Let’s say he does cr.lp~hk. If you backdash the lp, he’ll sweep you. But if you focus absorb the lp and then backdash, the sweep wont come out. Another thing Vega can do is KKK flip, which is great in some MUs, like vs Seth and Sakura. Vs Akuma though, I’d be very careful about using it. If he’s going for in his blockstrings, he’s OSing, which will beat you outright. Also, even if you make a sweep whiff, he can do U1.
Cool. I meant also with his demon flip nonsense. I he would always get me differently on my wake up before I could flip out and when I tried backdashing I would get swept for another mix up. I don’t blindly backdash at all…I hate giving up too much space.
Hey guys, just curious if I could get the general consensus for matchup ratios for these characters:
I would look on the first page myself, but I know from prior experience that a lot of character matchup threads dont keep the first page as up to date as it could be, and im not really asking for a full rundown of each matchup, just he ratio. I would appreciate it a lot if anyone with good experience could chime in. Thanks a lot yall.
Guile - I think it’s in Vega’s favor
Seth - I think it’s in Vega’s favor
Ryu - Even but we’ve all played this matchup 1,000,000 times so nothing should surprise you
Dan - Even but that kick pressure makes it easy to get into Vega
Ken - Even but even easier for Ken to get in compared to Ryu and Dan
Bison - Even but his corner pressure is harsh on a Vega, easier to get into vega than ken, dan, and ryu, one EX crusher … derp
Fuerte - Even, hard to score a knockdown on vega but when he does it’s rough
Deejay - DJays favor, maybe it’s just me but I’d almost rather play a Rufus or turtle chun than a Deejay
Well, just pointing out that EX ST eats EX Psycho Crusher alive.
So does U1, but its hard to react.
You know… for some reason there are Dictators that like to use that move from full screen.
The reason is that it’s a frame trap when done meaty, and the easiest way to achieve this is use at max range. Just like Boxers charges you know. Theorically, dictators could be up to +4/6 with EX PC. Dunno if that could apply to others PC as they are two hits.
But Ex-ST is a nice tip, as psycho-crushers are indeed considered as a projectile by the game. I use this for Viper’s burning kicks, but I never though of using it vs dictator. Thx for this, Haztlan. =)