Dance with the Claw: Vega Match-up Guide/Discussion

That’s racist.

hey can some one throw me some help here. I understand hitbox and frame data but the air to air logics is confusing me…If i watch kens data, his J. hk and J. hp is crap but lately ken is dominating me in air to air…from very far vega’s j. mp works clean but a little bit closer and nothin. for some reason ken’s j. hp is beating air throw…it has reached the point where peeps are using j. hk as an anti air vs me…

what is the best move vs ken j. hk…note that the start up is quicker than all vega’s air to air other than j. hp and nj. hk but nj. hk is a defensive move and j. hp has a low hit box…help meeeee pleeeease

it all depends on startup and hitboxes.

Air to air Vega usually dominates but if the opponent pulls off a quick or instant air normal going up you’ll tend to lose. Best bet is to wait on the ground and anti air with ST since by then the active frames have worn off. Then they’ll start delaying their air normals giving you a window to jump normal anti air them or air throw them.

Best Vega cosplay that I have seen so far.

I’m jealous. I was working so hard to make my Vega costume the best… Then I see this. CRAP! lol :stuck_out_tongue:

any one have any advice for the bison matchup?

what specifically are you having a problem with?

Hello Claw Players =)

I always visit this thread and finally decided on joining the forums in search for some guideance. (Hope thats a word)

I’m having troubles with Rufus’ pressure game, and Balrog in general. Can you give me some tips on how to handle those beasts?

Thanks for reading, and have a nice day.

I don’t play Vega, but why is this move (sky claw?) so high at 8:28?
Or is only the EX vers low? I have never seen Vega flying so high before while he was doing that move.
Thx in advance.


Hi LiangHuBBB.

This is the light punch SHC. The lighter the version, the higher it will fly after the wall bounce : LP > MP > HP. Only HP would hit a grounded opponent, so it’s the more used aside EX. EX hits horizontally at the same height than HP.

LP or MP SHC are useful to catch predicted jumps or reversals ending in the air. But they aren’t popular, 'cause if you may look very smart on hit, you’ll feel very dumb on whiff. -_-

Thanks for the explanation.

It also trends to come out accidentally when releasing the MP button. Particularly when doing cMP xx EX FBA

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It REALLY does.

Absolutely. That’s because of negative edge, the game registering a command at button release as well as button press. It only « works » with specials though, but it’s a huge pain in the ass.

To avoid this, just maintain MP pressed while canceling into EX FBA : no button release = no negative edge. =)

I am having a horrible time against Dan. Danku pressure is too good vs vega and every time I get crossed up by it i die inside a little.

Dan MU is horrible for Claw. I’m still working at it, but maybe it will help if we share answers :

VS blocked Danku

you must vary your defense, no other way out. Mixing up backdashes, KKK flip, blocking and ST will reduce his success rate, depending on what he’s doing.

  • Against DP/throw mix-up, flips are effective, but will lose vs him just waiting if you spam them.
    Late teching could help as well against those.
  • Against throw/neutral jumps, LK-ST and neutral jumping yourself will do very well. ^^
  • Against throw and normals ; backdashes will work but will lose to EX danku.
  • Against throw, and EX danku ; KKK flip, neutral jumping, bjHP, and EX-ST will help.

You should just block almost half of the time, to mix things up, but not more : if he guesses that you’re gonna block most of the time, he’ll go for heavy normals, which can lead to 3 consecutive frame-traps until cancel into another Danku.

VS cross-up (air danku)

Most of the time, it’s achieve out of a precise setup, following a throw for example. You should be able to recognize and block it after a few times.

VS approaching Dankus

When he hasn’t catched you blocking yet. You have a lot of normals which would beat his ground version : sLK mostly, sHK, but also CH if you’re the one attacking, sMP, and cHP if you’re well spaced. cHK will slide under him, leaving you unarmed.

Air dankus can only be beaten by air to air attacks, just forget ST against them.

What I’m wondering at the moment, is if his strings wouldn’t be beaten by EX-ST or backdashes/neutral jumps just when he does cancels into a meaty LK-Danku. Not one done very close, but one ending a 3+ attacks blockstring. I think there must be a gap somewhere. =)

Fought a series of matches against a good Cody Player this weekend (Spookydonkey) and I learned a lot about the match up against Cody. Feel free to correct me, but based on my experiences, here’s what I have to say about the match up

Cody Has Anti Airs

Probably one of the more annoying aspects about this fight is that Cody has a number of way to answer your wall dives and jump ins in general, including good normal attacks, HK Ruffian Kick, Zonk Knuckle in General, etc. This isn’t to say not jump or use wall dives, but to take consideration of these answers and adjust your fight plan accordingly, depending on the Cody’s playstyle


It might’ve just been this guy, but he likes Zonk Knuckle. I don’t blame him as it can lead to some crazy combos with FADC. Luckily, it’s low vulnerable and cr.LK and cr.MK are relatively good and quick answers to the knuckle, which can lead to a decent EX Walldive punish. Otherwise, I believe all versions are punishable by cr.LP. Another funny fact about Zonk Knuckle is that Piece of Mercury and Cresent Heel can cross up with Zonk Knuckle, effectively switching the player’s sides.


Respect Cody’s HP, all ground variants of it, especially on wake up it has more active frames that it appears. Needless to say, block or backdash if you have time for it. It can be the different between a comeback or a lost round.

Throw all the rocks and knives!

While I haven’t seen it in alot of high level play, Cody’s rocks and knife provide decent pressure for him. Especially the EX variant, which can combo into EX Ruffian Kick or U2 if the player is skilled enough. This Cody was also very skillful with the knife , using it’s range to keep me out, rather effectively. Just be patient and try to catch an extended limb, whether it’s through j.MP, cr.LP, or st.HP

That’s just a general run down of tactics I came across when playing against Cody.

Hello people, can someone help me with the Chun MU? i mean… i just dont understand why is she 5-5 to you guys, i mean, She has better AA, you cant jump her in, but she can to you… and it hurts with so many frame traps that she can do to you, we cannot punish her sweep the way we are supposed to, cause crmp.FBA wiff to her, and she can punish almost all of our pokes with the sweep, and that kikosho its so freaking anoying… i mean you cant just sit there and wait… and the JHP eats our Air Grab…

Dunno who said the Chunster MU was 5-5, but it’s certainly not me. It’s in her favor, though not that much when you know how to handle her.

Chun-li hasn’t that much grounded anti-airs. If she predicts a jump in from a close distance, she can sHK you, but it works no better than our own. EX SPD is mostly a reversal due to it’s strange active frame timing. So that’s why they mostly rely on air to air such as njHK(which has good priority). The weakness of this technique reside in it’s slow speed, which will push her to neutral jump preemptively (=> free focus for you).

Plus if she can’t jump (knocked down), then it’s a free jump for you. Just be wise enought to safe-jump if she has EX, and there should be no problem.


jHP hasn’t that much priority as you can see. But it’s two hits, and has potentially damaging juggle potential, so it should not be take lighlty. It can be beaten (by jMP for example, or airthrow if you’re above) as long as you’re above or at the same height than chun-li. Meaning that if she is already above you, you should just block… or escape (bdash, or forward dash under her). =)

As as summary, she can defend herself in the air against brainless jumps, but she has almost as much trouble as we do against a wise aerial pressure. =)

Her sweep is among the less punishable of the game. Though in the best situations for her, she will be at -2. So you can’t punish everytime, but she still loses her momentum. =)

Only from afar. =)

Wrong. Her sweep has 7 frames startup, and most Claw’s pokes (sLK, cMK, sMK and cMP) are -4 at worse. Most probable is that you do standing pokes and that she catches you 'cause you’re not blocking low. Plus her pokes (cHP/cHK) indeed do have a lot of range, so it’s true one should be watchful.

If have trouble with this, use only attacks positive on block (sLK and cMK) to get in.


Thanks a bunch for the explanation Trias… ill keep your advises, its there any special tech or situatuion we as Vega*s can abuse with her or something… and wich ultra do you guys recomend on this MU? I almost always play with u2 but on this MU i figure that once she takes the life advantage its easier for her to keep vega away with her fireballs, so im starting to pick u1…