i play the extremes personally. I’ll either run away for 99 secs building ultra/super meter from the fireballs or rush him down if he walks himself into the corner. I will also jump in until he prooves he can stop it because jHP kills flash kicks that arent done extremely late. Best way to bait them is to jump in slightly late so that if they FK with reversal timing you’re already stabbing them in the head. I think of it as a sudo meaty cause it’s hitting on the first frame after i frames end.
Not wanting to play somebody who may be worse than you is understandable, but to actually be enough of a jerk to say something like “Don’t try again, I’m better than you” is pretty unnecessary and rude. Though that’s par for the course on XBL I suppose.
i’ve never had that said to me on either xbl or psn but…
I’d simply say “free points for you” assuming he was actually good. Of course if he was actually good chances are he wouldnt care about points anyway and if he did then he probably wouldnt be good anyway so… yeah
So, last night, T SRAI Blanka was online, I didn’t know he was also playing on PC, I just saw his lobby, didn’t even enter it; as he is from China and I’m from Turkey, we would have a one day latency. So today, I receive a message from him saying “LOL”. And I replied “?” and he sent a friend request. Isn’t this strange? We haven’t even played or met on the net. How does he know me? o_O
Rather play vs a Dhalsim than a Vega
I haven’t played a truly good one before, but I feel like Vega definitely bodies Dudley. At least on paper.
Stop playing dumb with him and accept already.
Sent from my HTC Evo 3D using Tapatalk 2
Well, I did. And although I told him that we would have an immense lag due to the distance he went ahead and invited me to play. So we played once, if you can call it playing (an impossible lag). Then of course we stopped. I won though, but I don’t count it.
His voice acting is enough for me to want to slice him.
It’s the grab range, and poke range. that gets dud the most
lol if someone good sends you a friend request you quietly accept doesnt matter the lag
Hakan. They are now getting good. Anyone have any advice on them? All i know for sure is to not get knocked down and don’t naked izuna.
It sounds simplistic, but honestly, just play keepaway until his initial oil runs out. There’s almost nothing he can do to safely approach you. Many of his best normals for moving him forward are at least -5 on block, meaning that Vega can consistently punish them with cr.MP from even max range. Hakan also has a very odd jump arc, so it’s bafflingly easy to anti-air him with buttons that don’t usually work well on other characters (such as cr.HP in particular). Once his oil runs out, just play an oppressive footsie game. Try to remain within slide range so that you can easily react to Oil Showers, and otherwise pester him with st.LK and cr.MK. Pretty standard gameplan in that regard. Also, until he gets U2, don’t be afraid to Izuna loop him on wakeup. Hakan is pretty free to it without his Ultra 2 stocked.
I would do an Izuna and he’d do that damned command crouch thing. My teammate uses Fuerte/Hakan and doesn’t like being a team player and helping others out. I would avoid the oiling but while i don’t want to be beaten by the initial oil it gives him more time to oil DURING the initial. I hold my own, but is there any tech that I don’t know?
No tech, hakan is just a matter of not letting him in, he is actually REALLY dangerous if he knocks you down, he has a few garantueed oil rocket (360 kick grab) set ups on our wake up coupled with safejumps and the like.
The risk of using reversal ST or KKK becomes something you have to take in some situations since you cant jump out or crouch in these setups. and coupled with the meaty/safejump youll have a hard time even trying ST because of a high block. You really dont want to be in these situations against hakan.
When he is oiled run/keep away from him, oiled hakan is actually really bad for vega, because he then has the best focus in the game wich he can also change into parry’s… combined with far ranging EX command grabs. He screams anti poke and his slide will easily close distance and makes your focus less viable.
Most vega’s will lose this match purely out of underestimation of oiled Hakan, getting knocked down and then eating hard to get out of oki games from hakan.
Like Gray said, keep in a range where he has a tough time to hit you, but you can still punish any oil shower.
Watch your feet, a random slide could spell trouble for vega, when you block a slide, watch out for fadc tricks.
If you have meter you can punish all oil showers from full screen with EX-FBA. (keep in mind: if he does EX-Oil shower, he can cancel it with coward crouch to avoid an EX-FBA knee and try to punish your walldive).
When his oil is out this match up suddenly turns greatly into vega’s advantage, you have the option of easily “downback laming him out” or go all out in attack, both are hard to deal with for dry hakan. When you choose to attack him all out, always keep in mind that your risking a possible momentum change, because he can hit a (mashed or well placed) EX-Command grab. It hurts and he can oil again and possibly become a problem again.
The match really comes down to avoiding oiled hakan and keeping dry hakan dry, beating him in the process.
Great advices here from Emersion.
I would treat Hakan like any other grappler : zone him, poke him and anti-air him while watching your guard for slides. Most of those I’ve seen try crazy things to get in, and as Emersion said most of them are punishable (FADC put aside). If you’re maintaining yourself at zoning range, he shouldn’t be able to oil himself without eating a cHK.
He’s free at wake-up if he hasn’t EX/ultra, and then bjHP would beat those.
Yet I haven’t met really strong Hakans yet, but overall : don’t underestimate him and you’ll win. =)
i have 1 small tech that might save u a shit ton of damage and confuse the hell out of hakans when u do play them. when u get knocked down by him, pay attention to what he is using. if he is doin meaty jump cross ups with HK and meaty oil dive set ups to catch u with the stand frames, just do cr lp on wake up. i tried it in several ranked matchs and it baffels them. u remove that stand frames and they will whiff every time. its freakin hilarious.
another thing i love to do is notice when he use focus, if i catch it, i jus mp roll. sometimes i just out right spam it to tell the player stop focusing and use slide and thats when u can catch them. dont do it full screen but about half screen distance because most hakans will spam focus as soon as they see u slightly move to catch u. make him use slide. he will have to guess which button is safe and which isnt. no one is always perfect
Also beware that most hakan players (like myself) will slide while holding the opposite direction in order to nelify the slide’s maximum distance. If this happens, do not attack with any normals or specials that have high startup like Vegas’ cMK or cMP, Hakan has enough time to block and punish you just when you think it’s safe to attack.
Personaly, I do not consider cMK as punishable (+2 on block), nor cMP as a slow attack (4 frames).
The problem would be slide has 21 active frames, and is -17 point blank. Meaning if it’s meaty… he could even be slightly positive (+3). In what case striking back is not a good idea at all. It musn’t be easy to get the proper spacing though, and it could possibly be dodged. =)
I do apologize for not explaining it better (I had to rush :P). I should have said that if Haka’s slide whiff (the player can force the whiff by holding the opposite direction during his slide), he can immediately attack or dodge as if his recovery frames are none.
I also should not have said “do not” instead of saying “it’s best not to use said moves”.